
The Arcane Masters: Nexus Arcane Academy for Masters

Sebastian's very existence seemed destined to unlock the latent potential of the Holy Tree. This ancient arboreal sentinel had long watched over the arcane realm, aiding countless aspirants on their journey to become revered High-tiered Arcanists. If this tree had yet to reveal its full potential, its purpose still veiled in mystery, what possibilities lay ahead now that Sebastian had arrived? Venture into the enchanting realm of The Arcane Masters and embark on a journey of discovery at the Nexus Arcane Academy. Here, myriad secrets of harnessing arcane power await, each offering a unique path to mastery.

TheStoryTeller34 · Fantasía
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32 Chs

Chapter 32: Holy Seed

The entire group, enveloped in exhaustion, bore the weight of weariness. Blood was strewn, and some bore wounds, rendering them nearly immobile from sheer fatigue. Even Sebastian, who had only tasted such exhaustion once in three years, committed himself to days of trial, and in the end, they collectively achieved triumph.

"It is with great pleasure that I announce both experimental class groups have amassed 20 flags each, sufficient for the success of both groups."

As everyone sought respite, some lay sprawled, others seated in profound fatigue. From above, a voice resonated, harmonizing with a simultaneous cascade of heavy rain.

The voice belonged to Ashton, accompanied by Odette, the orchestrator of the torrential downpour. The astounding accomplishment of the experimental class and the impact of the downpour coincided with the washing away of their fatigue.

Odette beamed with delight at the success of Sebastian's group. "Presently, you stand as the awaited ones. For your knowledge, your peers in levels 1 and 2 of the exam have also excelled, culminating in a total of 40 flags for the experimental class."

Applause erupted, and the children's jubilant reactions served as sweet retribution for the earlier fatigue. Perhaps, despite the solace offered by Odette's healing rain, it addressed only physical weariness, leaving mental fatigue untouched.

"Senior brother, may we take a moment to rest?" Izy complained with a hint of a frown.

Over three years, the metamorphosis of the children's physical appearance was evident, transitioning from preschoolers to grade-schoolers. At any imminent moment, they would embrace early adolescence. Despite confronting arcane beasts, their playful spirits endured.

Ashton smiled at Izy's endearing reaction. "You are granted a one-week grace period to return home before embarking on a journey to the Capital of the Salamanca Kingdom for a ceremony and to pay homage to your king."

The children responded with unbridled joy upon learning of their forthcoming week-long vacation.

Over the course of three years, Whitewood Town swiftly adjusted to its intense development brought about by the schools of arcanists. Small sects and clans from other towns flocked to the Salamanca Kingdom to experience the teaching methods of these prestigious institutions. Even the School in the capital of Salamanca aspired for its students to enter prominent schools, yet the challenges to be deemed worthy of becoming a full-fledged student were undeniably formidable.

The once-village with minimal infrastructure burgeoned in its economic capability, under the adept leadership of Chief Arcon. The economic activity throughout the town could now be likened to that of a Class B city. Native residents of Whitewood also had separate dwellings.

On this final occasion, Sebastian gazed once more at his former home, where he and his father had lived. The tears he had long restrained now flowed freely due to the enduring sorrow that had never truly dissipated. "Three years have passed, Father, and all I wish is for your well-being in whatever state you are in now. The time will come, and I will find you in every corner of the arcane world."

His tears continued to fall incessantly. Despite lingering psychological fatigue, the torment of losing his father surpassed all.

Nevertheless, a glimmer of light continued to revolve around him, enveloping a one-yard radius, serving as his support to prevent a collapse. If any senior arcanist were to witness this, they would undoubtedly be astonished, as this technique was reserved for those with absolute control over their arcane energy and arcane force.

However, even Sebastian is unaware of his surroundings as he spontaneously appears, invisible to low-level arcane masters. Sebastian took out a small seed from his pocket, gently sat down, and began to dig the soil where he stood. Though beside Izy's house, where he was standing, the surroundings were quiet due to each family having their own bonding moments, while others strolled around.

Sebastian tossed the seed into the small hole he made and retrieved his wand.

He gracefully waved the wand, creating small air balls and water balls, sending them into the hole, which he then covered with soil.

Sebastian wiped away his tears and departed from where he was.

"Must you carry out such an act?" inquired the enchanting woman seated beside the man, their eyes fixed upon a weeping child amidst the backdrop of a dilapidated home.

"They've sensed it. I cannot linger below; I may inadvertently become entangled in the fates at play."

Despite the man's countenance bearing the weight of sorrow, he endeavored to project strength, revealing only glimpses of how deeply affected he truly was by his companion.

The woman smiled, astutely observing the subtle shifts in the man's aura, if only momentarily. Her perceptive gaze left no room for evasion.

"I don't hold you responsible. I discern Aurora in every nuance of the child's actions. However, I'm convinced that his physical resemblance will echo Syb's." The woman's eyes sparkled as she invoked the name 'Syb,'.

She senses a visceral reaction akin to sensing a primordial beast. She promptly dispelled the banter.

"Just a jest," she remarked, redirecting her attention to the man, whose gaze felt lethal, as though she had forfeited her life long ago.

"But speaking earnestly, whether you embrace the veracity or not, I genuinely perceive their union."

"Enough!" declared the man firmly.

"I undertook this mission not solely for Aurora; I did it for the entire Sylvan lineage. As a steadfast supporter of the divine head, I shall execute every command, even if it demands my very life."

"Come now, let's not delve too deeply into sentimentality!"

"You fail to understand me."

"I know. And indeed, I shall never comprehend you; you forever remain elusive. Hmph!"

The woman paused upon seeing what the child retrieved from his pocket, her eyes widening.

"T-that... Th...at...!" She stammered, pointing at what the young man was holding.

Even the man beside her was left dumbfounded, his brows furrowed.

"Seed of the Holy!"

"Yes... Yes...! THE SEED OF THE HOLY!!!"

Such a blessed young man.

The woman couldn't help but envy upon seeing the child's possession, but astonishment prevailed.

Because the Holy Seed of the tree could create its own army. If the Holy tree is the Origin, the Seed of the Holy is an extension of the Holy tree when it grows.

"What a fortunate place this is," the woman couldn't help but exclaim.

"They deserve that blessing. If only you knew how they cherished the child and how the people in this place treated him. Despite their weakness, their unity and love are strong. An unshakeable spirit, resistant to any arcane power."

"It seems you've developed an attachment to this place as well?"

The man did not respond to the woman's question.