
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

ThePpp_Pppp · Película
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185 Chs

You done fuck up (32)

Rui and Sakura were seen walking around the shopping district,they seemed to be buying clothes for Rui....Alot of clothes for Rui.

"Isn't this a bit too much" Rui said a bit overwhelmed by the amount of clothes that she had tried on in the last 30 minutes or so.

"No, it's not enough yet, Let's get you a dress for every occasion," Sakura said with a smile on her face, however, something told Rui that Sakura wanted to do something else.

"They cost alot"Rui said as she looked at the price Tag of the clothing.

"Dont worry about it,Your Nii-san would pay for it for you because you are his precious sister"Sakura said with a small smile on her face to which Rui just pondered on it for a bit.

She pondered on it for a bit before she nodded her head.

Rui and Sakura went from shops to shop trying out new things for Rui,Sakura was the main person to carry the very heavy bags but she didnt care,they were pretty light to her.

This wasnt the heaviest thing she had lifted nor would it be the heaviest thing that she had lifted.

"I am thirsty"Rui said suddenly as she held her throat.

Sakura looked around before noticing a stand near by.

"Then lets make a stop"Sakura said as they walked toward the stand.

"What would you like"Sakura said looking at Rui,Rui checked the menu before opening her mouth and saying "hm..i like strawberry...but i also like Vanilla"

"A Strawberry Milshake with whip cream"Sakura said after thinking for a bit.

As the cool, sweet strawberry milkshake touched Rui's lips, her entire face lit up with an expression that could only be described as adorable. Her eyes, usually a vibrant red, softened, crinkling at the corners in pure delight. A small, satisfied sigh escaped her lips as she savored the first taste, the whipped cream adorning her upper lip like a mischievous white mustache.

With each subsequent sip, her eyes sparkled with childlike wonder, and a wide, genuine smile stretched across her face. It was a smile that radiated pure joy and contentment, untainted by the burdens of their situation or the complexities of the world around them. In that moment, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the city, she was simply a young girl enjoying a simple pleasure, and the sight was undeniably heartwarming.

"You are just so cute," Sakura exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine warmth. Witnessing Rui's expression as she savored the milkshake, a wave of unexpected affection washed over Sakura. It wasn't just the way her eyes crinkled with delight, or the way the whipped cream smudged her upper lip like a playful ghost. It was the sheer childlike joy radiating from Rui, an innocence and vulnerability that tugged at Sakura's heartstrings.

Rui, sensing the sincerity in her voice, simply returned a warm smile. Unlike the polite smiles she offered most people, this one reached her eyes, reflecting the genuine happiness she felt in that moment. Yes, this was fun, far more fun than she had anticipated.

As the afternoon sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the bustling streets, Rui and Sakura strolled homeward with their shopping bags in tow. Laughter and the clinking of bags filled the air, a soundtrack to their unexpected afternoon adventure.

Suddenly, their path was cut short by a figure emerging from an alleyway. It was Olteca, his crimson armor glinting ominously in the fading light. A cruel smile stretched across his face as his gaze fell upon Rui.

"Well, well," he drawled, his voice dripping with a sinister amusement. "What do we have here?"

Instinctively, Sakura stepped forward, placing herself between Rui and the approaching threat. Her playful demeanor vanished, replaced by a steely resolve. She met Olteca's gaze head-on, her eyes blazing with a newfound determination.

"Don't even think about it, Olteca," she warned, her voice surprisingly firm. "She's off-limits."

A hint of surprise flickered across Olteca's face, quickly replaced by a sardonic chuckle. "Think about what,i didnt know you had a friend" he scoffed, amusement lacing his words.

In a flash, the air crackled with dark energy as Olteca transformed. His armor morphed into a grotesque mockery, his features becoming twisted and monstrous.

As Sakura and Olteca engaged in a fierce battle, their movements blurring in a whirlwind of attacks and defenses, tragedy struck from an unseen hand. A figure cloaked in perfect invisibility materialized behind Rui, their movements swift and silent.

With lightning speed, the figure pressed a cloth laced with a potent dose of Chlorophanes over Rui's nose. The sweet, cloying scent instantly filled Rui's senses, and her eyes began to droop as the drug's powerful sedative effect swept through her.

