
Oh well...

Dilan's Pov

Tell me I didn't just accept a date with Michelle Vazcoz, I guess I did. What am I going to wear? I've only been to one date, and let's just say it didn't end that well... she was my math partner, nothing could happen, plus, I only just got to this school, I can't just go dating anyone.

Luckily George is THE BEST at dates, oh yeah, it's been about 1 year since George came out as gay, his dad didn't respect it at first but it's starting to accept it. Ok, Im going to invite George to help me with my clothes. I hope he accepts because I have NO sense of style.

-Hey George, can you go to my place later? I need help with something- I tried not to sound nervous but I'm pretty sure it didn't work, because he chuckled a bit

-Sure dude, but you will give me every detail of what happened ok?!- I figured that if I didn't say yes he wouldn't help me

-Ugh, sure I'll tell you, but I need your help- and I really did need his help, otherwise I was going to look like a homeless guy.

*After School*

Ok, maybe George is exaggerating, he bough me a suit and tie! I have never ever thought of the POSSIBILITY of wearing a suit, I mean, it's it to formal for a study meeting? You know, me and Michelle are just going to study some math and, I don't know eat something.

Michelle pov

Ok, what can I wear? I know! My favorite red dress! Or, my blue one? Maybe just some casual clothes, we are just going to study anyways. Ahhh! Why is this so hard! I've been on dates before there is literally NO REASON to be nervous.

But, what if I go too fancy and he goes casual, or I go casual and he goes fancy? Ok, think, maybe the blue dress, is a great mix between casual and fancy, I realized the red one is just too much.

"Ok, it's just my math partner" I told myself, but It didn't sound true at all. All though it was the truth. Sometimes it's hard not to over think, I mean, I've always been calm around boys, but Dilan makes me feel... he makes me feel nervous, I don't know why I wanted to look good in front of him but I did. I never even tried to be the guy type, but I wanted to be Dilan's type.

George Pov

Dilan never cared about his looks, maybe because he is perfect and he knows that, with those beautiful blue eyes and the half straight half curly black hair. Or the perfect tan (I still don't know how he has that tan he never goes out in the sun).

I mean, I know all of his secrets, I know more about him then he know about himself. But right now I just don't. I've never seen him like that cause of a girl, he seemed nervous, like he didn't know what to do.

-Ur going to go great, don't worry- he looked at me.

-Michelle and I are only meeting because we are Math partners- he said with and angry tone

-ok, ok- i said -but don't forget, I want every detail.-

Dilan's pov

Wen I got to the park I started to think about leaving, I mean, why would she show up? But then I saw a girl, she was wearing a shiny blue dress, the night was cold, the park was really dark, but I couldn't take my eyes of of her, I was standing by the side of a fountain and I saw the girl's face, it was- it was Michelle... and she was... Gorgeous...

My jaw internally dropped, the perfect Barbie girl was really there, I have to be dreaming, or... having a nightmare? No... definitely dreaming. I looked at her for 2 more minutes, wen I was bout to look the other way she smiled and I couldn't resist but to smile back.

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