
No title

Walking through the concrete jungle, Paul wondered.

What was he doing with his life?

After graduating from high school, he went to a second grade college looking to get rid of his parents' pressure.

Whenever someone asked him, he wanted to be in the future or he wanted to study. It was just a martyrdom, I did not know. He absolutely did not know what to do with his life.

Medical? Lawyer? Psychology? Systems?

Simply no possible career, it made him want to learn it. I did not feel that passion and desire when looking at any career.

Simply and simply, it felt boring and empty in every way.

He ended up choosing what he thought was good for his future, business administration.

Achievement to graduate without being the best or the worst, only average.

Achieved a job in a medium-sized company and moved to a very small apartment, where he barely has to live.

That sums up his whole life, a life full of mediocrity.

But the truth is that he never wanted to continue with his studies.

But the pressure of their parents in society was very great.

If you do not study you will not get a good job, without a job you can not make a family.

In short you will be a total failure, a garbage, a lazy.

That pressure was very immense.

He thought that after obtaining a job and becoming independent, all that pressure would disappear.

But no. Many more things press him now.

How to maintain your work of crap, being harassed and degraded by your boss. Since without the income of that disgusting job, basically he will stay on the street and would not have the face to go back to his parents.

Not only that now his parents are pushing him to find a girlfriend and feel head.

How could he do it? He is not handsome at all. He is the most average among the average. What girl wanted it?

Damn, I'm 26 years old. Leave me alone.

Remembering all that Paul got into a bad mood and came to work in a very bad mood.

"Paul, since you arrived, bring me a coffee."

"Me too."

"I want a decaffeinated one."

"Bring me one with milk."

"As you are passing through, take a copy of these documents."

Paul had not even been able to sit in his narrow office before his superiors took him as a delivery boy.

His already bad mood, it got incredibly easy.

Paul went to the nearest cafe and brought the coffees.

"What is this, this is not what I wanted, only that's why I will not pay you anything."

"True true."

"Hahaha true."

These damn. Paul clenched his teeth in anger, but he had to duck his head and swallow his pride if he wanted to keep his job.

Paul returned to his desk wanting to just lean on it and sleep for a while.

But like everything in your life, nothing ever comes out according to your wishes.

"Paul Walker, I want you to register and give me all the transactions that the company had this week, I want them for today." His boss arrived with his petulant face and said with a superior look.

"But boss, that's a lot, I will not be able to finish them today."

"I do not care, you work overtime, but do not even think I'll pay you back."

Paul clenched his fists under his office, the veins bulging from how hard he resisted not punching that ball of fat in front of him.

Of everyone in the office, the one he hated the most was his boss. For some reason, since entering the company, he has taken care of making life impossible for him. There has not been a single day since he came to work that he has done extra hours.

"Yes sir." Paul spoke through clenched teeth, trying to slow down his temper.

This kind of treatment was the one I received daily, although every day was something different.

Paul returned to his office and looked at the various photos of beautiful landscapes that had stuck to his wall and managed to calm down a bit.

Releasing a sigh, Paul prepared to begin his work.

But before I can do it, a strange sensation suddenly overtakes him.

His eyes clouded, making him look like a blind person. His heartbeat slowed down.

It felt very strange. He seemed to be awake, but at the same time asleep.

The only thing he could see in front of him was infinite darkness.

Do not! There was a silhouette mixed in the darkness.

Calling him handsome and attractive was an understatement. With long silky hair, a well-defined face without imperfections and red eyes full of sharpness and confidence.

All his presence was full of elegance and majesty.

Definitely the man dreamed of many girls.

What is going on with me? Am I dreaming of the kind of man I would like to be?

Suddenly. That handsome young man looked at him closely, seeming to evaluate him.

Paul felt that this Youth could see even in his soul.

"Who are you? Where am I?" Taking all the courage Paul could ask.

"That's the same thing I wanted to ask."

"Are you AWAKENED?" I heard that there were some awakened people who could enter the minds of others.

"If I am a AWAKEN, but I do not have the ability to enter or read the minds of others, I can only become a demon."

The boy's words shocked Paul.

Become a demon? Even when I had surfed a lot on the internet, I had never heard of that kind of power.

"But I can feel it ....... I can feel it inside you."

