
The Arcane Masters: Nexus Arcane Academy for Masters

Sebastian's very existence seemed destined to unlock the latent potential of the Holy Tree. This ancient arboreal sentinel had long watched over the arcane realm, aiding countless aspirants on their journey to become revered High-tiered Arcanists. If this tree had yet to reveal its full potential, its purpose still veiled in mystery, what possibilities lay ahead now that Sebastian had arrived? Venture into the enchanting realm of The Arcane Masters and embark on a journey of discovery at the Nexus Arcane Academy. Here, myriad secrets of harnessing arcane power await, each offering a unique path to mastery.

TheStoryTeller34 · Fantasía
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32 Chs

Chapter 6: Electrifying Butterfly x Blazing Lion

As Sebastian descended deep into meditation, a quiet and dark world unfolded before him. The surrounding silence was deafening, and the enveloping darkness was blinding. It seemed to wander aimlessly, searching desperately for something, anything. 

After several minutes of searching, Sebastian finally spotted a faint glimmer. He hurriedly approached the source of light, and as he drew nearer, it began to grow in size. To his astonishment, he came upon a golden tree, surrounded by twelve spherical orbs of various colors: black, white, gold, silver, green, gray, red, blue, brown, yellow, violet, and the most peculiar of them all, an almost invisible spherical orb that appeared transparent.

With each rotation of these orbs, they emitted tiny threads of light, resembling threads extending outward. Sebastian couldn't help but wonder, 

"What are these?"

The boy couldn't contain the question that echoed in his mind, for what he was witnessing was beyond his comprehension. These threads, it seemed, were visible only to him.

When Alcala and the two Royal arcanists attempted to send a message, a massive forcefield enveloped the village. Yet, this forcefield remained invisible to anyone's eyes. The three of them puzzled over why their transmission stones seemed to be malfunctioning. Alcala glanced at the two Royal arcanists, her expression questioning.

The two nodded in response, as if they understood Alcala's unspoken inquiry about why even their transmission stones weren't working.

"What's happening?" Alcala voiced the question that hung heavily in the air. In all her life, and in her constant observation of awakening ceremonies, such abnormalities had never occurred before. It seemed that this strange phenomenon was unique to Whitewood village.

"I think this is the work of an auxiliary arcane!" one of the arcanists speculated.

"How certain are you?" Alcala inquired.

"Who else among the arcanists could block transmissions?"

"Well, you do have a point there."

"I suggest we finish the ceremony first and report afterward," the young woman suggested.

"That might be a better plan."

A few moments later, five children simultaneously awakened, and with each spectacle witnessed by the three arcanists, they seemed to grow accustomed to what they were seeing. Elemental duality, weapon auxiliary, elemental auxiliary... arcane powers capable of fusion. Alcala couldn't decide whether to be envious or delighted by the outcome of the awakening in this village.

Meanwhile, Sebastian continued to investigate a tree surrounded by twelve orbs.

As Sebastian approached the golden tree, he was taken aback by its immense size. It stood a towering 1000 meters high, as vast as a sports field. The light emanating from it could only be glimpsed from afar, as if it were encased in an enormous bubble that shielded the source of its radiance. To his surprise, even the orbs surrounding it were growing larger, a revelation that left Sebastian utterly astounded.

Before Sebastian could even react, he was engulfed by a powerful force, drawing him into the depths of the ancient tree's sanctuary. It seemed as though his strength waned, and his consciousness slipped away, leaving him in a state of bewildering vulnerability.

In the midst of the awakening, the sky suddenly darkened, and a powerful wind whipped through the entire surroundings. The villagers marveled at this phenomenon, unable to offer any explanation. Even the arcane practitioners present in the crowd were equally mystified.

"A wondrous event has occurred," someone remarked.

Even the three in-charge arcanists were clueless about what was happening. It was shortly after five children had just awakened that the world turned dark.

Alcala soon noticed a young girl, her hair disheveled, drenched in sweat, and trembling. It seemed as if invisible knives were striking her back, and she couldn't contain her screams. Nevertheless, some of the children remained deep in meditation, and those who had completed it could see what was unfolding.

