
no title

Tyler looked bewildered everywhere.

Everything was dark, but it was not like before. He could feel the wooden floor and the humidity around him.

Got up. Immediately a great pain invaded him, although he staggered, Tyler gritted his teeth and resisted.

Tyler felt uncomfortable. I look at what was his right arm with a sad look.

Coincidentally a few meters from tyler a door opened, allowing the light to enter the dark room and made Tyler close his eyes feeling a little irritated.

"Ooh, it's amazing you're awake." Tyler heard a voice that was vaguely familiar and he opened his eyes hurriedly trying to discover who he was.


Karma: +19

Intertwined Destination: +57

Tyler was greatly surprised, not only because he did not expect to see Taro again and much less that it will save his life. If not because Tyler found a new addition in the characters of his eyes of persecution.

What was intertwined destiny? Why did it appear now?

"The village doctor said it was impossible for you to live in. It's amazing that you live and not only that, you can get up like that."

Tyler rolled his eyes, easily lifting my ass. Everything hurts.

Tyler was very grateful to Taro for saving his life and I deeply appreciate it.

"Do not say it, you also saved my life and allowed me to return and saved my family."

"Where are we, how long has it been since you found me?" Tyler asked hurriedly, he had not forgotten that he had left fū in the mission world and he was frightened by the fact that he could have left her for a long time alone.

"It's only been a day." Taro honestly spoke to Tyler about everything that happened since they met.

After leaving hurriedly, taro went directly to his small village, which was located between the village of the waterfall and a new village emerging from the sound.

These lands were mostly uninhabited. There were only very small villages in the outer part of it.

If you go a little further, you could find a medium-scale mining town, but that was all.

All these people, including the miner, were in the outer part of this vast territory, but nobody dares to go inside.

The most average of this territory was well known as the mountain cemetery or Mountain's Graveyard.

When Tyler heard this name he was greatly surprised, if he did not remember badly Mountain's graveyard was the place that Madara and Obito used as their secret hiding place for the duration of the moon-eye plan.

After traveling for several days Taro managed to get close to his small town, it was at that moment that he heard a noise and went to investigate, finding the tyler bled and without energy that fainted.

First he was surprised and scared, but as he got closer and saw Tyler clearly, Torah resolutely took tyler and brought him to his small town, where the doctor said it would be a miracle if he survived.

In fact according to taro the doctor said that Tyler had died for a few brief seconds.

After hearing the whole story Tyler let out a sigh knowing that it had not been long and that fū should be fine.

Tyler touched the stump of his right arm with his left hand feeling incredibly sad about his loss.

He thought that with his great vitality maybe he could regenerate his arm again, but no. The only thing that happened was that his stump left blood and was cured.

He transformed into his demonic form to access his regeneration, but there was no change.

Tyler sighed dejectedly and disillusioned.

Taking a deep breath, tyler managed to recompose himself, he thought that if the mission world could give them powers, why could not he regenerate his right arm?

In addition, he had always been evolving his mission world, since he thought that it was the most important and powerful power he had and wanted to focus on him and to make him more mature.

But he had never evolved his demonic form nor knew what improvements he would receive from that. With that in mind, Tyler had decided to evolve his demonic form and see the results.

But first of all Tyler looked at the notices he had ignored since he entered the waterfall village.

[Number of current points: 17,500]

[You have received 10,000 points, 5 fruits of power evolution, 2 fruits of skill evolution]

[Mission of conquest fulfilled: 100,000 points]

[Secret mission accomplished]

Take Kurenai's first kiss.

Reward: 10,000 points

[Secret mission accomplished]

Take the virginity of Kurenai.

Reward: 50,000 points

[Complete murder mission]

5 high jonin: 50,000 points

[Congratulations, your eyes of perception have evolved in the eyes of destiny]

[Eyes of fate]

Everyone has a destiny.

With the eyes, the user can see the people who are intertwined by the destination itself.

If someone has a high number of entanglement of the destination with the user, it means that they were destined to be known.

Special ability: once a year it allows the user to connect with people who have a strong destiny intertwined with the user.

[Total points: 237,500 points]

Tyler was surprised to see the evolution of the eyes of the persecution that had evolved, he remembers very well that he had tried to evolve it in any way and did not understand how he could evolve.