"What? !! What do you see?" Paul was surprised and also a little excited.

Could someone as average as he have something special?

"I can feel your feelings and emotions, as well as something more hidden inside you." His voice was soft, almost like a whisper.

"What is it? What is inside me?" Paul had hope. Hope to be someone extraordinary.

"Why do you ask me and do not you see it for yourself?"

Paul was shocked by his words. What should I do? I was lost.

"People are afraid of their inside."

"It's the only place where they'll find what they need." The boy spoke slowly and calmly while he paused.

"And I do not judge you, I was afraid too."

"But in a dark prison, I saw that I was inside of me and I accepted it."

"Deep in your heart you know ..... That you are not living to your potential."

Paul's heart seemed to stop for a second. And he answered shakily.

"But I'm scared ... What if I failed to do what I want?" His heart was relieved to say what he truly felt, it was the first time he did it. "Not everyone can do, what they want to do all the time."

Tyler looked him straight in the eye with a piercing look.

"7.3 billion people on our planet earth and only 7% of them do and work in what they always dreamed."

"The rest of the 93% of the people do not ... because of the FEAR !!"

"Fear of being unsuccessful."

"Fear of being rejected."

"Fear of defrauding your family and friends."

"Fear of being unable to fulfill your dreams."

"Simply ..... FEAR!"

"If you let fear invade you, it will stop you and paralyze you completely."

"He is able to stop us from doing things, which we are capable of doing."

"And the worst part of the case is that fear ..... KILL DREAMS !!"

"I do not know what your dream is, but what I can tell you is that the dream you've dreamed millions and millions of times in your head ... is possible!"

"The universe is going to stand in your way and give you a thousand and one reasons to not follow your dream."

"But you have to continue."

"No one said it will be easy and in fact it will be very difficult."

"But this is the moment!"

"It's time to face what you fear so much, what has been the culprit of your nightmares."

"It's time to go out into the street, even knowing that you could come back in a thousand pieces."

"It's time to go for what you're worth, for what you want, for what you believe and for what you deserve."

"It's time for you to get up and start shining."

"Because it's better to die Trying again and again ... than living without doing anything."

"It is time to wake up."


Tyler screamed at the top of his lungs, almost looking like a bestial roar. While disappearing slowly in the dark

Paul felt as if tyler's words penetrated deep into his soul and marked him.

His words were not like any words of motivation I had heard before, they were magical.

These words for some reason marked him and gave him an unlimited trust and Valentia, which he had never felt before.

They gave him the courage to do something he had always wanted to do.

Paul woke up from that strange state and the first thing he did for some strange reason was: laugh.


Paul got up from his cubicle and looked deeply at the pictures of landscapes plastered around him. He tore them out without a doubt and put them in his pocket.

He took all the papers on his table and shot them in the air, feeling incredibly liberated, as if he had gotten rid of all his worries.

"Paul walker, what do you think you do, pick up all this mess and get to work." His irritating boss did not take long to leave his office and yell at his face, spitting saliva on his face.

Paul felt panic for a second, before a smile appeared on his face.

I take the keyboard of his computer and with great passion and he will connect it fully in the fat face of his boss.


His boss burst into an unpleasant cry while holding his face. There were features of cuts with blood coming out and you could even see that some teeth were missing.

Paul breathed heavily as he smiled at his miserable boss. Just seeing his sad figure made him feel rejuvenated.

"YOU ..." His boss spoke with a vicious look, while a little blood filtered through his lips. "YOU ARE FIRED!!" His voice sounded like a pig being slaughtered while screaming.

"Hahaha there is no need, I resigned." Paul burst into laughter as he took a mause and threw it at him, hit him in the eye.



Paul left his office while laughing loudly. His companions and superiors saw him with terrified looks and others as if he were crazy.

But Paul did not care, from now on, what other people thought of him would no longer be one of his concerns.

Paul entered the elevator and pressed the button on the first floor. He did not take anything with him, not even the bag he had brought.

All those things were part of his previous life, today he was reborn!

[Congratulations you have AWAKENED]


Haaaa haaaa haaaa

Tyler suddenly opened his eyes, his breathing was labored as if he had exercised a lot.

But what stood out above all else was his pair of scarlet eyes that shone with three large tomoes each.