
The Ape From Space

Imagine waking up to darkness, groggily realizing you're in space. I was not an astronaut, I'm a damn janitor for shit-sake, but rapidly learning about memories not my own... at least I think they weren't. I know three key-points that have me on edge. One, I was now a weakling Saiyan warrior named 'Kron'. a stupid name... Second was that Saiyan's were real, or I was self-inserted by some cunt. And three I was a hairbreadth away from the suction of space in an attack-Ball... God damned where am I heading? and fuck space! Disclaimer: I Own Nothing, except Artwork lol ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Editing the earlier chapters.

Warrior988 · Cómic
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150 Chs

In The Shadows, One Saiyan Leaves and another Two Arrives.



A week of searching, they grabbed the dragon radar from Bulma and found the dragon balls within that amount of time. Tien, Yamcha and himself had gathered the balls upon the top of the lookout, Piccolo's clone had dispelled, and the original Piccolo stood upon the top with Nail and another Namekian. Piccolo looked exhausted though as he sat nearby while Dende continued to heal him. The balls nearby lay together.


They waited, standing in silence with grim looks upon their faces. Krillin got in touch with Bulma when he picked up the dragon radar, she told him which he relayed to the rest of them up here that Kron had left the planet, intent on training on some unknown remote world, he seemed to be taking some kind of risk which he didn't want to risk here on Earth. That was all they knew so far. Goku, Gohan and Trunks would arrive soon, the 'Son' family were anxious for the revival of Chichi. He, Yamcha and Goku were also hoping to see Master Roshi once more, their teacher and friend.


"So, guys, let's get this done. I'd like to relax, you know… after Cell and all." Krillin said aloud, looking at those assembled. Yamcha, arms folded nodded in agreement. Tien spoke as they looked behind them, Goku, Gohan and Trunks had arrived, flying upwards and landing upon the lookout, walking over. Their faces, serious as they looked at them. Goku and Gohan, along with Trunks were also staying in their 'Super Saiyan' forms, some kind of training for Saiyan's.


"Hey guys, I see you've all been busy… What of Vegeta, and Kron?" Goku asked, not taking his eyes off the dragon balls. Piccolo replied, arms folded as he looked to the sky briefly, now fully healed from splitting Nail and the other guy from him.


"Vegeta is training somewhere remote, Raven and their brat with him. As for Kron, he left the planet, to train. Some kind of training that he considered dangerous for the planet." Piccolo said. He turned to look at Dende, continuing to speak.


"Get it done Dende." Piccolo stepped back and those here watched in silence as Dende spoke aloud.


"Right… I call… upon the dragon! Come, here me!" The dragon burst forth, stretching to the sky in a bright light before it was able to be seen, the blue sky darkened, and the dragon looked downwards upon them.




Back at home, Blake was training again outside their villa in the lands nearby. Fighting against one of her clones, she and the clones trade blows as she used one of her 'Gambol Shroud' in its blade mode. They moved at lighting quick speeds, intercepting one another, afterimaging against ones blows in order to get advantage.


With her other hand, she launched a volley of small but quick onyx-colored Ki-blasts towards her clone, who reacted in retaliation with a onyx-colored 'Tyrant's wave' blast, smaller and quickly launched. The blast came towards her, absorbing her small Ki-blasts but Blake dodged, flickering to the side, flickering towards the clone and axe kicking down. The clone Blake afterimaged behind her, she copied the play and done so to the clone, punching her in the back. Sending the clone downwards she launched another volley, this time with both her hands while she threw her one 'Gambol Shroud' weapon upwards for the time being into the sky.


Heaving, she powered up her Ki, engulfed in her onyx-colored aura as her power sky-rocketed to its maximum. Gritting her teeth, she cupped her hands and concentrated, forming a 'Royal Spear' blast, to which her own clone copied her. Their Ki simultaneously ripped up the soil and dirt beneath one another. Both Blake and her clone said, yelling out at the same time as they fought for dominance.


"...Royal… … Spear!" The onyx-colored beams intercepted one another, waves of Ki began Pushing one another, the beams eventually canceled on another out, neither gaining the upper hand nor pushing the other back so instead the exploded, obscuring the battlefield around them in dust and smoke.


