
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

ThePpp_Pppp · Película
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185 Chs

Training Sakura {52}

Aaron continued his exploration of the cavernous mansion, muttering to himself, "Hm, Ikki out meeting his friend again."  The sheer size of the place was starting to sink in, and he knew it would take some time to get used to navigating all its sprawling rooms and corridors.

Suddenly, a familiar vibration buzzed in his pocket.  He fished out his phone, a knowing smile spreading across his face as he saw the message notification.  It was a simple text from Sakura: "Where are you?"

Aaron chuckled to himself.  It seemed his impromptu training session with Sakura had left a lasting impression.  He couldn't deny the girl's determination to get stronger.  Last time, he'd simply taken her to an abandoned building for a makeshift training session.  This time, though, with this mansion at his disposal...

A mischievous glint sparked in his eyes.  He quickly tapped out a reply, sending Sakura the coordinates of his current location.  The opulent mansion, he decided, could be the perfect training ground for their next session.Plus who would care if he break a few items.

Pocketing his phone, Aaron continued his tour, a sense of anticipation building.  Training Sakura in this extravagant environment promised a unique experience, a far cry from their usual deserted buildings.  He wondered how she would react to the luxurious training session he had in mind.

Time skip.

Aaron was seen leaning on a couch not doing anything in particular,deeply in thought.

He was thinking about the entity that seem to have been buffing Gifu,his earlier guess seem to have been wrong as Gifu wasnt the reason why he was sent to this world.

If it was Gifu he is sure that,Ikki and his family could handle it just fine,probably by using the Gifu fragment in their dad heart or something like.

However,Gifu here wasnt the threat,it was the goddam entity buffing,that entity was the same entity that buffed Olteca to the level that even Ikki Volcano rex form or whatever he called it didnt stand a chance.

Even with Sakura aid,they still got beat and it seemed as if Olteca wasnt going all out.

So if that entity was able to do all that stuff with a nerd like Olteca,the buff that it could provide to Gifu would be insane.

For once,Aaron couldnt keep track of the entity whatsoever,reason why he got blitzed,and for two,Gifu definitely as more powers than just tentacles.

This was such a pain in the ass to deal with and considering his dumbass didnt try and suppress his ability so that he appeared to be just on the level of the other this would be find and that entity wouldnt even cast him a second glance.

But he had to show he was strong,he thought that maybe because this world and Mitsume world were kind of the same just that this world is a bit further in the past that their strenght would be atleast similiar.

But dam,even the form that Ace had gained from asking his momma to help him is stronguer than anything the kamen rider in this world could muster.

The closest to that strenght would be Ikki.

But that change once again the second Ace had gained his creation powers,that was his mistake for using Ace as the standart for strenght,he should have expected a god of creation would be busted.

Next time he should use someone weaker,like Keiwa or Neion.

Somewhere in the future,two people were seen sneezing.

Aaron's steely resolve was momentarily disrupted by a soft voice echoing in his mind. "Nii-san, you've got a visitor," Rui chirped telepathically.  A mental nod of acknowledgement sent her off to fetch whoever it was.

Moments later, the mansion's grand entrance echoed with light footsteps.  A slender figure appeared in the doorway – Sakura.  Her usual fiery spirit seemed subdued, replaced by a cautious curiosity as she took in the opulent surroundings.

"Yow," Aaron greeted her with a casual wave, his frustration momentarily forgotten.  "Fancy seeing you here. What brings you to this... palatial estate?"  He gestured around with a hint of amusement, his earlier annoyance replaced by a playful tone.

A beat of silence followed Aaron's playful greeting. Sakura stood frozen in the doorway, her eyes wide as she scanned the opulent interior. Was this really where Aaron lived now? Sparkling chandeliers cast a warm glow on marble floors, and ornate furniture seemed more suited for a royal palace than a Kamen Rider's residence.

"Earth to Sakura," Aaron drawled, snapping his fingers in front of her face with a mischievous grin.  "You alright there? Seems like the luxury overload has overloaded your circuits."

His playful jab jolted Sakura back to reality.  A blush crept up her cheeks as she stammered, "Uh, yeah, I'm fine.  Just... surprised by, uh... all this."  She gestured vaguely at the luxurious surroundings.

"Miyuki with the, uh, interstellar credit card, then?" Aaron asked, a hint of disappointment flickering in his eyes.  He leaned back on the plush couch, feigning a dramatic sigh.  "Why couldn't it have been me who got to show you around my... humble abode?"  He emphasized the last word with a sardonic chuckle.