"It's Izy," Emily and Emma suddenly exclaimed.

Minutes passed in agony, and Izy's vision nearly dimmed when a butterfly suddenly emerged from her back.

The ethereal arcane butterfly, surrounded by an electric aura, floated upon her command. Its presence remained captivating, neither malevolent nor benign, yet filled with a profound and serene power. As it gazed upon the young arcanist, you could sense a realm and innocence facing each other. Gracefully, it soared, its vibrant wings emitting an otherworldly radiance.

With each flutter of the butterfly's wings, it emitted a powerful surge of electricity. And with every passage, tiny particles materialized. As these particles fell to the ground, it seemed as though they dissolved the area upon contact.

The eyes of the three arcanists widened as they witnessed this.

"Royal sirs, do you know what type of arcane power this is?" Alcala inquired.

The two Royal arcanists could only sigh in response to Alcala's question. In their knowledge, only weapons, elemental, and auxiliary arcane powers existed, but it was now clear that what had emerged from young Izy was a living arcane power.

"Isn't that an arcane beast?"

"Stupid! Clearly, it originated from behind the child."

What was unfolding before them was proof of the diverse powers within the world of Arcane Masters. Even the knowledge recorded in the entirety of Salamanca's books was insufficient to base their understanding on.

Much remained to be discovered, but due to Salamanca's limited resources, it had become a constraint, confining those with potential.

As the children bore witness to Izy's arcane prowess, they congregated around her, their faces alight with awe and exhilaration.

"Wow, Izy, your arcane power is truly astonishing!"

"It's positively enchanting."

Curiosity brimming, Henry turned to Miss Alcala. "What kind of arcane power is this, Miss Alcala?" he inquired, but Alcala merely let out a resigned sigh. She found herself at a loss for words, the nature of Izy's gift eluding even her.

"Please, gather in the waiting area to avoid disturbing your companions. Only a handful of you have completed your awakening, while others remain deep in meditation to attain their power. You've all managed to amaze me, really amaze me."

Alcala couldn't help but smile, her sense of wonderment growing. The Salamanca School of Magic had a special mission for its graduating students: conducting the awakening ceremony. It so happened that Alcala had been assigned Whitewood Village, primarily because it had the fewest students enrolled in the school. The school's directive was clear – the graduating student who recruited the most new enrollees from their hometown would earn a prestigious reward from both the Royal Palace and the School Administrator. She had found herself last in line for this task, partly due to her recent return from a mission, but she embraced the challenge with determination.

After awakening her arcane power, Izy attempted to process whether it was real or just a figment of her imagination.

"Emma, pinch me..."

Before she could even finish her sentence, Izy felt a sharp pain in her side.

"Ouch! Why did you..."

"Hey! This isn't a dream," Emma interrupted, tapping her finger on Izy's protesting form.

'Hmph,' the young girl pouted, only now realizing that several of her companions had also succeeded.

She glanced around the area, searching for Sebastian, but he remained deeply immersed in meditation.

"Have you all succeeded since earlier?" she asked softly.

"Yes, and you won't believe it. Our arcane powers are unique compared to my arcane weapon," boasted one of the successful individuals.

"Take Henry, for example. I heard he has twin arcane abilities because he awakened a sword and created a snowfall."

Just a moment later, another similar phenomenon occurred, much like Izy's. A powerful 'Roaar!' startled both the already successful youngsters and the three arcanists.

The Blazing Lion, a majestic creature of elemental fury, stands as a living testament to the untamed power of fire. Its massive form, crowned with a fiery mane that seems to devour the very air around it, commands awe and respect. As it prowls through the scorching landscapes it calls home, its every step leaves trails of smoldering embers, and its intense gaze radiates a relentless, searing heat.

Cloaked in flames, the Blazing Lion's fur dances with a mesmerizing blend of crimson, orange, and golden hues. With each mighty roar, fiery sparks erupt from its maw, forming an awe-inspiring spectacle that can be seen for miles.

"Uh... Isn't that Darwin?" Lysander asked in bewilderment, as they realized that the loud noise was coming from the young boy they referred to as Darwin.