
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

Ppp_Pppp · Película
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144 Chs

Wait is that a... (26)

Aaron was seen in his Raion form inside the Deadman base, he truly wanted to go alone but at the end of the day he didn't feel like having a lot of suspicion on him.

Even if in hand-to-hand combat compared to the people here, he was leagues above them, the chances that they would even catch up to him were as slime as prime Mike Tyson losing to a fetus.

That was to be expected as his fighting experience was quite literally made to be effective and very efficient while also giving him creative freedom to do whatever he wanted.

He could switch it up at any time.....that was the big buff of his fighting style, Sakura has Karate and Hiromi has hand combat skills and Ikki has some basic level of martial art.

.... He did win the fight thought, however, he still decided to let them join him because chances are even if he went alone someone from Fenix would have been hiding in the shadow following after him.

He entered the place and all he saw was darkness, he needed a flashlight in order to be able to see well, so he flashed the light toward the corners looking for something specifically.

He then walked toward the blue screen in the corner of the room before touching it, he then looked at the people behind him and said "See ya"

After saying those words he then opened his mouth and said

"Gracia's deadman"

As those words escaped his lips, his body seemed to have been absorbed by the screen.

As soon as he reappeared inside the deadman base, he felt it, the demonic presence that he was here to get rid of.

It seemed as if it was going to get awakened and it would be a hassle to try and deal with it once it awakened.

He didn't want to have another Suel situation, he was not in the mood for another high diff fight.

He did see a bunch of lunatics praying...

"Yeah, I ain't dealing with that, "Aaron said bluntly ignoring the people praying in the middle of the room.

That was none of his concern if he was to be honest with himself, his eyes then wandered around the room before landing on where he felt the demonic energy was coming from.

He took in a deep breath before rushing toward the light, he ran up the stairs at full speed before opening the door of the room.

He saw a bunch of transformed things...oh no those were just the deadman...

Wait was that a coochie...was that a status of a coochie in the middle of the room.

Wait... wait...was Gifu just a giant coochie and were those tentacles.

So everyone that sold them would to Gifu was just selling to coochie...

"I may get desperate sometime but really, serving coochie...that low" Raion said as his eyes scanned the room.

"You," The voice of a so familiar lawyer said with a lot of disdain.

"Do I know you?" Raion said a bit confused upon looking at the thing.

"You a great actor aren't you Raion..or should I call you Aaron" Orteca suddenly said sounding quite confident in himself.

"Hm, at first I thought you were a smart dude but really, you sold your soul to stone coochie...I know it's hard to get a girl but jeez man, wouldn't your right hand suffice"Raion said looking at Orteca.

Raion really didn't care about the reaction of the people behind him nor the fact that the words currently leaving his lips were anything but appropriate but that was the truth.

"And you Aguilera, didn't take you for the kind of girl into tentacles plays but hey everyone has their kink and you just so happen to be a stoned coochie....quick question do you happen to be a lesbian" Raion said with childlike curiosity.

Much to everyone in the room's stunned expression.

"Oh, you won't say, "Raion said before suddenly ducking under one of Julio's hits.

"Stop disrespecting Aguilera-sama," He said as he threw a punch toward Raion's face who blocked another punch from him saying.

"Now that I look at you closer you look exactly like Minecraft Steve," Raion said before he leaned back just enough to dodge his attempt to grab him before using launching a powerful kick toward Julio Dome.

The hit landed and it sent Julio flying a few feet back, he layed on the floor unconscious as Raion had used the energy source he was given into that kick.

He used just enough to knock him out

"So anyone else want to get the Raion special" Raion said with a grin before the full-on fight started.

Really he could have done this alone....it would have been more fun but hey the more people the merrier plus he did promise Rui not to get that hurt so with more people here his chances of getting hurt are way lower than if he was alone.

He then with a nonchalant expression walked toward the tied-up Aguilera, he then sat down on the floor next to her chair.

"What do you want"Aguilera said looking at him to which he just replied.

"I was wondering how good must those tenticles feel if you are willing to sacrifice yourself for that thing"


"I didn't stutter"

"No matter what you say, I won't change my mind, if my sacrifice is needed for Gifu to come back to be it," Aguilera said to which Raion just shrugged before saying

"You sound like you have been groomed, hmm, answer me this since when did you know you were going to become the great coochie's fiance because I don't think it is something someone would figure out..."

Aguilera stayed quiet for a bit before answering

"It's none of your business"

"Oh it is, I left my mark on your guts so yes I am curious"


"Once again, I didn't stutter"

"Hm, seems you won't say anything in this case, "Raion said as his eyes landed on the statue in the room.

He walked toward the statue before touching it with his hands, immediately he felt it, something really dark was in there

As Raion's finger lingered in the statue he could the thing sealed inside, he could make out its shape and he could tell its desire to be set free.

He was in a trance as he couldn't even hear Aguilera telling him to back off the statue.

Gifu stared into his soul, he reached out trying to reach it but something stopped him.

"Back off" was All Gifu heard her before he was pushed away from his goal.

Raion gaining back control sighs a bit.

"This coochie really tried brainwashing me" Raion muttered as he looked at Gifu.

He then with a smile on his face started to apply the energy that he was given into the statue.

Suddenly all throughout the base, their scream of Gigi could be heard.

"Stop it...Move away from him don't hurt him stop it"Aguilera cried out with desperation in her voice as she wanted Raion to stop whatever he was doing to hurt Gifu.

"Nah, grooming is bad so he should at least pay for that"Raion replied.

It wasn't because Gifu was responsible for millions of people's deaths nor the fact that he created a cult or the fact that he was dangerous.

No the reason why Raion was doing this was one his mission and two, just for shits and giggles.

He would much rather fight a weakened Gifu rather than a full-powered one.

Suddenly, he heard Vice scream in pain.....shit, he might have overlooked the fact that Gifu was connected to the Akuma but hey he is sure Vice will get over it soon.

Suddenly he was attacked by a bunch of tenticles...

Offourse it had to be tenticles.

Like dam why do they want to penetrate him that badly....he was not rephrasing himself on that thought.

He was no Japanese school girl so what could a tentacle see in him, like for Chris's sake he was a light-skinned dude with yellow eyes.

Shouldn't be part of different categories, isn't his description just the average description for the villain in the Ntr story so why the fuck are tenticles going for him.

That was a problem for future him.

A/N as yes blunt Aaron, also this is usually how the chapter looks before Ai rewrites with better grammar so which version seems better?