
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

Ppp_Pppp · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
144 Chs

Icy structure {44}

In the depths of Aaron's subconscious, a terrifying scene unfolded. A younger version of himself, no older than nine, found himself ostracized by a throng of looming adults. Their faces were indistinct, but their rejection was a palpable force.

"What did I do wrong?" the young Aaron's mind cried out, desperate for understanding and acceptance. A torrent of fragmented memories bombarded him, fueling a surge of frustration that erupted in a scream. He just wanted them to leave him alone.

Then, a woman materialized from the swirling shadows. An unsettling resemblance to himself flickered in her features. Her cold, emotionless eyes locked onto him before uttering a sentence that pierced his heart like a shard of ice.

"I wish you were never born."

The venom in her words was unmistakable. With a cruel shove, she sent him plummeting down a seemingly endless abyss. Panic clawed at him as he fell, desperately reaching for a distant light that beckoned above. But shadowy tendrils erupted from the darkness, grasping at his limbs and dragging him back down.

The light, once a symbol of hope, grew smaller and fainter with each agonizing pull. It felt like miles separated him from salvation, and the chilling darkness threatened to consume him whole.

It was cold....so..so cold.

**Shifting Reality**

Aaron jolted awake, his body flung upright in a desperate lunge towards the fading light of his dream. His chest heaved, gasping for air tearing from his throat. Sweat slicked his skin, and his hands trembled uncontrollably.

"Just a dream," he muttered, the words barely a whisper. But the terror lingered a cold dread that twisted in his gut. The nightmares were back, returning with a vengeance after a brief moment of respite.

He didn't get time to think before Rui came into the room and started dragging him outside the room and he followed her.

She seemed like she was up to something, but he didn't mind it she was his bundle of joy and he would do anything to make sure she was fine.

Aaron's senses were on high alert the moment he lumbered into the kitchen. The aroma that greeted him wasn't just the comforting scent of food, it was Rui cooking and thus his favorite food.

Aaron's eyes devoured them all – the golden broth of the chicken noodle soup, glistening with glistening beads of fat; the salmon, its skin boasting a glistening char, hinting at the flaky perfection beneath; the fluffy mound of brown rice, and the jewel-toned fruit salad, a burst of color and sweetness beckoning from the corner.

He might gain a few pounds from this but who cares, he will probably lose that weight in a week or so.

Without a word, Aaron pulled out a chair and sank down, his body a vessel yearning to be refueled. He reached first for the steaming bowl of soup.

The warmth enveloped his chilled hands as he brought it to his lips. The first slurp was an explosion of flavor – the rich chicken broth, the delicate bite of vegetables, the soft comfort of the noodles – all combining to soothe his raw throat and awaken his taste buds.

He devoured the soup with a fervor that surprised even himself, each spoonful a testament to his hunger. Next came the salmon, the crisp skin giving way to a burst of succulent, perfectly cooked flesh. He savored the contrasting textures and flavors, the fish a delightful dance with the roasted vegetables.

The brown rice was next, a warm and comforting foundation for the other dishes, shovelled into his mouth alongside bites of the vibrant fruit salad. The sweetness of the fruit was a welcome counterpoint to the savory richness of the other dishes, cleansing his palate and offering a refreshing change.

Finally, his stomach reached a state of pleasant satiety. He leaned back in his chair, a contented sigh escaping his lips.

"Rui," he began, his voice thick with sincerity, "thank you for the meal"

A blush crept up Rui's cheeks, a bashful smile gracing her lips. It was a moment of pure, unadulterated pride. She puffed out her chest a little, a playful glint in her eyes as she mimicked his earlier sigh.

A radiant smile bloomed on Rui's face, so bright it felt like it could melt glaciers, let alone Aaron's heart.  "See, Nii-san? I told you I could do it!" she chirped, her chest puffed out with a pride that could rival a peacock's.

Aaron couldn't resist another chuckle. "You did more than do it, Rui," he corrected, reaching out to gently pat her head. "You created a feast fit for a king, even a malnourished one like me."

Her eyes sparkled with delight at his praise. Though, true to form, she couldn't maintain the facade for long. A playful pout formed on her lips as she emitted a disgruntled "Hmph!"