"...I'm going to need to wash this hair after…" Blake mussed aloud to herself, closing one eye from the dust while sensing for her clone.


The obscuring smoke dissipated, she and her clone were huffing for breath. Though she sensed someone approach and she stood up straighter while her clone shrugged, dispelling itself. Yang landed nearby, patting her on the shoulder.


"Hey, I heard from Tien. Winter, Chichi, that pervert old man and those who were killed by Cell were revived. Winter is back, she took-"


"-Really, that good news. What are you doing in our neck of the woods anyway?" she asked Yang, who chuckled. Replying with a sigh first.


"Heh… mother is with Vegeta, she's got my half brother with her too. I wanted to see about you ladies minus Pyrrha wanted to go do something, hit the town or something. I got a new motorbike… So, how about it?" Blake looked at her, not blinking before replying.


"Will see. Did you know that those androids, besides that monster Cell, are still alive. Kron left a clone, he's gone into space again." she seen Yang looked surprised, the blonde replied.


"Why? Uh, no matter. Winter should be alive now, lets go and see if she has arrived home. Chichi too, they just might want to have a night out on the town with us." Blake replied, chuckling at Yang's one-track mind.


"I said will see, anyways, let's go. I need to shower too. I got shit in my hair, this dirt is in my scalp." They laughed, the situation being better now that the threat should be over and done with, they could get on with their lives.



Keeping an eye on the three androids, their aimless wandering and the fact they couldn't be tracked via sensing made this difficult, Dende was still learning his duties, so it made a good training exercise, watching them. Piccolo seemed to find them well enough though, their tells, stealing cars, robbing clothing stores, racing street thugs… they made a mess, and those messes made them somewhat easier to track. It was just about searching their signs. Piccolo's clones engaged in a mock training battle while he kept a feel of his remaining Ki via meditation. Floating as he mediated, he flickered out of the way until he felt Winter's Ki, she arrived with 'Instant Transmission'. His clones stopped and then they jumped at the original, seemingly merging back with him.


"Hmm… welcome back, I need your help, Krillin said something I presume?" Piccolo grunted out, stepping out of his meditative state and standing to his full height. Winter nodded, coughing slightly as she spoke.


"Being dead… killed in that kind of way, it was instant. I assume Cell has been dealt with." Piccolo nodded, replying while looking around, turning to look her in the eye.


"Yeah, Kron handled it." Winter stepped forward, hands on her hips as she took in the scorched environment of his training grounds, she spoke, eyes on a particular rock.


"So, I'm taking you, Nail and the…-" Piccolo added, speaking.


"-Fargo, yes. We're going to be going to Namek. I will be staying there for a while. I'd like to ask for a favor. Speak with Dende in a month, he will be checking up with me. If I haven't come back on my own, he will tell you whether or not I'm ready to return or if the remaining androids change their ways once more, I would like to return to help put them down. I'll be training there too." Piccolo said seriously, Winter stood still for a bit, mulling over this request before nodding.


"Fine then, I can do that. But you'll owe me in the future. I'm not sure but you did a good job with training Gohan, I'd like to ask for your help in training Jaina. It's up to her, and you, of course." Winter said while Piccolo grunted. Training another brat, he particularly wasn't looking forward to it, but he nodded all the same.


"What of Kron, I was of the idea he would take part in your… families children's training. Or is there something else you're not telling me?" he asked, carefully watching her for any signs she would make, Winter made none.


"I believe he didn't want to train them until they were much older, he wants to keep them children until then and besides their Oozeru forms, keep them out of it until an older age, unlike going down Gohan's route. He told me once that he would rather, they not go Gohan's way and train as a one year old. But with these threats… they should be able to protect themselves at least, they need training." Winter didn't sound too sure, but her conviction as she mentioned that Kron's children begin their training as early as possible was a family matter, he grunted. Nodding, Piccolo spoke.


"I will speak to Kron about it… We need to go to the lookout where Nail and Fargo are, they are waiting patiently so let's head out." Winter responded with a nod, concentrating and placing a delicate hand on his should while another hand neared her head. They disappeared, arriving on the lookout where Nail stood, arms folded near Dende and Fargo sat on the edge of the lookout, waiting for them.




