
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

Ppp_Pppp · Película
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144 Chs

Kamen rider demon (12)

"Why is all our plan not working" Aguilera said looking very frustrated.

Their plan with the lawyer didn't work and their previous plan went downhill.

It was as if someone was just there to make sure none of them came to reality.

"One of them is going fine, Fulio is currently closing in as we speak"The man wearing a green clothes said.

" More importantly, Aguilera-sama; we have a fascinating guest."Orteca said with a thoughtful expression(A/N Yes I had enough of calling him green clothes)

Aguilera noticed who walked into the room before a smile appeared on her face.

"That's right!"

" We have two Achilles' heel to work with~"she said with a smile.

"Althought that still doesn't take care of the biggest threat"Aguilera said her expression turning back to a sour look.

" Unlike Ikki it's pretty hard to find any information about Raion. It's as if he randomly just appeared one day, there's no information about him anywhere."Orteca added with a thoughtful expression on his face.

it was puzzling, he did ressearch but found nothing. There was nothing on this mysterious Kamen Rider. It was as if he just appeared one day. It was as if the world had summoned him.

this, however, was impossible, so there must be another explanation that he had yet to find.

Who could this mystery rider be




Time skip

Aaron spends the majority of his time destroying dead men that threaten the peace as Raion, if he didn't know any better he would have thought he made a difference but no them dam monsters keep coming back.

At least he met his quota of killing more than 50 of them today.

His watch turned red as it seemed as if Ikki was facing some strong threat.

He sight before switching to the ninja buckle for more mobility, he then rushed toward the battlefield at full speed, he would get there eventually.

Pov change

"Why are you getting in our way for" The familiar fighter said after pushing Ikki away.

To which Ikki held his guard ready to face the threat.

As the approaching threat drew near Ikki, a shot rang out, hitting the fighter. The source of the shot revealed itself to be Hiromi, who had thrown something at Ikki. Upon closer inspection, Ikki discovered it was the Jackel Stamp.

"Igarashi!" Hiromi called out, and Ikki responded, "Hiromi-san!" Grasping the Jackel Stamp, Ikki looked at it, realizing its potential.

"Use that to turn the Deadman back into a human," Hiromi instructed, emphasizing the importance of the stamp.

Taking a few steps forward, Hiromi approached his opponent, revealing a Demon Driver in his possession, indicating his readiness for the impending confrontation.

"I will lay down my life if it means putting a stop to you," Hiromi declared with unwavering determination, fixing his gaze on the approaching fighter. As the tension rose, he pressed the Spider Stamp, and the distinctive sound of a spider echoed in the air, signaling the initiation of his transformation.

With resolute determination, Hiromi slammed the Spider Stamp into the Demon Driver. As the two combined, a haunting demonic voice echoed, declaring, "Deal." The fusion marked the beginning of Hiromi's transformation, setting the stage for the impending confrontation with the approaching fighter.

As the transformation finished, Hiromi was seen in all of his kamen rider glory.in what seemed to be a spider suit.

"Kamen rider demon"A voice said as the transformation ended.

"Serious!? You look awesome, Hiromi-san!" Ikki exclaimed, impressed by Hiromi's new form.

The mysterious fighter, however, dismissed Hiromi's transformation arrogantly, stating, "Pfft, what a pathetic attempt."

With those words, the confrontation escalated as Hiromi and the fighter engaged in a fierce battle, the clash of their newfound powers creating a spectacle of strength and determination. The outcome of this encounter would undoubtedly shape the unfolding events.

The intense battle between Hiromi and the mysterious fighter unfolded with a flurry of energy and skill. Hiromi, now transformed with the Spider Stamp, showcased his newfound abilities. Spider webs shot forth from his wrists, weaving a intricate pattern in the air as he utilized them for both offense and defense.

The mysterious fighter, agile and confident, countered with energy slashes that cut through the air with deadly precision. The clashes between Hiromi's intricate web attacks and the swift, energy-infused strikes of his adversary created a dazzling display of combat.

In one swift move, Hiromi launched a barrage of web strands, attempting to ensnare the mysterious fighter. The fighter, however, expertly dodged and retaliated with a series of energy slashes. Some landed with precise accuracy, causing visible damage, while others were skillfully evaded by Hiromi's agile maneuvers.

Despite the intense exchange, Hiromi's determination shone through. With each nimble movement, he continued to adapt and utilize the Spider Stamp's powers strategically. The air crackled with energy as the two combatants clashed, leaving an aura of suspense over the unfolding battle.

"Yow," a voice suddenly echoed from nowhere, and the figure of Raion materialized.

"Shit," the fighter muttered, realizing his unfavorable odds against Raion. The appearance of Raion added a new dynamic to the ongoing battle, introducing an element of uncertainty for the mysterious fighter.

A long-range energy attack streaked toward the momentarily off-guarded Hiromi, prompting him to swiftly raise a defensive guard just in time. The resulting explosion generated a dense cloud of smoke, concealing the mysterious fighter's escape as he sought to evade the immediate confrontation with Hiromi and Raion. The battlefield now shrouded in smoke added an element of suspense, creating a momentary lull in the intense clash between the two sides.

"Coward," Raion declared with a hint of disdain, his focus shifting from the disappearing fighter to Hiromi.

"I didn't know you were a Kamen Rider," Raion remarked, his eyes keenly observing Hiromi.

"Just became one," Hiromi revealed, acknowledging his recent transformation.

Raion's gaze focused on the Demon Driver, his instincts sensing something unsettling. "It gives me a bad vibe, so make sure to be cautious of it," Raion cautioned, offering a reassuring pat on Hiromi's shoulder.

"I'll keep that in mind when using it in the future," Hiromi responded, acknowledging Raion's advice as the two Kamen Riders prepared for the challenges that lay ahead.