
Time to study, I guess

Michelle's pov

Wait, is, is that a smile?! I can't believe it... HE IS LITERALLY SMILING AT ME! Ok, calm down Michelle, calm down, he's just your Math partner... a really, really cute math partner.

I kept walking towards him but I felt heavy, it was an odd felling. I mean, yes he is pretty, yes he is hot but, come on Michelle get over it! I can't believe I'm checking out the school Emo. Oh my, oh my, oh my he's coming... HE'S COMING! What do I do, do I keep walking, am I still smiling? Is my hair ok, how's my breath.

Dilan's Pov

I decided to walk toward her as well, but as soon as I did that she stopped smiling, what did I do wrong? I should have just stayed? Oh wait, ok. She's smiling again but her eyes seem unquiet. I'm not having a panic attack right? I mean I don't like her, she's just a mean girl, a really funny and pretty mean girl.

She's part of the group of girl that Billie everyone. One time wen I studied in Australia I was actually popular, but I made one mistake at a game and, well I'm going to resume in two words MEAN GIRLS.

Ok, back to the dat- I mean... back to meeting. I'm not going to lie, she's looking so good, I don't know if I ever saw someone like that, she's rocking that dress! Finally, we were 2 ft's away...

-Hey you- you look great...- I tried not to sound as mesmerized as I was, but it was really hard.

-Thanks, you look amazing too. Didn't know you knew how to dress any other color besides black.- did she just? Ok Im just going to forget she said that...

-Bet?- I actually had a bunch ok different colored clothes.

-Bet!- ok she just accepted.

Michelle's pov

We made a deal, he's going to school with different colored clothes, no black for 1 week. We created some term and... BOOM! He's so going to loose, also he must be terrible at matching colors.

-So where do you like any to eat mean queen?- He didn't just call me what I think he did did him?

-Ugh, um vegan, so let's go somewhere with vegan food.- I said that in a angry tone, I did not like the mean joke.

-Ok, after that, where do you want to study?.- He asked.

I completely forgot he's new at the city, so he doesn't know it well. Luckily I'm a city pro! I know every single meter of the city.

We walked side by side the hole time, he was 6,0 ft tall and I was 5,4. It was kinda embarrassing, he was the tallest kid at school. We talked a lot before getting to the cafe.