

Humans could have a hundred generations in the time a dragon would create two. Three at most. Each generation learning from the last. Humans could change, and evolve far faster then dragons. That was a simple fact.

There were only so many things a single mind could come up with without external intervention. Humans fed off of each other. Creating ideas by connecting their different lines of thought. Dragons were also inherently solitary creatures. We rarely lived with more then three or four of our own kind, and even that was temporary.

We never sought out our own kind once we had a proper mate to stand by our side. There was no need. We had intelligence equal to that of humans, and the viciousness of a bloodthirsty predator. If we added in the ingenuity of the human race as a whole then both races would benefit. Humans could derive safety from the dragons, and dragons could grow stronger through the humans.

That was the way I thought of it anyway. I believed that there was a possibility of this mentality spreading across the different races given enough time, but it would take time, and I knew simply because of all the differences between races that it couldn't be a perfect system. What I did know is if I managed to spread this mentality the dragon race's future would be pretty much guaranteed. That was still too far off to focus on right now. My mind literally couldn't handle looking past a few months in the future.

It took a good amount of mental power to process the numerous pathways that opened when you looked into the future. Every choice changed the future. Sometimes the choice would only affect the future in a minor way. Sometimes it would create an entirely different set of events. I was a very reactive person.

I saw something I acted. That meant that scanning through the future wasn't the most efficient way for me to use the time element. I imagined that eventually with enough blooded among my bonded that I might be able to use foresight that way, and predict the paths my enemies might take, but that wasn't now. I looked down at the ocean waves below me briefly. I could see several large ships on the horizon. It would be a good place to stop.

I sent Letty ahead to give them warning of our approach so they wouldn't fire on us. Letty flew ahead of us quickly. There were several large beasts in the water beneath us. One of which caught my attention. It wasn't a beast from another world.

This was very much an earthborn creature. It was headed toward the ships just like we were. Maybe I could test out the spell I was developing? The one I planned to use to help me kill Letty. I looked over to Aurora, and she nodded.

Giving me permission to part from her side. I accelerated. Parting from the group at speed. Wind filled my wings as my weight decreased at speed. Allowing me to soar above the group then I increased my weight greatly.

Dropping out of the sky like a missile. I crafted a wind break in front of my riders so they wouldn't be torn from the saddle. The speed I was moving at actually caused me to heat up. My scales, and the front edge of my wings was slowly turning bright red. Ethan reinforced the wind break behind him so that Savannah wouldn't be affected by the heat that was slowly pushing into the space where they were sitting.

Ethan had my fire resistance. Savannah was fused with the fire element. Neither one of them was in any significant danger. I didn't bother pulling up as we approached the water. The surface of the water responded to my will.

Softening as I dove toward it. There wasn't a splash when I hit the water. The rune on Savannah's neck activated automatically just as it was designed to so she could still breath even though we were underwater. The rune was a simple one that provided air while it was wet. I snorted as my own neck changed to the presence of water.

My scales snapping down to make me more streamlined. My tail flattening out so I could use it to swim more easily. My muscles responded naturally to my instincts. I had no need to breath underwater since it would give me all the air I needed willingly. It was the first time I'd laid eyes on the beast headed for the boats.

Well I guess boats was an understatement. It was more like warships, and air carriers. I frowned to myself. The beast had taken notice of them from the blood flowing off the hull into the water. They'd fought dozens of other smaller beasts recently from what I could tell, and it was attracting this larger more dangerous creature.

Rinsing the blood off the edge of the ships wasn't the greatest idea. The shape of this three hundred foot long monster was actually very familiar. It looked an awful lot like a shark. Not just any shark either. One of the few large species of shark that hadn't gone extinct due to lack of safe habitat.

This beast looked just like an oversized version of a great white. I knew it wasn't a good idea to let a beast that was half as long as the ship it was rushing toward to ram it. I flicked my tail giving myself a great deal of speed with that simple motion combined with my dominance over water. Leaving both Savannah, and Ethan behind. They'd unstrapped themselves so that I could fight freely.

Savannah wasn't the best at underwater combat, but Ethan would make up for any weaknesses she might have while in the water. I went beneath the beast. Turning sharply to head upward once I was beneath where the beast was going to be. Using foresight to check my timing as I rushed upward. I slammed into the beasts belly with more force then necessary to throw it off course.