
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

ThePpp_Pppp · Película
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185 Chs

Protective brother (31)

Aaron layed on the couch somewhere as he looked at the ceiling, this was Rui's idea, not his, it was not his idea to get her out of the open and out of the base where she was secured.

Why couldn't he just being himself to tell her no?...he just had to listen to her and let her out.

No, she could defend herself so there was no need to worry.

Rui was currently helping because she wanted to, as long as she was happy Aaron had no problem with it whatsoever.

"You are so adorable and cute, it's very hard to believe you are his sister," Sakura said shooting a glare at Aaron who just opened his mouth and said

"I can still hear you"

She promptly ignored and went back on praising Rui like a big sister.

Huh wasn't this just nice and all, it just a shame that he was catching strays every 30 seconds or so.

Was it really that hard not to catch a stray plus Sakura seemed to have noticed that he didn't put up a fight anymore and this caused her words to come in more frequently.

As it seemed as if he would hold himself back against his sister, he wouldn't say anything out of pocket near her.

"What were you going to do after" Sakura asked Rui who just shyly replied.

"Nee-san and I were planning to buy some clothes"

Aaron looked at the scene and just felt rather warm it was nice hearing Rui voice call him that no matter how much she did it always made him feel warmth.

That probably he spent the whole night making a machine for her to speak with them without speaking in their mind.

As currently Rui was not really speaking more like machine was reading her thought and then translating it into words that mimic her voice.

She was way to shy for that plus currently, she hasn't built that much trust in them so they won't be hearing her voice for a while.

"Him...shopping"Sakura said pointing at Aaron, for some reason Aaron felt personally targeted by her words.

What did she mean by him in specific?

"It's like watching free drama" Vice's voice cut in saying to which Aaron looked at him saying.

"It's not..."

"Let go buy your stuff for you" Sakura suddenly said to which Aaron said


"Xcuse me"

"I will be fine Nee-san," Rui said giving Aaron a gentle smile.

"An overprotective brother, huh, I didn't expect that," Sakura said looking at Aaron to which he replied.


"Your sister is fine with me, we will just go shopping and if anything attacks I can just get rid of them"Sakura added to which Aaron just looked at her before saying.

"Coming from the girl that lose basically every fight I am not convinced"

She looked annoyed before Rui just smiled before saying "Nee-san stop"

"Fine, anyway head up"

Aaron said before throwing his card at Rui who catches it.

He knew for a fact that his cards may get maxed out today by shame on her, this wasn't his money to be fair.

As Sakura and Rui left the building Aaron was left with Vice Ikki and Daiji who were looking....

Yeah, this would be a long afternoon.

Time skip

Aaron layed on the couch,his eyes fluttering open and closing very slowly,from the look on his face along with the way that he was mindlessly tossing a coin in the air and catching it,it was clear that he was bored.

"Aaron where are your parents", Aaron's eyes wandered around the room before landing on the person who had asked the question, It was Ikki.Aaron pondered his thoughts for a bit and decided to have fun.

"Probably on a vacation why you ask"Aaron said in a very bland tone."It's because apart from your sister you barely mention them at all"Ikki said looking at the teenager lying on the couch.

"They wouldn't give a flying fuck about my well-being," Aaron said bluntly shrugging his shoulder even if he was still just lying down on the couch.

"They are your parents of course they will care"Ikki shot back to which Aaron just shrugged saying

"They disowned me at 8 and sold me off..."Aaron's voice was quite blunt, as he watched Ikki's facial expression change he sighed, that he didn't want to deal with this right now and so without giving the young adult time to tell him anything,

"At 8....Aaron who raised you..."Ikki said as if realizing something to which Aaron just shrugged his shoulder nonchalantly saying.

"I, myself and me, why do you ask"

He seem pretty nonchalant about it and as he noticed Ikki's face he only opened his mouth and said.

"And frankly I don't care, I am alive and healthy so that all that matter"

The room went quiet for a bit

A/N....I am genuinely stun,in one day,the goal was met.

Aight then I will be rewriting it and post it sometime next week depend how long it take me to rewrite it all....

It's the longest chapter by far in my draft.

It also the most plot heavy so I have one question.

Do y'all want the spoiler to stay in or do y'all want to figure it out along the ways.