
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

Ppp_Pppp · Película
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144 Chs

Rui (30)

As Aaron was deep in thought walking outside of the hospital before he heard the sound of an explosion happening nearby.

"Oh come on can't I catch a break" Aaron said as he rushed toward where he had heard the explosion.

A few seconds later, Aaron arrived to the scene only to see Sakura get the beating of a lifetime.

A uppercut into a grabble and then getting a very strong push to the face making her destroy 2 concrete pillar.

He walked toward her with a smile in his face, Sure the bloodlusted demon was more of a threat but hey you don't get the chance to tease someone like that everyday so why not do it now

"Dam weren't you miss Invincible" Aaron said as he lowered himself to Sakura level on the floor.

"Are you going to help or make fun of me"Sakura spat out looking at him to which Aaron just grinned before saying.

"Why can't I do both"

He smiled at her as those words left his mouth, he was quite proud of himself.

Aaron's attention suddenly went toward the rampaging creature next to them.

"Guess this cut our teasing session short"Aaron said standing up ignoring the clearly angry Sakura.

He looked at Julio before deciding that he needed to transform to take care of him, he was very unwilling to get himself hurt.

He had a promise to keep.

As he activated it, a surge of power coursed through his veins. Light enveloped him, casting long, distorted shadows that danced on the crumbling walls of the place where their confrontation had led them.

When the light faded, Aaron was gone. In his place stood Raion, his form radiating an aura of contained power. His eyes, gleaming with an otherworldly intensity, were fixed squarely on Julio, the simmering aura kept carefully contained and focused.

Julio let out a guttural roar which could be heard by everyone around. He charged, his movements brutal and unrefined, fueled solely by raw, unfocused rage. Raion, in stark contrast, moved with the precision of a master swordsman.

He sidestepped the onslaught, his movements seemingly effortless, his eyes tracking Julio with unnerving accuracy.

As Julio's attacks grew increasingly wild, Raion capitalized on the openings. He dashed in, his punches and kicks delivered with bone-breaking force.

Each strike was calculated, targeting vulnerable spots and disrupting Julio's balance. Julio stumbled, his rage momentarily replaced by confusion. It was a fleeting advantage, but one that Raion pressed to its limit.

He feinted an attack, drawing Julio's attention high, then swiftly swept his leg out from under his opponent, sending the larger man crashing to the concrete floor.

Julio roared in frustration, scrambling to his feet, but Raion was relentless. He followed up with a barrage of close-quarters strikes, his movements a blur of speed and precision.

For the final punch, Aaron imbued his hands with it before punching Julio scare in the face causing him to be stunned for a bit.

"I gave you the perfect setup, don't fuck it up" Aaron suddenly said out loud before the voice of Ikki was heard saying.

"We won't"

"Let's go partner," Ikki said getting into his stance.

"Wait did you call me partner" Vice said geeking out a bit to which Ikki nodded.

They then promptly transformed into their transformed state.

Aaron then watched as they jumped the creature in perfect harmony.

This reminds him of when he fights alongside his sister, it was almost as if they could reach each other mind which in his case was half truth.

Julio was just blindly throwing power around and Ikki and Vice were having an easy time dodging it.

They even worked together to finish Julio off and this time it actually worked instead of Julio being the one who exploded.

His contract exploded, Aaron however noticed something wrong, a weird energy left the contract and went toward the Fenix ship.

Oh god, this would be a future problem for him in the future isn't it, can't he catch a break like come one, is it too much to ask for?


Time skip

Aaron was seen walking inside the bathhouse but something about him seemed off, something about him just didn't seem right that day.

"Aaron-san"Ikki said greeting him with a smile before Aaron just replied.


"What bring you here today"Ikki asked politely to which Aaron just replied.

"Oh..yeah, my sister wanted to go out with me and I was around so I decided why not"


Ikki said before looking toward Aaron left and he noticed the sight of a very familiar girl that he had seen before.

"Nice to meet you...."Ikki said trying to get her name to which she just replied.


"Is that your date"Sakura said out of nowhere to which Aaron just replied.

"That my little sister Rui"

"Huh.."that was the universal sound that came out of their mouth,they were stunned very stunned.

Rui just did her best and have a small smile.