Once he healed and he had some time to rest up his stamina, Cell felt his overwhelming power and concluded that he was the most powerful being in the galaxy, at least while Kron left. Yes, he felt that meddling Saiyan leave, his fluctuating Ki was easily sensed as Cell had an intimate feel for it, he knew that while Kron was gone, he had a chance, to become whole once more and then perfect, once the others has been absorbed. Gleefully, he began his search once more, keeping his power to a minimum and travelling under the planets water currents and fissures, in order to remain hidden. Cell knew that there is someone on the planet, a guardian of sorts whose job was to look out for the well-being of the planet, so he kept that in mind while travelling. His Data from Doctor Gero didn't say much, only that someone named Kami, a Namekian who fought against Piccolo in the 23rd world martial arts tournament and lost was some kind of guardian or such nonsense.


Raising out of the water, walking onto land and reaching a cliff with a cave, he stepped inside and sat onto the ground. Closing his eyes momentarily, sensing for any others nearby, he felt Piccolo's and a woman he killed-


"-So… they have used the dragon balls, wishing back their friends. Perhaps everyone else I have absorbed too. If I start gathering energy once more from the plebs, I will no doubt be found out. I cannot feel Piccolo's Ki anymore… That woman Winter either, she is their teleporting user... an interesting technique I must acquire" Cell laughed, this was getting better. With his strength he felt confident in taking on both Vegeta and Goku at the same time, thanks to being almost wiped off the face of the planet by Kron. With Kron and now Piccolo gone, he had amble opportunity to find the androids, time he'd better off not wasting.


"No time like now, seeing that my enemies are leaving- I feel another presence…" Cell looked upwards, surprised they he was feeling another two Saiyan's, he knew their signatures enough to tell what species he was sensing, these two were of the same vibe that Kron, Vegeta and Goku gave... He knew what they felt like, one of them however felt very… wrong, almost... feral, kind of like Kron but worse now that he thought about it. It was as best he could describe this unknown Saiyan signature, he sighed and took a seat once more while he contemplated his plan, eyes narrowed by these annoyances.


"Hmm… what tripe, these two new Saiyan aren't as strong as me… I will wait for a while and see their intentions, Saiyan's after all a supposed to be a rare species this day and age, at least from what Doctor Gero has found, courtesy of that fool Vegeta… Yes, I will wait for a few hours, and continue to track these new fools, they might prove good enough snacks." Cell laughed, his deep voice he kept with absorbing Seventeen stayed with him, along with his improved body. A pity he couldn't yet form clones, he would have ample opportunity to try later, but for now he kept his Ki suppressed. Until the androids are found, he wouldn't risk exposure.




His son, himself along with their men touched down on the planet, designated as Earth. The planets greatest scientists, those of the remnants of the Cold Empire before he took over what remained believed Vegeta to be on this planet called Earth, the last one he could get his vengeance on being the arrogant prince which is why he arrived here.


Their oval shaped ship parked up, momentarily shaking and the engines powered off while Paragus led his son, Broly towards the ramp off the ship. Flanked by an escort of his soldiers and scouting parties of different races, Paragus clicked his scouter, searching for the prince. There we're a lot of powerful fighters on the planet, some of them while impressive, were no match for his son. Turning to his men, he barked out, giving them their orders.


"Spread out, do not attack the indigenous population. If the prince hasn't done away with such weak forms of life, then that there is a reason not to antagonize him. If any groups come into contact with him, tell him that a Saiyan has come for his prince, asking for the princes help in defeating the 'Legendary Super Saiyan'. Spread out!" his men, plus the PTO grunts he added to his army, spread out.


