
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

ThePpp_Pppp · Película
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185 Chs

The goddess awakens (66)

Keiwa sat in a dimly lit room, the glow of a massive screen casting an eerie light. The holographic replay of the day's events unfolded before him with crystalline clarity.

The room's atmosphere buzzed with a palpable tension as he revisited the pivotal moments.

Suel's announcement echoed in his memory, the ominous declaration about eliminating the anomaly.

The air thickened as the scene shifted to Aaron's unexpected entrance, an enigmatic figure seemingly unbound by the rules of the game Suel had created.

Keiwa couldn't help but marvel at the audacity with which Aaron took charge, bossing around and annoying the very architect of this virtual world.

But at the same time, he couldn't help but ponder how much sanity did this man had left,like he knew Aaron was quite insane but not to this extent.

The holographic projection captured every nuance—the defiance in Aaron's demeanor, the friction that ensued, and the unpredictable twists that followed.

Keiwa's eyes narrowed as he scrutinized the intricate dance between player and creator, a narrative that seemed to be spiraling beyond the control of the virtual realm.

Keiwa could remember how he felt back then..He could remember it well.

The holographic scene played out before Keiwa and Ace, each moment frozen in a captivating tableau of defiance and recklessness. Keiwa's eyes widened in disbelief, a mix of awe and concern etching his features.

"Holy shit... this man... I knew he was insane, but no self-preservation at all," Keiwa muttered, the intensity of the unfolding drama evident in his voice. The display on the screen seemed like a man signing his own death certificate with unbridled audacity.

Ace, his eyes lingering on the scene, joined in with a measured observation. "He has nothing left to live for, doesn't he?" The screen reflected the haunting eyes of a man who had lost it all, the same eyes that spoke of someone who had nothing more to lose.

Keiwa, perplexed, sought clarification. "What do you mean?""He had nothing to lose in this fight, whether he dies or wins doesn't matter to him," Ace explained, the weight of his words underscoring the enigma that was Aaron. The room hung in suspense, the virtual realm mirroring the complexities of a man seemingly untethered from the instinct of self-preservation.

Neon, standing among the observers, couldn't help but be both shocked and in awe of Aaron's audacity as the holographic scenes unfolded before her. The sheer boldness of his actions left a lingering sense of disbelief in the room.

However, as Ace delved into Aaron's mentality, explaining that he had nothing left to lose, a tinge of sadness crept into Neon's expression. The glow from the holographic display flickered across her face, reflecting a mix of emotions—a respect for the boldness, yet a somber acknowledgment of the depths from which that audacity emerged.

It was as if Neon had glimpsed beneath the surface of Aaron's bravado, catching a fleeting glimpse of the underlying despair that fueled his recklessness. The room held an air of contemplation, the observers silently absorbing the complex tapestry of a man who seemed to dance on the precipice of a virtual abyss.

"So what if he dies. Who cares, he's just an Anomaly," Chirami remarked with an air of indifference, displaying a callous disregard for Aaron's fate. To him, the concept of Aaron's life or death seemed inconsequential.

Neon, however, couldn't let such apathy pass without protest. "How can you say that?" she retorted, her eyes reflecting a mix of disbelief and disdain. She couldn't fathom the level of indifference Chirami displayed.

Chirami, unfazed, shrugged casually. "His death was a long time coming. I'm surprised he lasted this long." His words hung in the air, a stark contrast to the tension building in the room.

Tsumuri, unexpectedly, found herself bristling with anger at Chirami's callous remarks. She felt a strange surge of emotion—a protective instinct that defied explanation. Why did she care about the fate of someone she barely knew? The enigma of her own emotions added another layer of complexity to the unfolding scene.

Tsumuri couldn't shake the unsettling surge of anger that Chirami's callous words had ignited within her.

Her normally composed demeanor now betrayed a flicker of frustration as she confronted him, "Why do you speak of him that way? What's it to you if he's just an 'Anomaly'?"

Chirami remained nonchalant, seemingly impervious to the emotions swirling around him. "It's the truth. Anomalies are meant to fade away sooner or later. No use getting sentimental over it,"

he replied dismissively.Neon, her frustration building, interjected, "You have no idea what he's been through. He's more than just a designation. He's a person!"

Chirami's response was a mocking chuckle. "People die. Anomalies too. Nothing special about it."Tsumuri, unable to contain her anger any longer, shot back, "You're heartless, Chirami. Don't you feel anything for someone facing death?"The room became quiet as the normally quiet Navigator was currently reprimanding Chirami.

Pov change

Mitsume slowly opened her eyes, the world around her gradually coming into focus. She found herself lying in what seemed to be her own bed. A hazy memory lingered in her mind—a voice, a promise. The last thing she recalled was the comforting words, "I told you I would save you."

A sense of disorientation clung to her as she tried to piece together the fragments of her recollection. The room felt familiar, yet a subtle confusion lingered in the air. Mitsume couldn't shake the feeling that something profound had transpired, something beyond the ordinary confines of her virtual existence.

As she sat up, her surroundings came into clearer view. The soft glow of the virtual environment painted the room in hues of ethereal light. Mitsume couldn't help but wonder about the voice that had reached her in that pivotal moment and the unspoken promise that had guided her back to consciousness.

Mitsume's eyes widened in recognition as the familiar voice reached her ears. She looked up to find the caramel-skinned teenager with striking yellow eyes standing before her, a soft smile playing on his face.

"You finally woke up, huh?" he repeated, his tone gentle. The warmth in his eyes and the familiar contours of his face triggered a flood of memories. Mitsume couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and gratitude at the sight of the person who had seemingly pulled her back from the brink.

A mixture of emotions played across her features as she managed a faint smile in response. "Thank you," Mitsume whispered, her voice carrying a blend of appreciation and curiosity.

The room held an air of mystery, and the reunion with the yellow-eyed teenager marked the beginning of a journey to unravel the enigma that surrounded her awakening.

"Oh... you already forgot my name? That breaks my heart," the voice teased, and Mitsume felt a playful tug at the corners of her consciousness. She struggled for a moment, a name hovering on the edge of her memory until, like a sudden revelation, it clicked.

"Aaron," she managed to mutter out loud, and as the word left her lips, the figure before her broke into a wide smile. "Bingo," he confirmed, the warmth in his eyes deepening.The room seemed to brighten with an unspoken connection, and Mitsume couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity and comfort in Aaron's presence.