
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

Ppp_Pppp · Película
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144 Chs

Relaxing {14}

"What do you think of my Yukata,Nee-San"Rui said as she showed off her dress,Aaron looked at it and it looked nice.

It complimented her a lot,certainly with those flowers all over her white Yukate, the black color along with her red belt Yukata seemed to cover most if not all of her waist made her look adorable.

"It look nice"Aaron said as he patted her head, she seemed relatively happy about it as she gave him a smile.

"Thank you, I made myself"She said proudly.

"You are very talented Rui"Aaron added to which she smiled before handing him something.

"Put it on for me please"Rui said with a smile on her face as Aaroj saw the Yukata in her hands before sighing and ssying


Aaron went somewhere out of her sight to change.

"How long it took to make thid"Aaron said trying to have a conversation while changing.

"30minutes give or take although most of the was spent choosing a color"Rui added.

"You made two of them"Aaron said as if he had realized something.

"Yeah, you choose the one you like the most" Rui said happily.

"Oh thank you" Aaron replied.

"And I am done" Aaron added to which Rui said

"Let me see you"

Aaron walked back into the room or more specifically her field of view.

"It looks good," Rui said with a smile.

"Yeah, it does fit," Aaron said looking at it.

"Try the next one," Rui said to which Aaron sighed before going back to the changing room.

A few seconds later he came back wearing a different outfit on him.

"This one looks good too, so which do you like more" Rui added to which Aaron said "I kind of like this one more"

"Then we found you an outfit," Rui said with a smile on her face.

"I guess we did so ready to head downstairs to eat" Aaron added looking at her to which she smiled


Aaron smiled as he went to get food with her following closely behind him.

She seemed to be very happy.

As Aaron walked into the room his senses told him that something was wrong.

He sighs to himself before entering the danger zone with his sister close by.

She seems giddy and oblivious about everything, his eyes immediately landed on George who seemed to be looking at him.

Then Hiromi, then surprisingly...it wasn't long before Ikki noticed his presence.

As Ikki noticed him, Aaron just gave him a sign to tell him to enjoy his time with his family.

Ikki did notice the back of Rui, he had guessed that was probably Aaron's sister but he hadn't seen her face yet he did however take Aaron's words to heart and actually enjoyed his mom's recovery.

The next Aaron woke up early, he walked toward the bathroom where he took care of his daily need which were brushing his teeth, taking a shower and taking a morning piss.

The usual really, he would have taken a morning shit but he just didn't feel it right now, the next big one probably would come in around 24 hours so he is good.

He will just have to take one the next day.

After cleaning himself he made sure to wash his hair before drying and combing it nicely.

He changed into some more appropriate clothes before walking outside the room and doing his daily exercise.

He should have done this before taking a shower but the excercive was basically him seeing where he is still sore so it was more like him treating his wounds.

His eyes then looked at the bed and he saw an adorable sight, Rui seemed to be still asleep, she looked so adorable.

He might be a sis-con but who the fuck care all he knows is that he would protect her no matter what.

He slowly walk out of the room making sure to make no noise whatsoever....as he walked around with no noise in a sight.

He open his eyes wide to admire the beautiful sight that he was seeing.

It was so peace....

"Gracis deaman"Aaron heard from below him and his eyes looked lower he saw them.

Goddam deadmans...why the fuck were they here..

He also watch as the Mysterious fighter ragdolled Ikki's dad and was currently crushing Ikki under his boots.

"Come on...."Aaron said looking annoyed.

Why, why.....he chose this place because it was far from where the usual chaos was so why the fuck did it find a way to him.

Out of nowhere, his Kamen rider buckle appeared on him along with what he was about to use.

"Time to beat on some villains" Aaron said to himself as he ran somewhere.

Meanwhile in the battle field.

Hiromi seemed to be getting jump while Sakura was helping her dad get out of the pool that Daiji had smacked him into.

"You not getting away with this," Sakura said angry as she looked at Aguilera.

She let go of her dad before rushing toward Aguilera with what seemed to be rage in her eyes.

As soon as she reached Aguilera she started to throw hands and Aguilera dodged those hits with relative ease before proceeding to bitch slap Sakura causing her to fall on the floor.

"We will play more next time, Sakura-chan~" Aguilera said as she started to leave but not before someone appeared on the battlefield.

"You guys don't learn do y'all," Raion voice said as he landed on the battlefield with what seemed to be a bored expression, to be fair he was wearing a mask, so it was only guess but chances was he was.

"You!"Aguilera said with what seemed to be anger in her voice.

"The one and only, so ready for your weekly spanking sessions"Raion said nonchantly to which she seemed pissed.

"I will not be spank by the likes of you"Aguilera said as she suddenly transformed.

"But you are"Raion said before his eyes looked around and notice that all the villains were here.

"This must be the lottery because I just hit the jackpot...beating you all would be fun"As soon as those words left his mouth, he seemegly appeared infront of Orteca before kicking him away.

He then appeared behind Julio before saying "miss me"

With a swift motion, Raion made sure that Julio became familiar with his knees.

The crunch that he heard as the knee and his face met was the most satisfying sound of them all.

Continuing his spree, he appeared infront of Aguilera before saying "time to reshape your guts"

And with that he proceeded to imprint his fist into her gut, making sure that it left a mark.

As the villain were gasping for their breath, Raion eyes looked at Ikki on the floor being beaten by the fighter.

"I am not interfering with family business" Raion said nonchalantly before his eyes went back to the villain who were standing up.

As Raion took one step forward, he felt it...he had reached his limit for today...

"I have more than enough to get rid of you three but I feel merciful today so schedadle before I change my mind"Raion said looking at them as a trident appeared in his hands.

He watched as they left and immediately after felt his strength leaving his body.

"Why did you let them leave"Hiromi said as he grabbed Raion by the collar.

"Do you think they wouldn't get desperate and try to take hostages" Raion replies pointing toward the Igarashi.

Hiromi looked at around before realizing that Raion was somewhat right.

"There are 2 of us here, you yourself could take of them, I could have protected them, we could have taken care of the dead man problem once in for all" Hiromi said to which George just replied.

"He can't, if I am correct he is at his limits, am I not right Raion" George said looking at Raion.

"Heh you get it" Raion replies nonchalantly.

" I have been observing your fights and you seem to always stop after a while even if you were dominating the fight and I was wondering why before it crossed my mind, you are injured aren't ya"George said

"Ding, ding,ding"Raion said nonchalantly.

"But you were threatening to end them" Hiromi said to which Raion reply

"It's called bullshitting have you tried it, it does wonder"