

As the fourth Prince remained oblivious to the predicament befalling his mother the second Imperial Consort; The BlueFlame Empress. He continued to enjoy himself on the Dragonhead battleship being toasted to and receiving the goodwill and admiration of his comrades.

The banquet lasted till late in the night before the participants began to leave one after the other to go and rest. As the banquet hall became empty the fourth Prince also left at last, being the guest of honour it would be considered rude if he were to leave before the other guests.

It was already dawn, and he decided to go on deck to bask in the cool dawn breeze to refresh himself. Upon stepping onto the large deck he walked towards the dragon's head sculpture at the helm of the battleship to look towards the imperial city.

It's been more than a month since he left the Imperial City, and he suddenly started to miss his mother. " How are you doing my dear mother, did you miss Long Xie? I have done it Mother, am the Xantian King as I promised".

He exhaled and was lost in thought with sweet memories of his beloved mother. He stood atop the dragon's head sculpture and allowed the cold air to hit his face. He had a forlorn look on his face as he was lost in the embrace of sweet memories.

After a long while he turned to leave, but suddenly saw a blue hue on the horizon. He paused and remembered a tale his mother used to tell him about a blue flame that had dominated a certain empire but had to be buried with the said empire.

This was a fairy tale his mother told him as a kid. Who would have thought that a similar phenomenon would appear in the dawn sky far away? He smiled to himself and turned to go below deck without giving the blue hue on the horizon a second thought.


As the fourth Prince drifted into sleep, the Imperial Dragon Corp journeyed closer to the Blue Flame palace and are now camped two thousand metres away from their first defence lines.

How could they attack recklessly when they know all to well the power of the opponent? They had no choice but to camp two thousand metres in front of the Blue Flame palace.

The Leader of the Corp selected two captains at the early sword sovereign realm and rode with them towards the Blue Flame Palace. There was a eunuch with an imperial edict.

They stood five hundred yards away from The BlueFlame Monarch armies and had the Eunich move forward to dictate the edict. The eunich marched out with soldiers held high and stood two hundred yards out and shouted at the top of his voice.

"Imperial Edict, " the soldiers behind him knelt and cupped their hands to receive the edict per customary demands. But those in front didn't even budge. This displeased the eunuch.

"This is an imperial edict, you must all kneel to receive this, or do you intend to rebel against the Empire?" he asked in a stern condescending voice. He waited for a response but got none. This further infuriated him the more.

He harumphed, and continue to dictate the imperial edict. "The Emperor, The Son of Heaven, The Lord of the Sun and the stars decrees." He paused and looked at the army in front of him who still show no sign of kneeling to receive the edict.

He was extremely angered. These ants have decided not to show the proper respect due to him as the carrier of the Imperial edict. Those who kneeled for the imperial edict indeed are doing it to show respect for the authority of the emperor.

But he as the carrier of the edict also enjoys part of this respect as they kneel before him too. And it's one of the things he enjoys and this makes his job more dignified. High-level officials kneel before him.

But here these defeated dogs were disrespecting the emperor and him. He was really angry within himself. He felt it was a front to his person. Therefore he went ahead to read the edict.

" Second imperial Consort, the Son of Heaven demands you accompany us to the golden dragon palace, immediately. The Son of Heaven would consider your refusal as an act of rebellion against him and the Black Dragon Empire."

He continued," You are to leave everything you are doing and come with me immediately. End of edict".

There was no answer from the other party. He could see the Blue Flame empress atop the castle walls, and the lack of responses added fuel to his already burning again. He decided to add a few words of his own.

"Imperial Consort Chu, I would advise you from the kindness of my heart to stop this nonsense and submit to the authority of the Son of Heaven. If you don't you would only have yourself to blame."

There was no response from the other party and her army. He grew emboldened and took a few steps forward. He continued," In my humble opinion you BlueFlame empire is nothing but a defeated dog who is wounded without any power whatsoever left."

"Quench those useless flames and come with us now or else...."

The leader of the Imperial Dragon Corps General Zhoa Li was cursing the imperious Eunich in his heart. "Can this idiot not read the atmosphere at all?" He was just about to call the Munich to order when he was a blue flash streaking across the few metres distance and vanishing in front of the eunich.

Eunuch Song froze mid-sentence and stared at his palm that he instinctively stretched out in defence when the blue streak flashed towards him earlier. He didn't feel anything.

He,, therefore took a step and wanted to spew more of the nonsense in his mouth when he heard a crackling sound coming from his palm. Then his palm cracked and turned to dust. Before he could say anything it began to spread rapidly along his arm.

He was so shocked that he just stared wide-eyed at his disintegrating body as the blue flame consumed him and turned him into ashes bit by bit. He turned to look at the general behind him only to find out his mind was not playing any tricks on him.

One of the soldiers ran to help him put the fire out but, as soon as he touched the burning arm he also began to disintegrate in a like manner. All efforts to quench the flame by the two of them failed and they were gradually consumed into ashes.

This terrified the leader of the Imperial Dragon Corps, both the Munich and the captain were late peak spirit realm cultivators. Yet the flame consumed them into ashes within a few blinks of the eye. They were all shaken to the core.

What a terrible flame this is, this battle is going to be a very devastating one. Even the ground was melted, golden liquid was now flowing where the two bodies fell. The blue flame rose into the area and flashed back to the Blue Flame Empress.

Why didn't they use this flame back when the Black Dragon empire had besieged them back then? Had they used it the war wouldn't have ended so quickly. This was the thought in the heart of all the members of the Imperial Dragon Corps who witnessed this.

One thing is clear, the battle would not be avoided tonight and many people would lose their lives. This is going to be a blood bath. General Zhao stood up and gave a signal to his men.

"Battle formations!, Death to the Rebels" !! He shouted and moved his battalions into battle formations to begin the charge.

"Death to the Rebels!!, Death to the Rebels!!, Death to the Rebels!!," the Imperial Dragon Corps shouted as they run towards the Blue Flame palace.

The Generals under the Blue Flame Monarchs banner also raised their war chant. " The Blue Flame Empire Reigns forever!!! And his men also responded end prepared for battle.

" The Blue Flame Empire Reigns forever"!!! The Blue Flame Empire Reigns forever, !!! For The Empire!!!!"" .

And with that the fierce battle had began. The whole imperial capital was aware by now and they all knew one thing. Many heroes shall fall tonight.

Kashsenam's thoughts.

Guys things are about to get hot and exciting, please fasten your seat belts.

More power stones please