Taking over the Cold Empire was a long, painful process. None of the other races wanted to be ruled by a Saiyan, let alone someone of his strength. Heck, he only held a small percentage of the former empire as warlords or rebels finally had enough power to fill the Vacuum Frieza left with his death, there were constant wars over territory and resources, unchecked by any sort of powerful leader that the Cold family used to fill. A lot of powerful alien warlords, while strong to give him pause, we're no match for Broly, but targeting them would now wasn't his goal... revenge was. Speaking of the Cold family, He heard about that too, his 'son'…


A son he never bothered with, for he was fine enough on his own. A power-level of 12, no threat to King Vegeta… Paragus clenched his fists, thinking about that man, his supposed King always got him angry. His younger son, Broly being what he is… A monster but his eldest son. He was but a teenager when he first had Kron, barely. He done what any other father of A Saiyan would do, leave them to their own devices, in order to gain strength and not be babied. But the monster in living flesh, his other son became his ticket to greatness, having such power wielded by himself made him take over what he could from the now leaderless and civil war-torn Cold empire after all, taking his own scraps from the now-defunct Cold empire, the leaderless Planet Trade organization splintered, with which Paragas took a not so small chunk of territory for his own, a warlord in his own right... even when it was his rampaging son who done away with the three so-called warlords his territory is carved out of...


Paragus is an old man these days, Broly was barely held back by his control device and when he died… he would shudder at the ramifications of him being unleashed to the galaxy. As long as Paragus has gotten his revenge though, he could care less about the rest of the universe, that was why he planned this little 'mission' for the prince, taking him off world. The planet they would head to would be struck by a massive space rock, the size of a small moon which if lucky, would also deal with his lunatic 'Super Saiyan' for a son. By that time, his vengeance should be carried out and Paragus would be able to travel and track down his eldest son, somewhere in space.


He noted Broly's discomfort in waiting around, so he spoke to him as he gave his scouter one more check.


"Patience Broly, we've come too far to back out now. The man who ordered your death, my banishment might be dead, but his son isn't… Now, relax my son." he said, holding up his bracelet, casually enforcing his own will upon the monster he called son, eyeing him warily while Broly roamed over to a tree, touching it, now calmed down.




Lightning blasted the planet in random areas, this mega-fauna worlds ecosystem suffered through my attempts, this was another such attempt as I powered up to my maximum, which is halved currently from my clone on Earth.


The planet held through my attempts so far, but huge swaths of the continents of this planet I've happened upon were full of new trenches and craters, thanks to my transformations. This planet had no sapient life, plenty of mega-sized beasts though I could sink my teeth into if I so wished, possibly have done so while raging as a golden Oozeru. It was morning and I felt now would be a good time to try once more.


"This is my third try, I'm improving though… Now, let's keep my head through this." I powered up, clutching my left hand upwards as I used the 'Artificial Moon' Technique and through it sky bound. Its light shone brightly, and I drank in the energy to transform through my eyes. I powered up and transformed into a 'Super Saiyan', a quickly mundane process these days as I continued to absorb the relevant blutz for the great ape. I felt the animalistic transformation begin as my body begun to bloat, then enlarge, my features from human to an ape-like appearance and the gigantification begun in earnest while hair sprouted from most every pore of my body. Golden in color, I felt the rage building up, but this time was different as I felt my mind and had control. Instead of acting like a wild animal and blasting any which way, I sat on my enlarged ass and begun to concentrate, trying to feel this power but also trying to ascend further.


"I have no idea what I'm doing, at least this time I am a Golden ape in charge of my faculties…" I grunted out, my Oozeru voice thundering loudly as I sat inside a jungle, crushing trees and mountains alike. I idly blasted away some giant insects with my eyes, controlled beams as these things were a nuisance here while I continued to think, constantly nitpicking at my rear.


"Bah… what am I doing wrong! I need to do this…" I looked at the sky and seen my artificial moon, I was absorbing more blutz waves, I felt it. I got to my feet and while an Oozeru, while a 'Super Saiyan', I begun to power up. Then while my strength begun to affect the planet, earthquakes and whirlwinds rocketing from my position, Ki radiated from my being as I tapped into 'Super Saiyan Two'. I felt more rage than ever at this point, perhaps from the animalistic form I'd changed into, but I managed to keep my mind, glaring at the world as I continued to bring every ounce of my Ki to the forefront. Finally, I continued to eye to artificial moon whilst doing all this, glaring.


