
The Archon of Danmachi

Read on as a nameless soul is reincarnated in the world of DanMachi by a powerful being. He shall set out to obtain power, wealth and immortality . . . and a harem of beauties to enjoy them with. Release Schedule: Tuesday and Thursday This is my second novel, I upload the other on the remaining days of the week, it's a Naruto fanfic. Disclaimer: I do not own the cover. Disclaimer: I do not own Danmachi and its related material, obviously.

lusoba · Cómic
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210 Chs

Nox's Love Life

Nox's love interests were many and his physical growth and the charm of a man that now knew his way around a woman's body was becoming quite deadly to the opposite sex as, much to the displeasure of the women close to him, in their words, " Every harlot walking down the street seemed to want a piece of him.".

He himself though, didn't at all mind the attention, his reputation as an extremely rich and influential individual due to his talent and feats also made its way around the world and there were people coming to Orario just to see him.

Many even offered maids as presents and other luxuries Nox did not bother to accept. After all, these gifts came with one too many strings attached and if he started accepting them, more would be on their way to bother him.

But back to matters of relationships, there was a bit of a chain reaction of people getting intimate with him. There were a lot of people already thinking about it and, Nox having relations with other women became the trigger for them to make their move.

The matter first got out when Hephaestus caught Nox and Tsubaki together which led to a tantrum of ll tantrums from the goddess.

Only after a lot of coaxing, did Nox's Hephy came out of her room and demanded Nox to "do it" with her as well and how could he refuse such a delightful demand?

Hephy was an experienced woman but her deformity kept her from building a relationship until today so she was very happy to finally find someone she felt worthy of her full love, physical and emotional. This however, irritated Loki.

If Nox slept around with other children, she was fine with him and would wait her turn but having another goddess laying her hands on him before her, his own goddess?

That was outrageous and so, Loki proved despite her usual behaviour, she could become a seductive minx in bed when she wanted to, showing Nox was millenia of experience could result in when a mortal bedded a goddess.

This made a lot of other girls thirsty but Nox felt things were going to fast, even for him and decided against answering subtle invitations from girls who were open to such things.

Haruhime and Lili wanted it too but the former wished for a traditional marriage ceremony beforehand and Nox felt happy to comply to her wish, especially since they got word through Nox's channels that Haruhime's childhood friends were coming to Orario very soon.

Speaking of which, as soon as they arrived, Haruhime and Nox were waiting right for them.

"Haruhime-dono!" Mikoto was the first to notice her.

"You've grown into a fine like Haruhime!" Takemikazuchi followed.

"Hey!" Ouka blushingly greeted

"It's good to see you again Haruhime-sama!" Asuka also greeted.

"Chigusa also gave a silent but warm greeting of her own.

"And who might this be?" Takemikazuchi asked, looking at Nox.

"This gentleman is Nox-sama!" Haruhime blushingly and excitedly introduced.

"I'm one of his soon to be wives!" She added.

Ouka instantly looked threateningly at Nox while the girls seemed happy for their friend. Polygamy was not a weird thing at all in the Far East so they just though he was both a powerful man and one with very good luck with women, both of which were true.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Nox-kun! May I ask what familia are you a part of?" Takemikazuchi greeted.

"The pleasure is mine god Takemikazuchi. I'm from the Loki Familia." The glaring Ouka froze after hearing that. The fame of the Giant Killing Familia was not small after all but he still held hope Nox was one of its weaker members.

"Nox-sama is a top member despite being just Level 4 you know!" Haruhime instantly praised.

'Level 4 . . . I wonder if he would give the children some tips . . ." Takemikazuchi thoughts.

"What about you Haruhime-dono?" Mikoto inquired.

"Me? I'm still Level 3 . . ." She embarrassedly replied making the Takemikazuchi Familia freeze.

"That's really fast Haruhime-dono!" Mikoto pointed out.

"Really!? Everyone around him is about the same speed or faster so I guess I felt a little bit embarrassed." She confessed.

"You're a backrow mage who's also training the abilities of a close combat fighter, Being a bit slower is just a matter of course. If you focused solely on your magic stat you'd be close to the peak of Level 4 already." Nox said.

"Why not do that?" Asuka asked.

"I have a way to speed up her growth so its a waste to miss opportunities to get stronger, that way, she'll be able to defend herself in close combat even at higher levels." Nox explained.

"Oh! Sorry for prying!" Asuka sheepishly smiled.

"No problem! If you're Hime's friends then you're also mine." Nox responded with a killer smile that left all of the female members of the Takemikazuchi familia entranced and Ouka raging even more inside.

"Do you need any help finding lodging? I own several buildings so I can led you one." Nox offered.

"We wouldn't want to impose . . ." Takemikazuchi scratched his head.

"Nonsense! I'm sure you'll find a way to pay me back once everyone here becomes a powerful high level adventurer right?" Nox said.

"Then I guess its okay." The eastern god gave in.

"Yes Nox-dono! We'll be sure to live up to your expectations!" Mikoto swore with a bow and everyone bowed in thanks, even Ouka as he was still thankful for Nox's help despite his own personal grudge.

From then on, Nox and Haruhime showed them the ropes of Dungeon Diving and Orario in general, where to go, what areas to avoid etc. Ouka seemed to glare at Nox every time he came over and spread the charm but he did nothing so Nox was content to just ignore him.

Mikoto seemed very interested in joining their group, especially when she heard a very abridged version of the benefits, in order not to spill any secrets, from Haruhime but hearing that it meant she would have to leave her familia she felt she had to refuse the offer.

Still, Nox kept helping the out in his free time, less than Haruhime though who now spent quite a bit of her time with her childhood friends to make up for lost time.

Ouka initially loved when Haruhime came alone by as she kept talking with the other girls how great Nox was and that she'd "introduce" them to him and they could all have a big wedding together, he immedieately got pissy again.

Chigusa had the hots for Ouka so she embarrassingly declined. Mikoto was confused but declined out of reflex as she was not good with such things but Asuka seemed interested and withheld her response for later. Haruhime just told them the door was always open.

Who knows what Nox would think about after hearing about this conversation. Even he had limits and didn't want Haruhime scouting wives for him, regardless of how happy he would be with a big harem.

Still, out of sight, out of heart. Even if he caught wind of something, he just pretended not to notice.

Things did not progress much with others, at least physically but emotionally, there were some big steps taken.

Maria, the lady from the orphanage, could no longer pass off Nox's "harmless" flirts any longer as he grew holder and found herself being slightly embarrassed when she was teased.

'Baby steps, baby steps . . .' Nox thought. For some reason, he really had the hots for this lady and was not planning on giving up ever.

Ryuu and Naaza were basically lovers in all aspects but the physical one once they joined up but even on that front they seemed close to breaking.

Syr seemed to be taking to being for straightforward with her approaches while the other ladies seemed to start finding Nox more hot rather than cute lately, due to him growing up but, still being young enough, he was right at the "perfect point" in the shotacon Chloe's depraved mind.

Due to this, the cat girl seemed to be much more proactive since she wanted to "taste the fruit before it ripened" as it were.

Lastly, there were the vice captain and captain of the Ganesha Familia who Nox had grown close to but it was all still platonic, there was attractive but they were mostly just friends. Especially Shakti as Ash and Luna seemed to like her quite a bit and she liked them quite a bit as well.

The trigger for such a friendship, was Nox's participation in the Ganesha Familia's vaunted Monsterphilia . . .


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.