

"I don't think we should all go," I felt my lip curl up into a snarl, "I should go close the rift before they can call more of their friends through. I'll bring Ethan. He'll be the most useful help for me since he's a telekinetic."

"What do you expect us to do?" the alpha growled.

He was barely containing his rage at this point.

"Keep your people safe," I flared my wings, "I can fly. You'd have to fight your way through them. I can cut right to the rift, and close it up."

"If we still had the tree cover than we'd been able to run hit, and run tactics to keep them off the walls a little longer with our strongest wolves," he spoke through clenched teeth.

"Tree cover?" I mumbled to myself.

System what do I need to do to give them the tree cover they require?

Nature magic is a combination of water, and earth magic. User has basic knowledge of this, but has never attempted it. Would user like the system to assist?

(Yes) (No)

Please. Help me grow them tree cover.

System is taking control of users mana pathways to help user complete task. Please don't resist.

I could feel my mana flow change. I soaked in the feeling. Memorizing it as I focused on absorbing all the mana I inhaled into that flow. My heart started pounding hard. It wasn't painful, but it startled me a little.

Each pound sent a pulse through the ground outside of the walls. The earth outside of the walls drank in all the carnage from the dead beasts, and the burned trees first. Then came the grass. It covered the ground so quickly it was hard to believe this was happening in a few seconds instead of a few weeks. Trees, bushes, and so many other forest plants grew in thicker, and healthier than what had been there before.

A brand new forest grew in over the battlefield. Covering all signs of the carnage, and giving the alpha exactly what he wanted. Trees taller than the walls grew in a matter of minutes. Replacing the scene of death with new life. Even with me taking in as much mana as I possibly could I ran out just from that one act.

I was beyond exhausted, but I couldn't rest long. I still had a fight to win.

"I keep forgetting to ask," I yawned, and shook my long neck, "But what is your name anyways?"

"Me," the alpha growled as he started scanning the trees, "My name is Samson. That's not the real question though."

"Yeah," I turned to head back to the town to take a quick nap, "What's the real question then?"

"If you're this powerful now," Samson the alpha looked at me for the first time since this conversation began, "How powerful will you become?"

"That is the question," I chuckled quietly, "Isn't it?"

I jumped off the wall, and back into the center of town. I focused on breathing in the mana around me for a little while before I fell asleep. I could only sleep for an hour or two at most, but I wouldn't regenerate enough of my mana in that short of an amount of time. Ethan woke me an hour later. My reserve was about three quarters of the way full now.

I debated on filling it the rest of the way, but our time was up. The enemy was moving. I would have to absorb what I could on the go. I let Ethan climb into his notch along my spine before leaping up onto the walls we'd build for defenses. Samson had begun his hit, and run tactics shortly after I'd left the wall.

I took a glance at the count I had for the wolves, and it looked like he's only lost two wolves since he began his attack. I scanned the heat signatures of the creatures that were putting us under siege, and saw that him, and his team had just taken down one of the beasts that resemble a centaur only with the upper body of a creature that resembled Anubis instead of the upper body of a man.

"I'll close the rifts," I leapt into the air, "You keep them from leaving."

I flew out over the trees, and put my system to work closing the rift. I tried to stay as far away as possible to prevent them from noticing that much longer, but it was futile. I was too large of a creature for them to just ignore. They growled up at me as they flashed their spears.

{Kill them.} I growled.

{No problem.} Ethan stood up on my back as I hovered over the rift.

He walked up my neck to my head. My body was actually pretty stable when I hovered like this even though I had to beat my wings so much to stay here. How much longer system?

6 minutes 29 seconds.

That long huh? I inhaled slowly as I pondered what I would do next. I was glad I'd let the system show me more about nature magic. My mana flowed into the trees surrounding the beasts below us. I wasn't experienced enough to do anything to fancy, but I didn't need to do anything fancy. The trees suddenly shot new branches out of their trunks piercing the beasts we were targeting with a bunch of branches.

None of them were deep wounds, but the beasts now feared the trees around them. They crowded closer to the rift, but I didn't want that either. Spikes of earth shot out of the ground beneath them. They snarled, and growled now that they realized I was the one attacking them. My attacks so far had been superficial.

Hardly harming the beasts. I hadn't given away my true strength yet, and Ethan was ready to launch his attack. He smashed every beast that was close to the portal into the ground with enough force that some of them were bent into unrecognizable shapes. The ones outside of the destruction panicked, and either started throwing their spears at me or fleeing. The werewolves waiting in the trees blindsided the ones that had fled into the trees.