
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

Ppp_Pppp · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
144 Chs

Warning {22}

Aaron stood within the Fenix base, his gaze casually sweeping across the room. "Oh, so this is the place you get your power buff from... neat," he remarked with nonchalance, seemingly unimpressed.

Suddenly, his heightened senses activated, alerting him to a lurking demonic presence nearby. Despite the potential threat, Aaron dismissed it with a calculated confidence. If push came to shove, he was ready to confront and eliminate it.

"What is he doing here?" a voice echoed in fluent English. Aaron turned around to face the source and was met with the familiar visage of George, his expression a mix of surprise and suspicion.

"What up, I am Raion," Aaron declared with a goofy grin, looking at George.

"I knew it," George exclaimed with what appeared to be genuine excitement before his expression swiftly shifted to sheer disappointment.

Aaron, adding a touch of mischief, replied, "It was only a guess, though, so it doesn't matter." He tossed in a hint of casual disregard, aware that he might be stepping on George's pride as a detective. Nevertheless, Aaron seemed determined not to let George uncover the truth before he was ready to reveal it on his terms.

George's frustration was palpable, evident in the way his features contorted from excitement to disappointment. Aaron's nonchalant response, complete with a goofy grin, only fueled George's irritation. The detective's attempt at unveiling the truth had been met with a casual dismissal, adding a layer of salt to the wound.

As Aaron continued to tease with a mix of mischief and disregard, George's frustration simmered just beneath the surface. It was a dance of pride and revelation, with Aaron seemingly holding all the cards, leaving George with a growing sense of annoyance at being one step behind.

Ikki, Daiji, Sakura, and Hiromi stood stunned, watching the unfolding scene with a mix of surprise and curiosity. Aaron's laughter echoed in the room, contrasting with the visible frustration on the scientist's face.

Suddenly, Aaron's grin disappeared, and his head turned around to face the person entering the room. The atmosphere shifted, a palpable tension settling in as everyone's attention shifted to the newcomer, their anticipation hanging in the air like a charged current.

As soon as Aaron laid eyes on the man, a clear sense of distrust emanated from him. "Who dis?" he questioned, pointing directly at the newcomer.

"Yujiro Wakabayashi," the man introduced himself.

"Cool, I didn't think a demon would be so bold, but heh," Aaron remarked with a nonchalant shrug. His words hung in the air, leaving the others in the room in a state of shock.

"Are you insinuating that Captain Wakabayashi is a Deadman?" Hiromi retorted, stepping forward in defense of the man.

"Nah, me, I would never... I am just saying he feels like one. Maybe he was a Kamen Rider or something, and his inner demons' scent is still on him," Aaron explained, his expression unwavering as he observed Yujiro with a scrutinizing gaze. The room was charged with an uneasy tension, each word leaving the occupants in a state of contemplation.

Aaron, maintaining an air of nonchalance, couldn't resist being passive-aggressive with Yujiro. "So, Yujiro, do you have a day job or is being a suspected demon your full-time gig?" he quipped, a hint of amusement in his tone.

Yujiro, caught off guard by Aaron's apparent lightheartedness, tried to maintain composure. "I assure you, I'm no demon."

Aaron chuckled, his words dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, my bad then. Here I was, thinking we had an overachieving Deadman in our midst."

Aaron's eyes gleamed with a yellow glow as the energy started to spread through his body.

Aaron was suddenly guarded by guard and Daiji as they blocked his path toward the man.

"It must be a misunderstanding, he may have the smell of a dead man because he deal with them alot"Daiji said to which Aaron reply

"I didn't know, I apology for my action"Aaron said showing fake sympathy, which was clear to George.

"Your apology are accepted, you judgment may have been wrong it happen to the best of us"The man said to which Aaron smile before walking away.

As Aaron left the room followed by Ikki, who wanted to know why he acted like that, his simple answer was.

"Gut feeling"

Later Yujiro.

The man was seen in his office sweating literal bullets, he had seen death...being in the presence of that thing, it made him see the pearly gates.

What kind of monster was he...he almost lost his cover because of him.

He just needs to keep cool and his plan will go smoothly.

Time skip

Armed with knowledge about Sakura's personality and experiences, Aaron, despite the potential consequences, couldn't resist the opportunity to tease her a few days later.

"So, Sakura-chan, saving the world one bathhouse at a time? I'm sure your family is proud," he remarked with a sly grin.

Sakura shot him a glare, a blend of irritation and amusement in her eyes. "Aaron, you're really pushing it. Don't make me demonstrate my self-defense skills."

Aaron chuckled, undeterred. "Oh, I'm counting on it. A Kamen Rider who knows karate? That's a combination I'd pay to see."

Sakura sighed, shaking her head. "You're impossible, Aaron."

"But you love me for it, right?" he teased, flashing a cheeky grin.

Sakura rolled her eyes, unable to suppress a small smile.

Aaron could tease the other but the reaction he get are quite mild so why not just annoy the person that give the most reply.

He truly loved his life.....hold up...something was wrong..Aaron watched started to light up for a bit as a signal he wished he didn't received appeared.

"Hum,got to go"Aaron said quickly getting up and walking away.

It was quite evident from his voice that he was going somewhere the question now was where.

Sakura, witnessing Aaron's abrupt departure, couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Typical. Can't even finish a conversation without vanishing. I hope whatever's calling you away is at least more interesting than your jokes," she remarked with a mixture of exasperation and a hint of amusement.

"Rui opened a rift back to that world... something bad is happening," Aaron urgently explained as he sprinted like his life depended on it.

In front of him, an anomaly materialized in a hallway devoid of cameras. Without hesitation, Aaron ran toward the mysterious occurrence, a sense of urgency propelling him forward. The unfolding events hinted at a serious situation, compelling Aaron to navigate the unknown with a determination etched across his face.

A/N....i bet no one saw that coming,anyway for the next week or so,the upload will be on the Geat story..that why i never put it as completed as hum,its not,and if you reread the ending, you would see why.