
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

Ppp_Pppp · Película
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144 Chs

Train me (47)

Sakura stood before Aaron, her voice ringing with a newfound determination. "Train me," she declared, her gaze meeting his. Aaron, who'd steeled himself for anything this training day might throw his way, found himself momentarily speechless. This, this wasn't what he'd anticipated.

The initial shock quickly faded, replaced by a carefully crafted nonchalance. "Ah, sorry," he drawled, feigning a lapse in hearing. "I thought for a second you said you wanted me to train you." A playful glint danced in his eyes.

Sakura's expression remained resolute. "I do," she stated, her voice leaving no room for misinterpretation. Aaron's facade faltered. This wasn't part of the plan. A genuine surprise flickered across his face.

"Well, that's certainly... a unique way of expressing your feelings," he managed, a teasing smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Sakura wasn't amused. "In your dreams," she countered, her sharp retort slicing through his amusement with a single, brutal sentence.

Aaron recoiled playfully, clutching his chest with a mock gasp. "Ouch, that stings, Sakura. A little harsh, wouldn't you say?" His attempt at wounded pride seemed to fall flat, failing to elicit even a flicker of sympathy from her.

Undeterred, Sakura pressed on. "So," she started, her voice firm, "are you going to train me or not?"

Aaron studied her for a long moment, seemingly weighing his options. "Hmm..." he finally murmured, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "Show me what you've got."

Sakura raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Like, right now?" she asked, surprised by his abruptness.

A confident grin spread across Aaron's face. "Absolutely. And don't worry about hurting me," he added, his voice laced with a playful challenge. "Trust me, landing a hit won't be so easy."


Sakura wasted no time. With a sharp kiai, a burst of focused energy that signaled the start of the fight, she launched into a series of karate strikes. A roundhouse kick whipped through the air, aimed at Aaron's head. He sidestepped effortlessly, the movement almost casual.

"Nice try there," he called out, his voice light. "But this is a bit predictable. Try to use your hips more,try imagining...actually nevermind"

Aaron seem like he was thinking of something not so appropriate at this moment and stopped himself.

Sakura gritted her teeth, her determination burning brighter. She spun on her heel, launching a reverse punch towards his jaw. Again, Aaron moved with the fluidity of water, ducking under the blow. He brushed past her, close enough for her to feel the faint warmth of his body.

"You are getting there," he teased, a playful smirk dancing on his lips. "But your form is a little sloppy. "

Sakura spun around, fueled by a mixture of frustration and newfound respect for Aaron's agility. This wasn't going to be easy. She opted for a more measured approach this time, a series of jabs aimed at his midsection. Aaron expertly blocked each strike with his forearms, the sounds of their blocked hits echoing in the air.

"Your defense is decent," he acknowledged, his voice tinged with amusement. "But not good enough" He took advantage of an opening she left momentarily exposed, tapping her lightly on the shoulder. "There! See how easy it is to get in close?"

Sakura growled, the sound low and dangerous. This playful dance was starting to grate on her nerves. She unleashed a flurry of kicks and punches, each one faster and more precise than the last. Aaron's movements became a blur as he dodged and weaved, his eyes locked on hers, taking in every move.

"Alright, alright," Aaron finally conceded, a hint of surprise coloring his voice. "I see you're getting serious now. Not bad, Sakura, you've got some potential there..." He trailed off, his playful demeanor replaced by a thoughtful frown. "But that," he pointed a finger at her, "that's your weakness."

Sakura's eyes widened a fraction. The playful banter was gone, replaced by a seriousness that demanded her full attention. "What do you mean?" she demanded, her voice sharp with curiosity.

Aaron, no longer toying with her, adopted a more defensive stance. "Let me show you," he declared.

Sakura didn't hesitate. Fueled by a competitive spirit and a desire to learn, she launched into another attack. This time, she aimed for a powerful roundhouse kick. But Aaron was ready. He ducked underneath the spinning leg with practiced ease.

