

As the inevitable battle was on the verge of erupting, in the Imperial Palace; the Emperor sat on his throne as his advisers and ministers gathered. The throne room. The sudden emergence of the blue flame in the sky had alarmed them.

After everyone had taken their respective places according to the royal dictates and customs the minister for war walked forward and bowed to the other officials and kneeled before the Emperor.

" My Lord, please we are gathered here to find out what is going on. We have all seen the Blie Flame in the sky. We are all aware of the significance and the meaning behind the flame. Is the Imperial Consort Blueflame rebelling against The Son of Heaven?" He asked to justify his majesty to act against the second Imperial Consort, the Blue Flame Empress.

He was not privy to the action taken by the Emperor, but as the minister of war how could he not know that His Imperial Majesty had wanted to destroy the Blue Flame palace for a long time now? As his minister of war, he must justify his Lord's actions.

The other officials and ministers were shocked by his question and started to murmur among themselves. Some could not believe this to be the case. But there was no defence they would put up that can explain the burning flame.

This Blue Flame was the symbol of the Blue Flame empire that was destroyed by their Black Dragon empire. That flame signifies the fighting spirit and undying loyalty to their Emperor and they even have a saying that.

" When the Blue Flame still burns, The Blue Flame Empire shall reign eternally." This was their military creed and a call to arms till the death of every last soldier, would that war come to an end?

How can they not know what is about to happen? Over the years no power could offend the Blue Flame palace and even the Emperor had to be very careful in dealing with his second imperial consort.

When she insisted on keeping her Imperial title as the Empress of the conquered Blue Flame empire, the Emperor could only agree since a wounded lion is still a lion.

That empire might have been resolved but the remaining members were still quite powerful. They still had means and ways to defend themselves or at least take a chunk of the enemy with them.

Even though all nineteen of the kingdoms under the Blue Flame empire became the vassals of the conquering empire, they might still rise and back the Blue Flame palace if they were notified.

They have only been vassals to the Black Dragon empire for some twenty years. Most of the big clans in those kingdoms and even their royal clans still hold the Blue Flame empress in their heart as their true ruler. This had been the fuel of quite a number of the rebellions the Black Dragon Empire had to face over the years.

The only organization preventing another all-out war was the safety of the Blue Flame palace and the marriage between the Blue Flame empress and the Black Dragon Emperor.

So this disturbance had caused quite a stir and the officials and ministers had to gather to find out what was going on. At this point, only a very few people know about the deployment tonight.

Munich Yan, the head Munich of the palace stepped forward to read an imperial edict to the gathered officials. The golden gong sounded in the great hall to signify the start of the edict.

All officials gathered knelt and bowed until the arms rested on their floor in total surrender and loyalty to the Emperor's authority. This is also the custom of the court.

"An imperial edict, to the officers and minister of the Black Dragon Empire. The son of heaven has decreed an attack on the Blue Flame palace, this is in response to the Blue Falme consorts continuing to rebel against his Imperial Majesty. " EEunich Yan read out loud.

"Over the years, The Blue Flame palace had refused to yield to the supremacy and rule of His Imperial Majesty's authority. They have time and time again maintained the name of their defeated empire and have not contributed to any military or social expeditions of the Black Dragon empire." He paused briefly to see the reaction and body language of his audience and continued in his high-pitched tone.

"They have been accused of planning to rebel and bring down the empire front the very day they got here. The Blue Falme empress even though an imperial consort has refused to support her Lord husband, maintained that she is an empress of equal standing to the Son of Heavens."

" It is wise to eliminate all threats to the empire no matter how small they are before they become too big to control. The Blue Flame Consort would be invited to the palace to answer for all these accusations".

"She must come peacefully, if not; blinds are blind. The officials would stay in the Imperial palace to provide counsel to the Emperor in these trying times. The end of the edict!" He closed the edict and stood up from his kneeling position.

"The Son of Heaven is wise, We receive his commands". All the officials chorused in response. They stood up from the flow and bowed at the waist whilst cupping their first together towards the Emperor.

Some of the officials were members of the former Blue Flame Empire and they were furious inside. But any show of their displeasure would lead to their clan being exterminated.

They would have been able to send messages across to their various kings but, they are being detained here purposely to prevent them from doing so. They had no choice but to swallow their anger and helplessness.


Meanwhile, the Xantian King Zi Longxie, the fourth Prince of the Black Dragon Empire; was riding in a luxurious flying battleship over the forest towards the Imperial city. The flying battleship can fly for long distances and is better than flying on a demonic beast or treasure's sword.

The boat is very huge and can contain about a million people. It is powered by monarch qi stones and made from gold and tortoise iron alloy to give it a sturdy and very hard exterior capable of withstanding attacks from enemies.

It was crafted with speed and strengthening spiritual runes to make it an armoured vehicle. There were Black dragon Canons fitted into it at vantage points for both frontal, backward, left and right as well as up and bottom firing capabilities.

The Dragonhead battleship was both a war machine and a cruise for the Royal clan to use in long-distance travelling. The military, huge clans, academies Kings of kingdoms, trade organizations and other well-to-do people all have these flying ships.

But sophistication and luxury differ from one another. The one used by the imperial Household and the imperial army, the Dragonhead battleship was a whole level above others. They are equipped for both luxury, comfort and war.

The material used and the design were also something the others could not match. It was a one-of-a-kind vessel. It glided across the sky and due to the colour being coated with silver material, it was not visible to the naked eye.

The Dragonhead battleship had a large top deck, fixed with all sorts of shields to reduce the impact of attacks or might receive in a battle. This also provides shade from the sun.

Below the deck are the living quarters of the crew and the passengers aboard the vessel. It has special living quarters for elders and respectable dignitaries on board with private courtyards and artificial mountains and lakes.

These special quarters were like a separate world aboard the vessel. Each dignitary has a small mansion in the vessel. This particular vessel belonged to the royal academy.

As they cruise on the vessels there was a celebratory banquet being held aboard right now and all the students and elders attended the Black Dragon Tournament. It was a joyous atmosphere as the Academy had won its prestige back after a few decades.

Everyone was in high spirits and wine and food flowed without seizing. Everyone was toasting the Xantian King and the music made the atmosphere very lively. All the pent-up joy was finally released as there 2as no danger to be faced from openly jubilating.

As they were in the banquet hall aboard the Dragonhead battleship, an elder who had gone up to check on their progress on the journey caught sight of a blue hue on the horizon.

" Is that not the old empires Blue Flame?" he asked himself in shock. Something big has happened in the Imperial City. He run back below deck and went to seek out the leading elder on the expedition.

They move out of the room back unto the deck he confirmed what he was told. He turned to the second elder and they both saw the shock on each other's faces. There is a storm brewing.

"Should we tell Zi Longxie?" the first elder asked his leader. They both knew the dire implications behind the appearance of the blue flame. They also know that the Fourth Prince is directly involved in this.

The leading elder shook his head." No need to tell him about it, he might not be affected by what we assumed might be going on. Besides this is an issue involving the Royal clan of the Blqck Dragon Empire".

They both knew that interfering might mean death and clan extermination. The only thing they could do now is to prevent The fourth Prince from rushing to the Imperial city. He might be heartbroken later but at least he would be safe.

He must not be informed, which son would stand back and watch his mother being destroyed without interfering? He is still a young boy and not strong enough to change the outcome of this battle.

This battle pre-dates him after all, they must not cause him to have any suspicion. Even they have decided to prolong the journey for us much as possible. To save him from himself.

Kashsenam's Thoughts.

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