

"Are we safe now?" whispered Avidanna.

They were hidden behind a rather large bush. Their attackers had lost sight of them.

"We are safe…for now." 

Reve focused intensely on the ground. 

There were now lines appearing on the surface of the ground. The smooth, yet robotic, lines resembled that of enchantments.

Avidanna noticed these lines, 'This guy really pulled it off again?'

She spied at the great pillar, this time around. 

It was just as she expected. 

The patrolling group was nowhere to be found. It was as if they had vanished into thin air. What replaced them was a group of about ten people dressed in Narva Academy's uniform.

Reve explained, "They must have a powerful enchanter on their side. To think we were fooled by a large-scale hex. Hehehe, I am excited to meet this enchanter. Also–"

Avidanna completed his words, "There is a powerful warrior on our toes, isn't there?"