As Sakura's kick sailed past his head, he saw his opening. With a swift movement, he lashed out, not at her head or torso, but at the supporting leg she'd left behind. The impact connected with a satisfying thud, sending a jolt of surprise through Sakura. Her balance, momentarily compromised, gave way, and she found herself landing unceremoniously on the floor with a surprised yelp.

Aaron stood above her for a moment, a mixture of amusement and concern flickering across his face.  He then extended a hand to help her up.

"See that?" he asked once she was back on her feet, brushing the dust off her pants. "I noticed it a while back, but now I can say for sure. Your anger is blinding you, making you more vulnerable to hits you normally wouldn't take."

Sakura grimaced, replaying the moment of her fall in her mind. He was right. Her emotions had gotten the better of her, clouding her judgment.

"And that's not all," Aaron continued, his voice turning more serious. "Your fighting style relies heavily on kicks. But you're not using your body mass or your center of gravity to your advantage. You're putting all your power into your legs, but not anchoring yourself properly."

He gestured towards her stance. "This leaves you off-balance and vulnerable to counters like the one I just used."

"Huh," Sakura muttered, her gaze glued to Aaron.  A mixture of surprise and something akin to respect flickered in her eyes.

Aaron, ever the tease, couldn't resist a playful jab.  "What? Did I get something on my face?" he asked, feigning offense as he tapped his cheek with a finger.

Sakura shook her head, a slight smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "No, it's just... I never realized you were the analytical type."

Aaron's brow furrowed. "What's your mental image of me, then?" he inquired, a hint of amusement lacing his voice.

Sakura grew thoughtful, her eyes gazing inward as she pictured him.  Aaron couldn't help but feel a pang of self-consciousness.  Perhaps she saw him as just a flirt, a bit of a playboy... the image wasn't helped by the ever-present shadow of Miyuki.  He forced a nonchalant shrug.  "Don't worry about it," he mumbled, dismissing the subject with a sigh.

But then, a mischievous glint sparked in his eyes.  "Actually," he said, a smile slowly spreading across his face, "I have the perfect training buddy for you."  The playful glint returned, and Sakura couldn't help but wonder who this mysterious training partner could be.


The tension in the air crackled with a different kind of energy now. Gone was the playful sparring between Sakura and Aaron, replaced by a more serious atmosphere. Standing across from Sakura was Miyuki, both clad in crisp white karategi, the traditional uniform of karate.

Sakura furrowed her brow, confusion etching across her features. "Why am I fighting her?" she demanded, her voice laced with disbelief.

Miyuki mirrored Sakura's confusion, her voice tinged with a childlike coldness. "Why am I fighting this human?" she questioned, her words carrying a hint of disdain.

Aaron, ever the strategist, stepped forward to explain. "It's simple," he began. "Sakura, you have a fiery personality, always on the offensive. Miyuki, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. Calm, calculated, and a master of long-range attacks. In essence, she's your weakness."

Sakura clenched her fists, a spark of defiance igniting in her eyes.

Miyuki, however, seemed less than enthusiastic. "This all seems very one-sided," she huffed, her voice laced with annoyance. "How does this benefit me?"

A sly smile played on Aaron's lips. "Think of it this way, Miyuki," he said, his voice taking on a cajoling tone. "You're not used to human fighting styles. Fighting Sakura will expose you to their close-quarters combat, their unpredictable nature. It'll sharpen your skills and make you a more well-rounded fighter. Plus," he added with a wink, "it increases your chances of actually killing me, wouldn't you say?"

Those last words seemed to strike a chord with Miyuki. A predatory glint flickered in her eyes, and a cruel smile stretched across her face. The playful demeanor was gone, replaced by a cold determination to hone her skills for the ultimate purpose - eliminating Aaron.

With a low growl that sent shivers down Sakura's spine, Miyuki dropped into a fighting stance, her movements fluid and predatory. Aaron raised a hand, the signal for the fight to begin. In that instant, the air crackled with anticipation as two very different fighting styles were about to collide.