Sakura couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at him.  Her gaze swept over his relaxed posture and comfortable demeanor.  "Humble?" she echoed, amusement dancing in her eyes.  "This place is practically a mansion, Aaron.  More like... a palace fit for an alien princess, wouldn't you say?"

Aaron groaned theatrically.  "Oh, come on," he whined.  "Do you have to rub it in?  The girl practically kidnapped me and installed me here.  It's not like I have a say in the décor."

"As if you out of anyone could get kidnap by her"Sakura said as if she didn't buy it.

"What do you mean by that"Aaron replied looking a bit curious,Sakura eyes him up for a bit before saying.

"You are the one keeping her in check arent you,plus you the last person to worry about her, you make beating her look easy"

The last part felt as if she had believed that Miyuki might have been an easy fight but she had gotten humble.

Either that or this wasn't any of his business now all he had to do was make sure, he gave her the training he had promised.


Akaishi was seen looking at what seemed to be a hole in space,in this hole,Gifu was staring back at him.

"Welcome back Gifu-sama"Akaishi said looking at Gifu,all Akaishi received in return was a very low growl, that seem to shake the space wider

Even though Gifu mouth had echoed no words,Akaishi seem to have understand what Gifu was saying.

"As you wish Gifu-sama"

The commands that Gifu had given were simple...neutralize kamen rider Raion by any means necessary.

A black tentacle left the portal before reaching toward Akaishi,the tentacle,finally touched Akaishi body and as soon as that happen,Akaishi felt a surge of power overwhlming his body,he felt himself being fueled with alot of power.

Time skip

With a playful glint in his eyes, Aaron launched over Sakura's sweeping kick.  He wasn't here to hurt her, just to push her to her limits and refine her skills.  In mid-air, he delivered a swift kick that connected with her cheek, the impact sending a surprised gasp escaping her lips.

Before she could react, Aaron used the momentum to land another kick with the same leg, twisting it mid-motion to launch a follow-up strike aimed at her face.  He finished the acrobatic combo by using her chest for a final push, propelling himself back a safe distance.

Sakura stumbled back, momentarily stunned by the rapid assault.  Aaron's movements were a blur, his strikes precise and powerful.  She hadn't anticipated such a relentless display of skill.

"Come at me!" Aaron challenged with a grin, his voice laced with playful encouragement.

Sakura, her competitive spirit ignited, roared back with a battle cry and charged towards him.  She launched a powerful roundhouse kick aimed at his side, but Aaron was ready.  He effortlessly blocked the blow with his forearm, the impact sending a tremor through his arm.

Reacting with lightning speed, Aaron capitalized on the opening.  He seized her outstretched leg, effectively throwing off her balance.  Before she could recover, he followed up with a kick of his own, aiming for her other leg to completely disarm her attack.

"Got both your legs!" Aaron taunted with a chuckle, his voice laced with amusement.  He easily dodged her flailing punches, maneuvering around her with practiced ease.

"Aw, isn't this cute?" he teased further, holding her momentarily suspended with just one arm around her legs.  "Looks like I'm carrying you, little grasshopper."  

A flicker of annoyance sparked in Sakura's eyes. Aaron's playful teasing, while initially amusing, was starting to grate on her.  The "little grasshopper" comment, combined with the way he was holding her upside down, felt a little too condescending for her taste.

However, she wasn't about to let his taunts get the best of her.  Determination fueled her muscles as she whipped an arm back, aiming a fierce punch at his face.  Aaron, ever vigilant, anticipated the attack and effortlessly dodged it with a smirk.

He didn't waste time.  Using the momentum from her missed swing, Aaron hoisted her higher before launching her into the air with a playful grunt.  He followed through with a swift kick aimed at her back, expecting her to be caught off guard.

But to his surprise, a small smile grazed her lips just before impact.  In a lightning-fast reflex, she twisted her body mid-air, throwing up an arm in a desperate block just as his foot connected.  The force of the blow sent her tumbling further, but she landed on her feet with a slight stumble, rolling with the impact to absorb the blow.

A genuine grin spread across Aaron's face.  She hadn't just blocked his attack; she'd anticipated it and adapted her strategy on the fly.  The playful teasing was gone, replaced by a spark of admiration in his eyes.  "Now that's impressive," he admitted, a hint of respect in his voice.

Sakura's unwavering determination crackled in the air as she squared up, her stance radiating focus. "It's still not enough," she declared, her voice ringing with a steely resolve. "Give me all you've got, Aaron!"

