
The Demon Forge

Count Dooku could not understand his current feelings. From the moment the ship he was on had entered the star system it had felt as though the force had been swallowed up by a black hole. No matter what he tried he could not feel anything, this powerless feeling continued right until the ship had entered the atmosphere of this new world. The force had come rushing in like a river rushing over rocks it had filled every inch of the planet below. It had been so over well-meaning that a few of the Jedi Knights had pass out from the strength of it all. This planet was rich in the force, and not the light or dark side just the force and this concerned him. If the jedi order where ever to find this place that would bring the Republic senate running to this world to try and claim it for themselves. Which now posed a problem seeing how this planet was to be the home of the Mandalorains that the same Republic had try to destroy.

He would need to convince the other jedi to keep this place a secret when they returned to Republic space. Not that he believe it would be too hard to do no the problem would come from those jedi who would want to stay. Though Mandalorains do not really have a problem with the jedi they are not to keen on most jedi interference into other cultures laws and customs. He would nee to walk a tight rope when breaching the subject to one of the commanders of the Mandalorain ships but it was something the force was telling him to do. Something on this planet was calling out to him and his fellow jedi. He had to ensure they could stay no matter the cost.

It had been a week since the Mandalorains ships had landed on the planet. The Trade Federation Ship had left the system four days ago. As promised they erased any data they had about the system. To the rest of the galaxy this was just a void in space. The set up for the Mandalorains had not been easy. Even though when the world leaders had the situation 'explained' to them at gun point by Sharia. The moment the gun was removed many of the world leaders had immediately tried to fight back. Russia and China had formed a joint army to try and fight the Mandalorains who had landed on their continent. The two million strong army faced off against 10,260 Mandalorains, and it had been a blood bath. Though the humans had the numeral advantage number really mean nothing in the face of power. The small arms fire from the humans could not even put a dent in the durasteel plates of the Mandalorin armor. Add to the fact that noting on earth had been made to stop blaster bolts. It was like an ant biting a wolf nothing they did matter and they could not stop anything done to them.

The earth tanks were completely useless on this battle field. They did even get a chance to find a firing position before they were blow to hell from the wrist rockets of the Manndos. There was no hope for the jets of earth either. What could a plane do against a star ship and star fighters. The unofficial battle for earth had last all of 30 minutes before the generals of the human armies surrendered in the hopes of spare their men, but these are Mandalorains we are talking about how could they take the surrender of a group of people who in their mind had rebelled against the clan. They would never let such people back into the shadows to try and plot their destruction from the dark not again.

So every solider on the battle field hand been slaughtered. The generals had been made to watch then were decapitated at the end. Two million people killed in a matter of 30 minutes after that any thoughts of rebellion had been snuffed out. The jedi that came with the Mandlorains were upset with the action of the Mandlorains but they did not stop them as per the deal they had come to in order to stay on the planet though some would return to Republic space most would stay and look for what had been calling for them though the force. This had come a shock to many of the humans for some had believe that in their time of need the jedi would come to help them. Sadly the jedi had give them up for the chance to stay.

Four days after the battle the clan leaders and the remaining native leaders gather once again in the UN building in New York. It was in that meeting that the natives were told that the six continents with large native human population were going to be divided up and given to the six clans of the Mandlorains. All peoples of this planet were now Mandlorains and they belonged to the clan of their continent. Every man woman and child would go though a re-education and training system. Any person who did not comply would be killed there were going to be no thoughts of rebellion this time around. Earth no longer existed the planet was new Mandlor and the humans of this planet were Mandlorains weather they liked it or not.

One month later... near the summit of a mountain in the rocky mountain range. Jack, Trish, Keith, and at lest 20 other students were trying to catch their breath. They had been on a force march for the last 15 miles and for people who had not been fighter this was a bit much. Leading this group was a white hair old man, however this old man looked as though he had been chiseled out of granite. Not and ounce of fat could be seen, his arms were the size of basket balls and his abs looked as though they were trying to rip out of his shirt. The old warrior turned to face his charge and shook his head in disappointment. " You lot are completely weak...we haven't gone more than 15 miles at best and look at you." The student didn't even have the power to respond to the man. " At this rate none of you will pass the trials hell you would be lucky to survive the damn thing.

Keith wheezed as he forced air into his lungs. " Commander Cage...sir...this is new for most of us...could you cut us some slack sir.." The old man Cage scoffed " Slack is for the weak and sleep is for the dead. I will turn you all into proud Mandlorains if it kills you. Rest time is over move out!" The students groaned as the continued their march to the top of the mountain. It had been a little over three weeks since the trio like much of the youth of earth had been force into the Mandlorain training centers.

The three friend had not even had the time to inform their families about where they had been for the last three week. As all forms of communication had been take from them the moment they enter the facility. " If you pass the trials you can go and visit your family units if they too are still alive by then." That was all the information they had been give which did not go over well partially with Trish. She lived with her father and sister and had not seen them in over a month. The Mandlorains would not even tell her which training center her sister was in saying, " Worry about yourself before worrying about others if you live you will have time to look for her."

They had been right for three weeks they went through the fires of hell. 0300-1000 physical fitness training, 1000-1400 hand to hand combat training, 1400 -1430 lunch, 1430-1600 blaster rifle and range training 1600- 1900 military tactics and survival training, 1900-1930 mandatory hygiene, 1930-2000 dinner, 2000-0300 sleep. Rinse and repeat that had been their life for the last three weeks. That is until today they had spent the better part of the morning on this hike that seemed to have no destination. Jack and the others had gotten to know the people in their group quite well in the last three weeks all 20 had been the same age group of 16 to 17, but they had all been taken from all over the world and brought to this training center. None of the could figure out the reason for that but it was not worth worrying about now. What they should be focused on would be not dying on the hike to nowhere.

After another two hours of walking they arrived at compound about a 1000 meters south of the submit of the mountain. On the compound a flag was flown I black wolfs head with two blades crossing behind the head. Cage turned to his group of young would be Mandlorains, "Welcome to the head hunters camp. The strongest warriors in the Dark Hide clan. Everyone brought to training center 1-A are already considered the best crop of you natives, however those brought here are those that we feel can be made into something more." Cage allowed his words to sink into the group. " You all aren't Mandlorains yet but live through the training here and not only will you become a Mandlorain, but all other Mandlorains will learn to fear the power you have....Welcome to hell where Demons are Forged!"