Aaron observed the fight with a keen eye, his initial amusement fading as Miyuki began to dominate the match. Her control over ice proved to be a significant advantage. With a flick of her wrist, she'd conjure razor-sharp shards that whistled through the air, forcing Sakura on the defensive. Sakura, agile and quick, weaved through the icy barrage, her frustration mounting with each dodge.

Seeing an opening, Sakura seized the moment. With a determined yell, she launched herself at Miyuki, aiming for a swift punch to the face. But Miyuki anticipated the move, effortlessly blocking the blow with one hand. Before Sakura could react, a surge of unseen force slammed into her chest, sending her flying across the training area. She landed with a thud, the air knocked out of her lungs.

"Oh, right," Aaron's voice cut through the tension, a hint of amusement laced with his words. "Almost forgot to mention something." He scratched his head with a feigned sheepishness that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Miyuki's physically very strong as well. You might need that little extra something to compete."

Sakura, groaning as she pushed herself up, glared at Aaron with a fiery intensity. "Really?" she spat, her voice laced with disbelief. "Couldn't have mentioned that little detail sooner?"

Aaron shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, I wanted it to be a surprise," he said, a playful glint in his eyes.

Sakura gritted her teeth, internally fuming. 'That bastard,' she thought, her anger threatening to boil over. But then, a steely resolve hardened her gaze. This little setback wouldn't break her.


Aaron watched intently as Sakura transformed into Kamen Rider Jeanne, a surge of energy enveloping her as her sleek blue and gold armor materialized. With renewed vigor, Jeanne charged towards Miyuki, her movements imbued with newfound power.

Miyuki, however, remained unfazed. Her eyes narrowed as she raised a hand, unleashing a wave of glacial energy. The air shimmered before their eyes as the training area began to transform. Walls sprouted jagged ice formations, the floor became slick and treacherous, and the ceiling sported menacing icicles dripping precariously above.

A sly smile played on Miyuki's lips. This was her element, a battlefield of her own design. She danced through the icy maze with ease, conjuring shimmering shards that zipped through the air like deadly snowflakes. Jeanne, however, wasn't so easily deterred. Her agility allowed her to navigate the treacherous landscape, dodging the icy projectiles with practiced ease.

Aaron, perched on the sidelines, observed the fight with a keen eye. He noticed Miyuki's strategy – lure Jeanne beneath the menacing icicles hanging from the ceiling and then unleash a devastating shower of frozen daggers. It was a basic tactic, predictable even. A smirk touched his lips.

"So that's her entire plan?" he muttered to himself, his gaze flickering to the roof. "Crude, but effective if she can pull it off."  He shook his head slightly.

"Those Cryosians," he continued his internal monologue, a hint of amusement laced with his thoughts. "Always so dam basic, they really a bit to much on their ability and their goddam traditions"

A chuckle escaped his lips.  He couldn't help but admire their unwavering self-confidence, their unshakeable belief in their own superiority. It made them all the easier to manipulate, to exploit their arrogance. Miyuki, from what he'd gathered, was no different.  A prodigy, unlocking her powers at a young age, wielding ice with devastating control.  She'd likely mastered their traditional fighting style – cold, precise, leaving no room for error.  Deadly, yes, but predictable.

He felt frustrated,because of the goddam traditions he was stuck with someone that wanted to kill him.

Goddam how bad can a man dating life get,he looked through her people tradition books when he had time and the best way he could find was to beat Miyuki dad the king and tell him to cancel it unless he want Aaron to spread to all of his people that he lost to a human.....

That would be blackmailing wouldnt it.....would he really stood so low as to black mail a king because he doesnt want to be stuck with Miyuki.

As of now she was tolerable so no but that may change later.

Who knows time are ever changing.

He then look at his reflection before saying

"Its been awfully quiet"

His eyes than landed on the training ground that Sakura was fighting Miyuki and he saw it.

Miyuki was seen just standing over Sakura defeated body.

Guess she lost that one,this was to be expected.

"Aight,yall get 30 seconds break before we get back to training"Aaron said looking at Sakura defeated state he wanted to see how far she would go in order to become stronguer.