
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

ThePpp_Pppp · Película
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185 Chs

Training Rui (10)

"Alright, Rui, time to test out your hand-to-hand combat," Aaron declared, assuming his battle stance. Rui met his gaze, determination reflected in her eyes, and replied, "I am ready, nee-san." Both of them poised in fighting stances, prepared to engage in a practice bout to hone Rui's hand-to-hand combat skills under Aaron's guidance.

Aaron showcased his inhuman speed as he swiftly closed the distance, appearing in front of Rui within seconds. Without hesitation, he launched a kick, demonstrating both speed and precision in his movements as part of the hand-to-hand combat practice.

Rui adeptly blocked Aaron's initial kick, showcasing her defensive skills. In response, she countered with a strike of her own, but Aaron agilely dodged it. Undeterred, he dropped to the floor, attempting a powerful kick aimed at Rui's stomach.

However, Rui, quick on her feet and leveraging her telekinesis, evaded the attack by pulling herself just out of reach. Aaron's powerful kick grazed her, showcasing the combination of physical and telekinetic maneuvers in this dynamic practice bout.

Aaron, quick as a flash, transitioned from the graze, throwing a kick with precision targeting. His foot aimed at Rui's midsection, intending to exploit an opening. In response, Rui, displaying a mix of agility and telekinesis, sidestepped the kick, her movements fluid and controlled.

Undeterred, Aaron followed up with a rapid combination of punches, targeting Rui's defensive perimeter. Rui, demonstrating a growing mastery of her telekinetic abilities, skillfully deflected and evaded the strikes, maintaining a delicate balance between physical and psychic defense.

The training ground echoed with the rhythm of their movements, each shift and strike a testament to their dedication to honing their combat skills.

Rui, determined to test Aaron's defenses, aimed a swift combination of punches toward his torso. Her strikes were calculated, targeting specific points to exploit potential weaknesses. However, Aaron, in a display of remarkable agility and anticipation, adeptly blocked and parried each incoming hit.

Undeterred, Rui shifted her strategy, incorporating telekinesis to enhance the unpredictability of her attacks. She directed a telekinetic force to push Aaron off balance before delivering a powerful kick aimed at his midsection. The impact of the kick, enhanced by the telekinetic force, connected with Aaron's abdomen, eliciting a brief stagger in his stance.

Aaron, maintaining his composure, swiftly recovered and responded with a counterattack. His movements were a harmonious blend of defense and offense, as he aimed precise strikes at Rui, seeking to exploit any opening she presented.

Upon discerning a vulnerability in Rui's defense, Aaron capitalized on it, delivering a precise and impactful punch that left her momentarily breathless.

Gasping for air, Rui dropped to her knees, feeling the effect of the well-executed strike.

Concerned for his little sister, Aaron approached her and extended his hands, asking, "Are you alright?" Rui, though a bit hurt, assured him, "I am fine, just a bit hurt." Aaron, displaying his protective nature, gently picked her up and suggested, "Let's go heal that little wound. I wouldn't want my little sister to stay hurt." Rui smiled, and Aaron carried her towards the healing chamber, prioritizing her well-being after their intense training session.

In the futuristic healing chamber, Aaron carefully laid Rui down. He activated a small, advanced device emitting a soft hum—the future's version of a healing tool. Hovering it over Rui's minor wounds, the device emanated a gentle hue.

Aaron, focused on tending to his sister, spoke with a tender smile, "Hold still, Rui. This little gadget works wonders. It'll have you feeling good as new in no time." The healing light from the device bathed Rui's injuries, its soothing glow indicating its regenerative properties.

As the futuristic technology worked its magic, Aaron continued to reassure Rui, "You did great in training, little sis. Remember, it's okay to get a few bumps and bruises. That's how we grow stronger."

Rui, lying there with a hint of a smile, responded to Aaron's comforting words, "Thanks, nee-san. I'll remember that. And thank you for always taking care of me." The warmth in her eyes reflected the deep trust and connection she felt with her older brother.

"No worry sis, I am just taking care of you" Aaron said with a smile as she smiled back at him.

"Can we watch a movie later, "Rui asked looking at him.

"Yeah sure, I see no reason why not to do it," Aaron said with a grin to which she hugged him before saying

"Thank you"

"No problem, so get ready...sis" Aaron said patting her head to which she smiled.

Aaron spent the rest of the afternoon just watching movies with his sister.

It was fun....very fun, he didn't have the time last time because he was busy trying to rescue Mitsume but now he can spend some time with her.

She held him close to herself as the show went on, and she started to slowly fall asleep in his arms and eventually, she fell asleep.

He soon fell asleep to while he was caressing her cheek, he eventually dozed off.

As they were both sleeping some sort of unknown force covered them as the familiar voice of Abi was heard saying

"Sleep tight"