Aaron, knowing exactly how to push her buttons, couldn't help himself. He reached out again, his fingers gently pinching her soft cheek. "What can I say," he teased, "you're just too darn cute when you're all proud of yourself. I couldn't help but squish a little."

Rui's vibrant red eyes narrowed playfully. A small twitch developed at the corner of her brow, betraying her rising annoyance. Still, a hint of a smile lingered beneath the facade. "Well, don't get carried away, Nii-san," she grumbled, swatting playfully at his hand.  "There's a difference between cute and annoying, you know."

Despite her protests, Aaron could see the warmth in her eyes.

Pov change

Time skip.

Aaron entered the Iguarashi bathhouse before seeing a new face.

He pointed to Julio before saying.

"why is Minecraft Steve here"

The explanation about how he got thrown away by Aguilera just got a "that rough buddy" from Aaron and nothing more.

Although he did notice a lack of Ikki or Vice for that matter, they probably were still doing that comedian stuff.

Upon looking at Daiji's face he got his answer...nah something probably happened to them.

Rereading Daiji's facial expression like he was an open book Aaron could have a rough idea of what happened to them.

If he were to guess probably has something to do with Ikki not being in control.

Aaron then sighed before just sitting down on a nearby chair, that was their problem to deal with, he on the other hand had a problem to deal with.

Sakura, wanting to get under his skin decided to say something, "Where's your fiancé hiding, huh?"

Aaron's annoyance flared. "Almost killed me this week over a joke, that's all I know." A beat of silence as a realization dawned on him. "Wait a minute... where is she?" Panic flickered in his eyes.

Sakura, with a knowing glance at the television. "Oh, I think I have an idea."

Aaron's gaze followed hers, landing on a news report. His jaw dropped – Miyuki, the "Ice Princess," had frozen an entire town. Absurdity mixed with a touch of awe contorted his face. He'd been out for a short recovery, and she'd managed to unleash arctic chaos?

Oh...he was so fucked, why do those lives feel like bending him over and fucking him in the ass, like why.

A voice echoed in his mind, Yami's sardonic amusement clear as day. "I like her."

"Didnt I lock you in my subconscious" Aaron shot back at Yami who just replied.

"Did you really think you could hold me back, did you forget I am part of you"

"Want to let me loose for a bit" Yami added.

"Shut it," Aaron muttered, rubbing a hand over his face in frustration.  This was just what he didn't need – another Miyuki-induced disaster.  He sighed internally, a wave of resignation washing over him.

"Alright, catch you all later," he announced to the room, a hint of forced cheer in his voice. "Let me know if Ikki shows up."

Without waiting for a response, Aaron bolted out of the bathhouse.  Forget babysitting – Miyuki was turning him into a glorified chaperone. 

He sprinted towards the heart of the chaos, his movements a blur of focused determination. Every shortcut, every alleyway, every rooftop he could utilize became an opportunity to shave precious seconds off his arrival time. 

He didn't care if it was just a single second – every tick of the clock mattered when dealing with an out-of-control ice princess.

Eventually he reached and she was sitting in what seemed to be a makeshift home.....was she trying to remake her house inside of this town?

He saw the frozen statue of the people around, upon touching the status he could tell that the people were not dead yet.

Thought if she kept this up they would die very quickly.

"May I know why you did this"Aaron asked looking at her.

She took a sip out of her water, wait hold up why did the water feel colder than ice and yet look like water, was that dried ice?

"What do you mean" Miyuki said looking at him with a bored expression.

"Freezing this whole town, what were you trying to make, your house or something"Aaron said staring at her to which she just bluntly replied.

"No, I was trying to replicate my room"

Aaron stood there quiet before turning around to look at the vast area that she had frozen over.

Did she say that was the size of her room?

"What wrong about the room I gave you" Aaron said looking a bit exasperated.

"It's too warm" Miyuki replied bluntly.

"The room temperature is literally below freezing temperature at like -100 degrees Fahrenheit," Aaron said looking at her to which she just looked at him as if he had said the dumbest thing alive.

"You must have forgotten," Miyuki countered, her voice laced with an icy chill that mirrored her surroundings, "but that is still too warm for my comfort."

