
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

ThePpp_Pppp · Película
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185 Chs

Suprise {27}

Aaron, a blur of black and red, weaved through the flailing tentacles with practiced ease. The monstrous appendages lashed out from the statue, driven by a primal urge to protect the entity imprisoned within. Yet, amidst the chaotic dance, Aaron sensed something else – a flicker of resistance, a desperate plea emanating from the very heart of the stone effigy.

He caught a glimpse of Aguilera's tear-streaked face, her voice hoarse from screaming. "Stop it! Please, leave Gifu-sama alone!" Her words were laced with a chilling devotion, a willingness to sacrifice herself for this faceless entity.

Aaron, ever the pragmatist, remained unfazed by her pleas. His mission was clear: neutralize the threat, and this twisted statue was the key. As he dodged another tentacle swipe, his gaze narrowed, focusing on the pulsating energy core embedded within the stone.

Ignoring Aguilera's frantic pleas, Aaron channeled the energy coursing through his suit, amplifying it tenfold. With a surge of power, he slammed his palm against the statue's surface. The impact resonated through the chamber, and a tremor ran through the very foundation of the Deadman base.

A guttural shriek erupted from the statue, a sound laced with both agony and defiance. Gifu, the malevolent entity trapped within, writhed against its confines, its dark power surging against the barrier holding it back.

The air crackled with raw energy as the statue began to crack, spiderweb fissures spreading across its surface. Aguilera, her eyes wide with horror, lunged towards the statue, her outstretched hand reaching for the pulsating core.

"No!" she screamed, her voice laced with desperation.

Aaron, witnessing her blind devotion, couldn't help but quip, "Honey, the only thing he's setting free is a world of hurt!" He then focused on Aguilera, his voice softening slightly. "Seriously, take my word for it, this guy's not your knight in shining armor. More like a knight in, well, you get the picture."

Aguilera's hand fell short of the core as a surge of blinding light erupted from within the statue. However, the light was contained, pulsating harmlessly within the confines of the stone effigy. The chamber shuddered, but the shockwave was significantly weaker than before.

Aaron, regaining his footing, saw Aguilera unharmed, her expression a mix of confusion and relief. In the center of the room, the statue remained unbroken, the energy core pulsing steadily within. Gifu's frustrated screams echoed from within, but he was firmly contained.

A triumphant grin spread across Aaron's face. "Looks like someone forgot to read the instruction manual," he quipped, his voice laced with amusement. "Seems your little friend here isn't quite ready for his big debut."

He turned towards Aguilera, his tone turning serious.

"Now so we can do this the easy way or the hardway,the choice is yours"Raion said looking at Aguilera.

"I will not go anywhere"Aguilera shot back anguer present in her voice,if she wasnt restrain she would have had attacked him already.

Aaron eyes than landed on the statue before his hands glowed a bright yellow color.

"Don't you dare touch Gifu-sama" Aguilera screamed out from the depths of her soul.

Raion however didn't care and as he walked toward the weakened statue, he suddenly felt some pain in his head.

Oh...he was running low, he had already used a lot of that energy into that statue, and he could tell it was weaker if the cracks were anything to go by.

"Fine, i will let your coochie-san live another day" Raion said before disappearing from sight.

He reappeared inside his base and just walked toward his room, dragging his body with him before letting himself fall on the bed exhausted.

He wonders what exactly was causing him to lose so much stamina so quickly, he usually could continue to fight for hours.

He had gained back most of his body potential and strength back so he shouldn't get tired so quickly.

He wasn't a one-second man for Abi's sake but dam he was drained.

As he dropped himself into the bed, Aaron's eyes slowly closed as he drifted off into dreamland.

A few minutes later, Rui walked inside the room and noticed that he was sleeping.

She walked up to him before gently pulling the blanket up and covering him, his eyes closed and devoid of any worry.

Time skip

"That was some good sleep," Aaron said as he placed his left hand behind his head.

He yawned a bit, he felt a bit fulfilled after that nap.

With sleep still present in his eyes, he walked toward the bathroom, he entered the futuristic bath before all of the sudden all of his clothes vanish, he was not bare.

Water started to pour on his skin as he just started to think, he tried remember his age but it just escape him.

No matter how much he tries no matter how much he tries to remember his age, he can't think of it.

"It's between 17 and 18..."Aaron mutter to himself, he was 3 years older than Rui and she was 14, so logically he should be 17, however the 3 year thing wasn't fully accurate as he wasn't only 3 years older there are a few months there.

Trying to find his exact birthday would be basically impossible as he can't remember the last time he even had a birthday.

He kind of just existed and his only purpose was just mostly to survive another day.

Eventually he was done taking a bath, as soon as he step out of the tub, a machine dryed him up.

An holographic image appeared infront of him with some outfits on it and he decided to go with decent clothing.

White and black-suited him best so he chose to go with that, a white jacket with a black shirt underneath.

He walked outside the bathroom and into the room and it seemed as if the sound of him taking a bath had woken her up.

She wrapped up in a blanket as if she was a burrito.

'Huh so that's why I didn't have enough blanket'Aaron though to himself as he looked at his sister.

Yep, that was a burrito if he had ever seen one before she was one.

"You hungry.."He said looking at her with a warm smile.

Her expression showed that she was hungry and no words need to be said about that.

"I can cook something up"Aaron said and as soon as those words left his mouth she shook her head vigorously.

"It's not that bad is it"Aaron said as he saw her facial expression.

"I will cook, Nii-san doesn't have to"Rui suddenly said stopping his train of thoughts.

His cooking wasn't that bad was it,

Meanwhile Rui was thinking about what to buy her Nii-san for the surprise birthday she wanted to throw for him.

She heard his thoughts and she wanted to throw a surprise for him so later, he doesn't really complain about food but she wanted to give him something he liked.

Vanilla or Strawberry would do just fine, she didn't want to buy the cake per se not the sweets but more like she would buy the ingredients so she could cook it up for her Nii-san.

The hard part about it would be hiding it from him, she knew that he could tell if she was hiding something from him.....