
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

Ppp_Pppp · Película
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144 Chs

The French kiss

Beroba's blood boiled with a maelstrom of rage and vindication, lending an intensity to her actions. Every fiber of her being throbbed with a burning desire to see Aaron's life slip away beneath her clenched fists. She clutched his throat, her grip vice-like and unyielding, as she raised her eyes to meet his, piercing him with a gaze fueled by a cocktail of fury and sadistic pleasure.

"You know, you really should try a bit of BDSM. It's quite fun... for the right kind of people, of course."Aaron said grinning with a mischievous glint in his eyes despite the predicament.

"What... What are you even talking about, you little brat?"Beroba said momentarily perplexed, her grip loosening slightly

"Oh, you know, bondage, discipline, dominance, submission... It's all the rage in some circles. But, uh, maybe later? When I can breathe again?"Aaron said struggling for breath but not losing his spirit

"Enough of your nonsense!"Beroba said shaking her head, her anger reigniting, she wanted nothing more than to crush his throat.

And with that, she renewed her grip, determined to crush any resistance from the audacious young man who dared to provoke her, even in the face of imminent peril.

Ignoring Aaron's desperate pleas for mercy, his voice strained and laced with a desperate plea, Beroba pressed on, relishing the power she held over him.

Struggling for breath, Aaron managed to muster a weak, strained chuckle amidst his dire situation.

"Choking... is usually saved for... a different kind of... bonding experience, Beroba... Don't you think?"Aaron said gasping for air.

Beroba's expression shifted, a flicker of surprise crossing her face before it was replaced by a renewed surge of anger.

Her hands trembled, but not with doubt or hesitation—rather, with a surge of adrenaline and the exhilaration of dominance. Each second that passed brought her closer to the climactic moment when the light in Aaron's eyes would be extinguished forever.

But then, in a desperate bid to escape his impending demise, Aaron's lips crashed against hers. The unexpectedness of his audacious move reverberated through Beroba's body, temporarily shattering her resolve. Shock radiated through her, causing her grip to falter and loosen for a brief, bewildering moment. The warmth and moisture of his kiss mingled with the violence that had consumed them moments earlier, creating a chaotic whirlwind of emotions within her.

Caught off guard, Beroba felt her fingers relax their vice-like grip as Aaron took advantage of the opening, encircling her waist with his own hands. Their mouths melded together in a desperate, frenzied collision—a juxtaposition of desire and mortal struggle. It was a fleeting union, born out of the urgency of survival, leaving Beroba grappling with conflicting sensations that tugged at her heart and mind.

For those suspended seconds, time seemed to hang in the balance as their lips danced a bittersweet tango, intertwining amidst the chaos. Beroba's mind raced, attempting to make sense of the tempest of emotions coursing through her—anger, astonishment, and a perplexing glimmer of something that resembled attraction.

"Well, that was quite the surprise, wasn't it?"Aaron said with a sly grin on his face.

"..."Beroba stood there stunned and unable to respond immediately.

"But hey, don't get too attached. I'm not ready to settle down just yet."Aaron said taking a step back.

"You... you insolent little..."Beroba said finally finding her voice, anger seeping through her confusion.

"Catch you later, Beroba! Or maybe not. Ta-ta!"Aaron said waving at her dismissively.

With a final wink, Aaron turned and made his hasty exit, leaving Beroba standing there, her mind spinning in a whirlwind of emotions she couldn't quite process.

The lingering taste of mint on her lips served as a bitter reminder, teasing her senses and further confounding her thoughts. Beroba's emotions swirled in a tempestuous storm, a maelstrom of confusion, indignation, and an unsettling longing that tugged at her core.

"You won't escape me, Aaron. Not this time."Beroba said clenching her fists, eyes following Aaron's departure.

Her determination grew stronger as she watched him disappear from view. Yet, in the depths of her being, the memory of that sudden kiss still lingered, casting an eerie shadow over her thirst for vengeance.

She wanted to crush his throat with her bare hands, how dare he try that on her, how dare he.

A/N had to rewrite this chapter as the formatting was off.

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