
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

Ppp_Pppp · Película
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144 Chs

The chill (77)

The relentless assault of dark and red lightning continued to wreak havoc on Aaron's body, each surge sending shockwaves of excruciating pain through his system. He writhed on the ground, muscles spasming in response to the unrelenting torment.

Suel's initial fear shifted to a sense of cockiness as he observed Aaron's vulnerable state. The once-confident anomaly now lay battered and defenseless, a stark contrast to the spirited fighter who had boldly challenged the game creator.

Suel's eyes gleamed with triumph as he stood over the writhing form of Aaron, a cruel smirk playing on his lips. The dark and red lightning continued to dance around him.

"Well, well, well. Looks like the mighty anomaly isn't so invincible after all," Suel taunted, his voice dripping with arrogance. "You thought you could challenge me, the game creator, and come out on top? How amusing. Your negation abilities were a mere delay, a futile attempt to resist the inevitable."

He circled Aaron like a predator closing in on its prey, reveling in the sight of his opponent's suffering. "Did you honestly believe you could defy the rules of my game? This world is my creation, and within it, I am a god. Your resistance was nothing more than a fleeting moment of rebellion, and now, it's time for you to accept your place—broken and defeated."

Suel's words echoed through the abandoned city, his laughter blending with the crackling energy around them. In his mind, victory was assured, and the once-defiant anomaly would soon be nothing more than a memory in the annals of his game.

Despite the pain coursing through his body, Aaron managed to muster a defiant response. He glared up at Suel, his eyes burning with a mix of frustration and determination.

"Suck a dick," he shot back, his words dripping with defiance.

Suel, caught off guard by the unexpected retort, frowned in annoyance. His confidence wavered for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure.

"Your feeble attempts at defiance won't change your fate," Suel retorted, trying to mask his irritation. Despite the bravado, there was a hint of uncertainty in his eyes as he observed Aaron on the ground.

If Aaron hadnt lost access to his ability so suddenly he would have lost but that was just a what if and he doesnt bother with what if,he use facts and the fact here is, Aaron would lose this fight no matter what he does from now on.

With a surge of rage, Suel unleashed a relentless onslaught on Aaron's defenseless form. Each strike was fueled by anger and frustration, a desperate attempt to reassert dominance over the anomaly that had humiliated him. The blows landed with a sickening thud, and the air was thick with tension as the once mighty game creator vented his fury on the fallen Aaron.

Amid the chaos of the abandoned city, Suel unleashed his wrath upon Aaron, hurling him through buildings, causing explosions with strategically deployed drones, and delivering a relentless assault. Each impact reverberated through the desolate streets as the game creator sought to obliterate the anomaly that had dared to defy him.

"Did i get you that mad and now you throwing a tamper tantrums" Aaron said looking at Suel which Suel still looking annoyed rushed toward Aaron before pushing the teenage boy in the gut causing all the air in Aaron lungs to leave.

Aaron gasped for air as he felt Suel fist hit him in the gut,he didnt have time to think about how much pain he was in as his body hit another building causing another massive impact as his Kamen rider form.

The form slowly broke but Aaron just had this goofy smile on his face that seem to annoyed Suel beyond no ends as the second he blink,he saw Suel appeared infront of him but with his quick reflexes he was able to dodge it before he punch Suel.

The second Aaron fist landed on Suel face,Aaron felt something in his arms break but the punch did some damage as Suel mask grew a crack.

The sound of the gambling machine was heard in the background but Aaron muted it so neither he nor Suel could guess what he got.

A few second later,Aaron had a green ninja suit on and with a grin on his face,he rushed toward Suel before using the suit cloning ability to make multiple version of himself and proceed to jump the eer living shit out of Suel.

Sure the clone werent tangible but Suel no longuer had his antenna that told him which was which meant that Aaron could change between his clone fairly quickly.

The air crackled with tension as the anomaly seamlessly navigated through the onslaught of punches and kicks, his movements an intricate dance of evasion and counteraction.