Before she could even register what was happening, before she could call for help or struggle against her invisible captor, Rui's world dissolved into a hazy blur. Her head lolling to the side, she slumped unconscious in the arms of the unseen figure.

Sakura, momentarily distracted by a particularly brutal blow from Olteca, suddenly felt a chilling sense of unease. A primal instinct, honed by countless battles, screamed at her that something was wrong.

With a desperate twist, she managed to break free from Olteca's attack and spun around, her gaze frantically searching the scene. But the only sign of Rui's presence was the abandoned shopping bag lying on the pavement, its contents spilled haphazardly across the ground.

Panic flooded Sakura's veins. "Rui!" she screamed, her voice laden with raw terror. "Where is she?!"

"Guess my job here is done," Olteca cackled, his voice echoing with cruel amusement before vanishing in a swirling cloud of dark smoke, leaving Sakura alone in the wake of his departure.

A wave of despair washed over her. How could she have been so careless? One moment she was fighting, the next, Rui was gone. The weight of her responsibility pressed down on her like a physical burden. She had to find her.

Without wasting another second, Sakura sprinted towards their temporary home, her heart pounding a frantic rhythm against her ribs. Despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins, she managed to arrive without appearing noticeably out of breath.

Bursting through the door, her eyes scanned the room, searching for any sign of Rui. Aaron, who had been sprawled lazily on the couch, sat up straight at the sight of her disheveled state.

"Seems you got some exercise in," he drawled, his voice laced with a hint of amusement, masking the concern he felt. But the question hanging in the air was clear.

Sakura's gaze darted around the room once more, settling on the empty space beside Aaron. The amusement on his face instantly evaporated, replaced by a dawning realization.

"I can't... I can't help but notice the lack of Rui near you," he said slowly, his voice dropping to a low growl. The playful facade he had maintained moments ago shattered, revealing the fierce protectiveness that lay beneath.

Sakura, her voice heavy with worry, blurted out the horrifying truth. "She's gone. While I was fighting... she... she was taken." Her words hung heavy in the air, the weight of her failure pressing down on them both.

Aaron's face hardened, his eyes flashing with a cold fury. The casual indifference he wore like a mask was gone, replaced by a steely determination, and was that bloodlust.

As the words "she's gone... she... she was taken" slipped from Sakura's lips, the air in the room seemed to freeze. The playful banter, the casual atmosphere – all evaporated like water on a hot plate. In their place, a chilling silence descended, broken only by the ragged breaths of Sakura and the thunderous pounding of Aaron's heart.

The word that escaped Aaron's lips was barely a whisper, a single syllable that held the weight of a thousand emotions: "Who?"

Sakura, her voice heavy with despair, could only manage a broken response. "Olteca," she choked out, the name tasting like ash in her mouth.

It was starting to get very hard to breathe, and for some reason, it felt like death was around them and one wrong breath could lead to their death.

The moment her answer left her lips, a change swept through Aaron like a tidal wave. The playful facade he had worn for the sake of Rui crumbled, revealing a raw and primal rage burning in his eyes. It was a force so potent, so utterly devoid of warmth, that it felt like the very air itself grew thick with a suffocating pressure. It was pure, unadulterated killing intent, the kind that left no room for hesitation or mercy.

The carefree atmosphere of the bathhouse vanished like a ghost in the morning light. Aaron rose to his feet, a slow, deliberate movement that spoke volumes about the storm raging within him. He passed by Sakura, his voice a low growl that sent shivers down her spine.

"If that's how he wants to play it, then bet."

His words echoed in the silence, a chilling promise of retribution. And then, he was gone. He vanished out the door in a blur of movement, leaving behind the stifling aftermath of his rage.

In the minutes that followed Aaron's departure, the oppressive weight of his killing intent slowly dissipated. It lingered in the air like the ghost of a storm, a stark reminder of the raw power that had coursed through the room. Sakura sank down onto the couch, feeling the full weight of her failure and the terrifying consequences it had unleashed.

A/N....Ight,how gruesome is it going to be,