
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

Ppp_Pppp · Película
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144 Chs

The Gambling Lion (72)

Suel looked at Aaron before teleporting behind the teenager and launching a powerful shockwave that sent Aaron flying a couple of meters back.

As Aaron soared through the air, the shockwave's impact reverberating through his body, he gritted his teeth against the pain. The five buildings served as a brutal obstacle course, each collision adding to the toll on his already battered form. He could feel the urgency to act quickly, knowing that he had to utilize the upgrades Rui had provided.

As he tumbled through the air, Aaron reached into his pocket, retrieving the device Rui had handed him earlier—the fever slot. With a swift motion, he activated the slot, initiating the synthesis process. The nanobots within the device swiftly integrated with his suit, infusing it with advanced capabilities to enhance his resilience and combat prowess.

The air crackled with energy as Aaron's transformation began. The echoing roar of a mighty lion reverberated through the abandoned city, a primal sound that echoed the power surging within him. Simultaneously, the rhythmic clattering of a pachinko machine joined the symphony, a unique blend of fierce strength and calculated strategy.

As the sounds intertwined, the atmosphere around Aaron shifted. His form underwent a breathtaking metamorphosis, he seemed to have lost his armor all together....

"It's time to gamble with my life "Aaron said with a smile as the slot in the pachinko machine started to spin.

As the sound of the pachinko machine stop Aaron body seem to be covered in a familiar white color.

"Set.""Magnum. Ready, fight!"


"Monster! Ready, fight!"

The announcement echoed through the desolate cityscape, revealing Aaron's evolved form. His body showcased a captivating fusion, a half-and-half mix of two distinct buckles. The Magnum and Monster forms coexisted in perfect harmony, symbolizing the duality of strength and versatility at his disposal.

Aaron stood there, the embodiment of this extraordinary amalgamation. A determined smile graced his face as he faced Suel, ready to embrace the gamble with his life, armed with this newfound, powerful combination.

"Time to gamble with my life"Aaron said with a smile on his face.

Suel sneered, his confidence unwavering, as he retorted, "You call this a gamble? More like a desperate attempt to delay the inevitable. Your feeble transformations won't save you from the fate I've prepared." His tone was laced with arrogance, dismissing Aaron's efforts as futile in the face of what he believed to be an inevitable outcome.

As Aaron stood with determination, Suel's scoffing expression intensified. "Allow me to educate you on what true power looks like," he declared, his voice dripping with superiority. With a flick of his wrist, Suel summoned a surge of raw energy, manifesting a display of force that sought to overshadow Aaron's transformed state.

"Install. Innovation and Control. Gazer."

Aaron's cocky grin persisted as he taunted Suel, "I thought you were confident in your base form. Why the sudden need to transform, old man?" His words were laced with cheeky sarcasm,

Suel's response was a cold, calculated smirk. "Consider it a courtesy to meet you at a level where you might pose some semblance of a challenge. Don't mistake your enhanced state for true strength. You're still a mere insect in the grand scheme of power," he retorted, his words oozing disdain.

"Shiver me timbers"Aaron said sarcastically. He couldn't bring himself to care about the old man at all.

"Such arrongance will lead to your death"Suel said to which Aaron just shrug saying "You wish you could kill me...anyway less talking more fighting"

He then rushed toward Suel attempting to punch him with his oversized fist.

Suel shoulder pad and the pad covering his knee suddenly detached themself from his body before forming a shield infront of Suel that blocked Aaron hit.

Suel, unimpressed by Aaron's attempted punch, scoffed at the feeble assault. "Is this the extent of your 'enhanced' strength? Pathetic," he derided, his tone dripping with disdain. The makeshift shield held firm, effortlessly thwarting Aaron's attack as Suel maintained his air of superiority.

"Nope"Aaron said with a smile on his face...soon enough Aaron's smile widened as a hail of bullets erupted from his fist, raining down upon Suel's shield. The onslaught proved too much for the makeshift defense, cracks spiderwebbing across its surface under the relentless barrage. Aaron's ingenuity and firepower began to chip away at Suel's confidence, a glimmer of surprise crossing the elder adversary's face as the shield struggled to withstand the onslaught.

With the shield shattered under the relentless bullet barrage, Aaron seized the opportunity to press the offensive. His attacks came fast and furious, a whirlwind of strikes aimed at overwhelming Suel's defenses. However, the seasoned adversary showcased his mastery over energy manipulation, conjuring various forms of energy shields to intercept and deflect Aaron's strikes.

As the pachinko machine's distinctive sound filled the air, Aaron leaped into the sky with a grace that defied the chaos below. The spinning wheel resonated with anticipation, but Aaron didn't wait for it to complete its cycle. In a swift and calculated move, he descended with precision, landing a powerful blow directly onto one of Suel's energy shields.

The impact was seismic, the force of Aaron's strike overwhelming the defensive barrier. The shield shattered into fragments, the remnants dispersing like fleeting echoes.

The battlefield became a symphony of clashes, each impact resonating with the clash of Aaron's enhanced strength and Suel's deft use of energy shields.

As the pachinko machine finished spinning the sound of announcer was heard saying

"Zombie! Ready, fight!"

"Armed Drill. Ready, fight!"

The battlefield witnessed a transformative display as Aaron's Raion form shifted seamlessly into the familiar Buffa form, complete with imposing horns and a missing pair of chainsaws. The air shimmered with a purple glow, signifying the transition. In his hands, Aaron wielded a massive drill, its menacing presence evident.

With a confident smile, he lunged toward Suel, the whirring drill poised to strike. The ground beneath them trembled as Aaron brought the formidable weapon into play, the clash of their powers taking on a new dimension with the introduction of the menacing drill. The abandoned cityscape became the stage for an intense confrontation, each move escalating the battle to new heights.