Aaron pinched the bridge of his nose, willing himself not to lose his temper. "Look," he said, his voice low and firm, "undo it."

Miyuki glared at him, her blue eyes flashing like glaciers under the winter sun. It was the kind of glare that would send shivers down most spines, but Aaron had faced worse.  "Undo it?" she repeated, her voice dripping with disdain. "That's an order?"

"Yes," Aaron pressed, his jaw set. "It's an order."

For a tense moment, they locked eyes. Then, with a begrudging sigh that sent a frosty plume swirling from her lips, Miyuki complied. A faint blue light emanated from her outstretched hand, and the ice covering the town began to recede.  The frozen townsfolk, freed from their icy prisons, blinked in confusion as the world around them thawed.

Ignoring the bewildered murmurs, Aaron grabbed Miyuki's hand, his grip firm but not unkind.  She yanked back with a hiss, her eyes sparking with fury.

"I can walk by myself, you don't need to baby me!" she spat, her voice laced with both annoyance and a hint of vulnerability.

"Yeah, yeah," Aaron muttered, his voice dry. "This is exactly the kind of thing that happens when I leave you alone. So, no, I will hold your hand right now. Because frankly, based on your little tantrum here, that's exactly how you're acting."  He shot her a pointed look. "Unless you want to explain to a grateful town why their houses are suddenly sporting popsicle decorations?"

"Why should I explain myself to them"Miyuki said looking annoyed.

"Princess we are not back at your planet so you mind not using might make right logic here on earth....even though it is still kind of true here," Aaron said to her although he muttered the last part to himself.

There was no need for the princess to hea that part.

"Aight let me carry you back," Aaron said looking at her to which she just look at him with some killing intent saying.

"Try it at your own risk"

"You won't do anything about it, princess..after all, you can only challenge me once a week, "Aaron said with a smile to which she just looked at him annoyed.

"And as the winner of the last duel, my words are absolute," He said with a grin.

A satisfied chuckle escaped Aaron's lips as Miyuki crossed her arms, a silent acceptance of his offer. "Good girl," he teased, relishing the momentary victory.

But his triumph was short-lived. A wicked glint flashed in Miyuki's eyes, and with a flick of her wrist, a shard of ice materialized before him. It shot past his cheek with a sharp hiss, leaving a thin line of crimson blossoming in its wake.

Aaron didn't flinch. He simply reached out, his touch gentle as he grasped her hand, ignoring the sting of the wound. The message was clear: her defiance was childish, and he wouldn't be provoked.

Miyuki, however, seemed to shrink under his touch. Her scowl faltered, replaced by a flicker of something akin to... embarrassment.

Pov change.

Later on that day, Aaron watched as Vice was beating up some deadman...

Ikki seem to be nowhere to be found until Aaron eyes saw his ghost like form floating next to vice.

Little did he know his eyes started to glow in that instant.

"Guess he can handle this on his own" Aaron mutters to himself looking at the screen.

Meanwhile, he had an ice princess to discipline.

Meanwhile inside of a jail cell.

Olteca could be seen inside the cell, he looked to have seen better days.

He looks absolutely destroyed physically and emotionally.

The voices in his head...the voices of that day.

That monster, he could feel it now.

The feeling of his lungs exploding and the feeling of his drained life coming back.

The feeling of being at the palm of someone hands, it didn't feel good at all.

Suddenly his eyes widen a bit as nothing but darkness enveloped them.

"Olteca, you haven't fulfilled your role yet"A demonic vouce from withing Olteca own body said but to that Olteca very scared voice replied.

"I refuse to step anywhere near that thing"

His voice was trembling as the memory played over and over in his mind.

"Are you disobeying me"The voice said seemingly getting angry to which Olteca just bluntly.

"I am more scare of that thing than I am of you"

"Fine, I will do it myself"As the voice said those words Olteca body started to violently shake as it seemed like he was being possessed by some type of otherworldly being.

An immense amount of power was absorbed by Olteca body as his started changing.

It almost seemed like he was becoming a new person.

A/N, by the way, just asking, I am trying to improve the fighting scene and I want to know what y'all would want to be improved, I know they ain't perfect reason why I am asking.