"You would have to force it out of me, Afterall i really don't want to have to explain to Ikki that i broke his sister back out that would be a very weird conversation" He added with a wry smile just thinking about it made him shiver.

With a burst of speed, Sakura launched herself into an offensive.  She threw a powerful punch aimed at his head, a blow that could have sent a lesser fighter reeling.  Aaron, however, anticipated the attack.  With a well-practiced parry, he deflected the fist, the momentum sending a tremor through his arm.

Undeterred, Sakura pressed the attack.  She leaped back, dodging a retaliatory kick aimed at her side with a graceful agility.  Before Aaron could capitalize on the opening, she was back on the offensive, launching a spinning kick aimed for his head.

Aaron reacted with lightning speed.  He ducked beneath the spinning leg, his eyes flashing with a playful glint.  Seizing the opportunity, he aimed a low sweep kick towards her leg, intending to throw her off balance.

But Sakura, her focus laser-sharp, countered his strategy.  Instead of planting her foot on the ground, she remained suspended mid-air, both legs extended in a graceful arc.  The surprise maneuver left Aaron momentarily stunned.  'How adorable,' he thought with amusement, watching her hang upside down, seemingly defying gravity.  'But cute won't win this fight.'

A mischievous grin spread across his face as he abandoned the sweep.  Instead, he shot forward, reaching out with one hand towards her midsection.  His plan was simple: catch her off guard and turn her aerial advantage into a disadvantage.

The blow landed solidly against Sakura's chest, the impact knocking the wind out of her lungs. She coughed, gasping for air, but refused to let the pain slow her down.  Gritting her teeth, she pushed through the discomfort, returning to her fighting stance.  Determination burned bright in her eyes as she launched another assault.

This time, however, her frustration began to cloud her judgment.  Blow after blow rained down on Aaron, each one telegraphed and easily dodged.  An hour of relentless sparring had yielded nothing but bruises to her pride.  Why couldn't she land a single hit?  She felt weak, inadequate, despite pouring her heart and soul into the fight.

Aaron noticed the shift in her strategy.  He effortlessly sidestepped a wild swing, the frustration radiating from her palpable.  "Getting frustrated, huh?"  he commented, his voice laced with a playful challenge.

Sakura shot him a withering glare, her lips pressed into a thin line.  "I am not," she snapped, her voice strained.

"Oh, come on," he countered with a smirk.  "If you're not frustrated, then I must be the king of England."  His lighthearted banter only served to fuel her annoyance.  She rewarded him with another glare, this one even fiercer than the last.

"Alright, alright, fine," she conceded, her voice laced with a defeated sigh.  "I'm frustrated.  It's been an hour, and I still haven't landed a single hit on you!"  An edge of desperation crept into her voice.

Aaron chuckled, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.  "That's simple, really," he said, feigning nonchalance.  "You're just very easy to read."

Sakura's frustration morphed into surprise.  "What do you mean by that?" she demanded.

"Think about it," he continued, tapping his chin with a thoughtful expression.  "When I cock my fist back, what do you assume I'm going to do?"  His question hung in the air, a silent challenge.

A flicker of realization dawned on Sakura's face as Aaron's explanation settled in.  "That you're preparing to throw a punch," she confirmed, the surprise slowly morphing into grudging acceptance.  "But that still doesn't explain why I can't hit you."  Though the frustration hadn't completely dissipated, it was edged with a newfound curiosity.

"Actually, it does," Aaron explained, a hint of pride creeping into his voice.  "You telegraph your attacks.  I can tell what you're going to do before you even throw the punch by watching your body language.  How you shift your weight, the muscle tension in your shoulders, even the way your eyes dart – they all give away your intentions."

He listed them off one by one, ticking them off on his fingers. – "Your posture, your breathing pattern, the way you balance yourself... all these things paint a picture of your next move.  Combine that with knowing you as a person, your fighting style, and I can predict your attacks before you even formulate them in your head."

Sakura stared at him, a mixture of disbelief and grudging respect flickering in her eyes.  "You can't be serious," she finally managed, her voice laced with skepticism.  "There's no way you can use all that in a real fight."

Aaron raised an eyebrow, a playful challenge glinting in his eyes.  "Oh, I can," he countered.  "Now, tell me, what were you planning just before I interrupted you?"  A mischievous smirk spread across his face.

He stood perfectly still, a neutral pose offering no clues.  Sakura crossed her arms, scrutinizing him from head to toe, searching for any telltale sign.  Her frustration warred with her newly awakened focus.  Could he really be right?