

Each of the five wolves managed to kill a beast each. Making some of the slower ones flee back to the group. That was an even bigger mistake. The ones that had actually managed to make it past the wolves would live longer. I thought to myself as I inhaled slowly.

{Tell the wolves to back off.} I was to busy filling my lungs with air to waste a moment talking.

"Back off," Ethan yelled, "He's going to blast them."

My lungs felt as if they were going to burst. The elemental energy running through them was further amplified as I added my mana to my to the elemental mana that was already within my lungs. I released all the lightning I had pent up in my lungs down on them with. The lightning branched out from the spot it impacted. Striking every beast outside of the portal, and some in the portal.

Killing half of them in an instant. I would only take one more breath of elemental energy to kill those that were left. Why would I waste another breath on these creatures if I could just kill them with my own claws. The rift collapsed in on itself. I was really putting my space element to work.

I snapped my wings closed, and dropped down on them. Slashing, and clawing my way through any that were stupid enough to try, and fight me. Their spears, and claws simply bounced off my scales. I sliced through all the ones that were left close to where the portal was before jumping back into the sky. The wolves would be able to handle a few wounded beasts.

I needed to go close the other two stable portals. The beasts weren't nearly as welcoming as the first ones. They were fighting amongst themselves, but noticed my presence above the battlefield right away. The harpies that fluttered around the one portal flew up to strike at me. I decided to close that portal first.

My muscles tensed as I bit at the harpies that came within range of my head. Ethan snarled in response to my own anger as the harpies attempted to slash at me. I wasn't used to flying let alone fighting while flying. I focused on keeping myself stable as I used my other limbs to lash out at the far more nimble harpies. Ethan was helpful when it came to this particular part of the fight.

He kept them away from my wings so I could stay in the air. The ones on the ground started launching elemental attacks at me. Blowing me slightly off course. I needed to stay close to the portal. If I got too far away then I wouldn't have enough mana to maintain the space element needed to close the portal.

I tried to force myself into maintaining a proper distance, but the weakened wind blade the weird lizards were launching at me, and the harpies was making it difficult for me to stay in one place. I couldn't begin to imagine the hell they were going through at rift city. If we were having this much trouble with just a few portals that I could close then they must really be going through hell. I got tired of all the stupid wind attacks from the harpies, and the weird lizards that kind of reminded me of lizardmen if it weren't for the frill around their heads.

Warning user is being exposed to poison.

My tail wrapped around Ethan's mid section so fast as I threw him away from me towards the wolves town. My limbs froze up for a second as pain shocked my entire nervous system. It felt like I was getting electrocuted as the pain pulsed through me in sync with my heartbeat. I released some of my basilisk venom as I inhaled again. It stung to breath in my own venom, but I wasn't planning to keep it in there.

The mana in my lungs changed into wind elemental energy, and I launched a breath of wind at the lizards below me. The black poison mixed in with that wind made it look like I'd just pelted them with smoke. Unfortunately for them if was much worse than that. The lizards attacks abruptly stopped. They started coughing, and hacking, but what came out wasn't spittle.

Bits, and chunks of what looked like sand, and rock came out with each painful hack. The unfortunate harpies that had gotten caught up in the attack fell from the sky with pained expressions on their humanoid faces. The painful shocking sensation went away as my body adjusted to the poison.

User has obtained neurotoxin.

I snorted to myself as all the harpies began to avoid me. Cowards. My poison was just one of my aces in the hole. I still hadn't managed to close the portal just yet so I couldn't go to crazy. I landed in the poison mist I'd just hit the lizards with without hesitation.

My wings folded against my back as I debated on what to do next. I drew in air as I launched more poison through the portal. I debated on doing the same thing to the harpies portal as the mist settled. Leaving me the only one who wasn't affected by the destruction. I didn't know if I wanted to cause more destruction than necessary.

My irritation told me I should just kill them all, but I didn't want to just massacre creatures based on my own stupid irritation. I snorted angrily as I thought about what was going on around me right now. The harpies portal collapsed, and I found myself out of mana. I would have to wait for my mana to regenerate before I could close the last portal. I tried to find out what was going on with the others before I went too crazy.

Ethan had managed to land safely close to the town using his telekinesis. Savannah, and Jax were holding the line, but they needed my help. I flew back to the town, and knocked a few stupid harpies out of the sky on my way. Using my breath attacks to wipe them out of the sky. I landed on the wall we'd made to protect the town.