Keeping powered up like this, I stayed conscious even as hours ticked by, and daylight gave way to night, becoming angrier, not to mention hungry from constantly pushing this amount of KI. A clear night in part thanks to my ever-encroaching Ki, as every cloud and storm were blown away from the continent I stood on, the crater I now stood inside as I howled to the sky like an animal. The eye of the storm formed around me and through the gap of the storm I was now receiving further blutz waves from the planets moon plus my artificial moon though that one was slowly beginning to dissipate, a nicely sized half-moon and I felt it... but it slipped from my grasp.


"N-No!" I yelled out, somewhat tired from the hourly transformation and found myself fall to my knees as I transformed to normal and now falling from a great height from turning back humanoid, falling unconscious from fatigue.


"-S-So… …clo-" darkness greeted me.

Disclaimer - I don't Own RWBY OR DBZ.

I gave mc a 'father', also a brother too... Kron will try and attempt SS4, using Oozeru, and 'SS2' to try and reach this height, as well as control. It's why he left Earth, I remember the part about the original homeworld of the Siayan's being destroyed by a golden Oozeru, the legendary Super Saiyan so i figured, this is the way to go for SS4.

Give me feadback if you want, I'll try to use it. Until next time.



?? = powerlevel is rising after training but not checked.

?-? = Suppressed.


(Battle - Powers)

-Kron/MC = 18,648,000 Base Form. -I- Oozaru(X10) = 186,480,000 Wrathful State(X10) = 186,480,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 932,400,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x12)) = X600 = 11,188,800,000 | Super SaiyanII(X100) = 1,864,800,000

-Trunks(FUTURE) = ? - Super Saiyan(X50) = ?

-Jaina(FUTURE) = 2,800,000 - Super Saiyan-I(X50) = 140,000,000 - Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 280,000,000

-Yang = 1,964,800 Kaio-ken - X24 = 47,155,200

-Goku = 3,744,460 - Kaio-ken - X20 = 74,889,200 - Super Saiyan(X50) = 187,223,000

-Winter = 1,064,780 - Kaio-ken - X17 = 18,101,260

-Krillin= 1,846,584 - Kaio-ken - X25 = 46,164,600

-Pyrrha = 2,346,480 - Kaio-ken - X23 =53,969,040

-Gohan = 1,988,640 - Oozeru(X10) =19,886,400 - Kaio-ken - x12 = 23,863,680 - Super Saiyan(X50) =

-Jaina - ??

-Vegeta - 16,674,000 Super Saiyan(X50) = 833,700,000 - Super Saiyan Grade II (X75) = 1,250,550,000

-Raven = 1,642,486 - . Kaio-ken - X12 = 19,709,832

-Blake = 644,340 - Kaio-ken - x7 = 4,510,380

-Weiss = 616,638 - Kaio-ken - x6 = 3,699,828

-Yamcha = 1,440,160 - Kaio-ken - x19 = 27,363,040

-Tien = 1,620,800 - Kaio-ken - x26 = 42,140,800

-Chiaotzu = 1,042,800

-Ruby = 45,000

-Piccolo = 350,000,000 (Weighted Clothes) - Kaio-ken = x2 = 700,000,000

-Chichi = 420

-Raditz - Dead. (R.I.P)

-Nappa - Dead. (R.I.P)

-Sixteen - 880,000,000

-Seventeen - 640,000,000

-Eighteen - 560,000,000

-Cell - ??


(RWBY Characters still on their planet.)


-Jaune = ?

-Junior = ?

-Twins = ?

-Roman = ?

-Mercury = ?

-Emerald = ?

-Adam = ?


Known KI-Move's Kron Knows.


- (Tyrant’s Wave) - Strong AOE Ki Technique.

- (Royal Spear) - Strong Ki Technique.

- (Double Sunday) - Ki Technique.

- (Aura Sphere) - Passive.

- (KI manpiulation) - Passive.

- (Kaio-Ken) - Power Multiplier Technique.

- (Tri-Form) - Ki Manipulation Technique.

-(Instant-Transmission) - Teleporter ability.

-(Spirit-Control) - beter control with Ki.

Warrior988creators' thoughts