Knowing he could not come up with an answer immediately, he stopped thinking about it and focused on using his points.

The answer came to him almost immediately, he could not buy any decent power in the mission world with so few points, so his best option was to maximize his stats.

All of his statistics were good, but he needed a way to counteract the ninjutsus. Not only is it important here in Naruto's world, it is also important in his world.

For example, Richard is an AWAKENED elemental type of thunder. His power is similar to a thunder-style ninjutsu and he could not simply try to dodge everything, that certain one day he would find a skill that could not be avoided and he did not want to stay just face death.

With great tyler determination I buy defense fruits like a madman and I consumed them immediately without caring about the pain that resulted from his action.

[Your defense has reached 200]

[Your defense has reached 300]

[Your defense has reached 400]

[Your defense has reached 500]

After receiving this four notification in a row, Tyler stopped with his action to feel again the feeling of many animals crawling under his skin and lay down with clenched teeth.

This time he could resist without screaming or fainting, but just as before he felt a layer of skin cover him and he knew he was going to change skin again.

He entered the mission world and saw that fū was curled up and asleep near the immense tree with some packets of sweet and soda all around her. Unconsciously he smiled at the peculiar sight.

He took out some water to bathe and realized that his water and food were practically exhausted. Well only the one he brought from his world, since the one that was growing was piled up in a corner and the new plantation flourishing healthily.

After bathing and changing clothes, Tyler thought it was time to evolve.

I take out the 5 fruits of the evolution of power and ate three of them, to evolve the mission world.

[Evolved mission system]

[10% .... 20% ...

.30% ... 40% ..... 50% ..... 60% .... 70% ..... 80% ..... 90%]

[Evolved mission system]

[Mission system 4.0]

[Administration rights of second level unlocked]

• having the right of administration of second level is allowed the entry of 5 people in the world mission.

• manages the mission world at a deeper level: the mission world can be modified.

• 15% reduction in the time required for crop harvests.

[Evolution of global elevator]

• cooldown reduced to 10 Earth days.

[Unlocked new section in the store]

• the special fruit section in the store has been unlocked.

Tyler did not check anything immediately, instead he took out one of the two remaining fruits and ate it to evolve his demonic form.

[Evolving bloody celestial demon: 10% ... 30% .... 50% ... 70% .... 90% ... 100%]

[Bloody celestial devil level 2]

[For 45 minutes your statistics will double]

[Go ahead, fight, kill, kill, make a bloodbath, for 45 minutes you are a killing machine.]


+ Removal of blood line. [1/2]

+ Reinforced intimidation

+ Accelerated regeneration medium level

[New skill]

[Majestic roar]

• When roaring, a powerful shockwave is released that overwhelms whatever is in its path.

• Amplifies the ability to intimidate.

Tyler was very happy and happy with his new powers and abilities, although he still could not regenerate his arm, he knew that even without his arm he was now someone very formidable with his great defense and his now new method of attacks the majestic roar.

After doing all this tyler I look at his condition.

[Tyler Olson]

[Age: 19 years old]

[HP: 100/100]

Kyuubi Chakra: 100,000 / 100,000

Shelf life: 500

Strength: 110

Resistance: 110

Agility: 110

Dexterity: 110

Accuracy: 110

Defense: 510

Vitality: 150

Intelligence: 110

Charisma: 50

[Energy: 80]

[Progress to evolve power.]

Mission system 4.0: 0%

Bloody celestial demon level 2: 0%

Eyes of fate: 0%


• kitchen.

• High level sword handling.

• launch of kunai and shuriken medium level.

• High level chakra management.

• Rasengan.

• middle level taijutsu.

Blood lines:

Uchiha: Sharingan three tomoes.

[Karma: +150]

Tyler was surprised to see how his other stats had gone up, but then remembered that when he awoke his demonic form his stats had also gone up.

With this information he assumed that each evolution will raise his statistics.

Suddenly Tyler recalled receiving a mission before fainting and immediately reviewed what it was.

[New mission]

Rank: legendary

[Create a ninja village]


• a weird item

• a rare fruit

• 10,000,000 points

• ??????????????