As Suel swung a powerful punch, Aaron's body flowed with the grace of a seasoned martial artist, effortlessly sidestepping the attack. With lightning reflexes, he retaliated with a precise strike to Suel's midsection, showcasing not just strength but strategic finesse.

The fight continued in a flurry of motion. Aaron ducked under sweeping kicks, his body swaying like a leaf in the wind. Suel's attempts to overpower him were met with a surprising level of agility and cunning. Every strike aimed at Aaron was met with a calculated response, each counter showcasing the anomaly's mastery of hand-to-hand combat.

As the combatants weaved through the desolate streets, Aaron's movements seemed almost preternatural. His awareness of Suel's attacks bordered on clairvoyance, allowing him to predict and evade each blow.

The punches and kicks became a rhythmic exchange, a symphony of violence orchestrated by Aaron's unyielding determination.

Suel, despite his initial confidence, found himself confounded by the sheer skill on display. Aaron's fighting style was a fusion of efficiency and unpredictability, leaving the game creator struggling to keep up.

The once mighty master of the virtual realm was being outclassed by the physical prowess of an anomaly.

The sounds of impacts and grunts echoed through the empty streets as the two clashed, the fight evolving into a testament of skill versus power.

The momentum of Aaron's relentless assault abruptly halted as the ominous red lightning once again engulfed him, sending waves of agonizing pain through his body. His triumphant advance turned into a tortured standstill, muscles spasming, and veins pulsating beneath his strained skin.

The onlookers, including Suel, observed the sudden shift in the battle dynamics. The once dominant anomaly now writhed in pain, the red lightning acting as a formidable barrier against his relentless onslaught. The air itself seemed to throb with the intensity of the electric charge, casting an eerie glow over the combatants.

Aaron's scream pierced the relative silence of the abandoned city, his pain echoing through the empty streets. The display of vulnerability was a stark contrast to the confident fighter who had been overpowering Suel just moments ago. The red lightning served as a stark reminder that, despite his formidable combat skills, Aaron was not invincible.

Suel, seizing the opportunity, watched with a mixture of satisfaction and curiosity as Aaron struggled against the unseen force. The game creator's expression shifted from fear to a semblance of control. It was as if the red lightning had become Suel's unspoken ally, a means to level the playing field against the anomaly who had, for a moment, seemed unstoppable.

Suel, fueled by a renewed surge of determination, seized the opportunity presented by the red lightning's intervention. With a swift and forceful motion, he sent Aaron hurtling through the air, the anomaly's body cutting through the desolate landscape like a projectile. The impact was imminent.

Aaron crashed through the walls of several abandoned houses, the sound of destruction echoing through the once-silent battlefield.

As the lingering dust and debris settled, the battlefield revealed the aftermath of Suel's powerful throw. The remnants of shattered walls and broken structures formed a chaotic scene, a testament to the force with which Aaron had been thrown. In the midst of the rubble, Aaron's battered body lay, beaten down by the relentless assault.

The clearing smoke unveiled a scene of brutal defeat. Aaron's form, once vibrant with resilience, now bore the marks of the punishing impact. Bruised and battered, he lay amid the wreckage, a testament to the sheer force of Suel's attack.

Upon witnessing Aaron's battered and bruised state, Suel's expression transformed from rage to a smug satisfaction. The corners of his lips curled into a triumphant smile as he surveyed the aftermath of his powerful throw. The sight of Aaron, seemingly broken and defeated, fueled Suel's confidence, convincing him that victory was within his grasp.

In Suel's eyes, the battered state of the anomaly was a testament to the overwhelming might of the game creator. The satisfaction he derived from seeing his adversary incapacitated fueled his determination to assert dominance. However, beneath the surface, a hint of caution lingered, as he knew that dealing with anomalies was never as straightforward as it seemed.

And he was right.....as a shiver went down his spine......something terrible was coming