
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

ThePpp_Pppp · Película
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185 Chs

Helping Daiji (25)

The steam from the bathhouse hung heavy in the air, usually a comforting presence, but today it felt suffocating. Aaron sprawled on the tatami mat, the rhythmic thump of his pulse echoing in the unnatural silence. The bathhouse was open, yet the usual murmur of customers was absent. The silence was thick with tension, a tangible weight pressing down on him.

He could practically smell it – a mix of worry, disappointment, and a simmering anger that swirled around him like a miasma. It wasn't just the lack of customers, though that certainly contributed. It was the cloud hanging over the Igarashi family, a storm brewing just beneath the surface.

He knew the reason. Daiji. The whispers had reached him, carried on the wind like dust devils. Kagero's possession, the terrible things done, the shame Daiji now bore. The demotion, the probation, the weight of everyone's judgment.

Aaron sighed, the sound lost in the vastness of the empty bathhouse. He understood teasing, pushing boundaries, but this felt different. The air crackled with unspoken accusations, and he wasn't sure how to navigate it.

He glanced towards the back, where the faint sounds of scrubbing and clanging indicated Ikki was cleaning. The usual cheerful hum was absent, replaced by a heavy silence. He could almost see Ikki's shoulders slumped, the weight of his brother's burden etched on his face.

"Alright Daiji what you want to do with your free time"Aaron said as he approached Daiji who looked at him with a bewildered look as if wondering why did he say that."Nothing,i just want to return to my duty"Daiji replied to which Aaron shrug before saying "Womp,womp you cant so how about finding yourself a obby"

"Do you think my situation is funny,is this a sick joke to you"Daiji said clearly angry to which Aaron shrug saying "Nah,i dont think so,but being depressed about it wont change shit plus dont demon become stronguer due to negative emotion and wasnt the reason he took over last time because your negative emotion were so overwhelming"

Aaron then walked toward Daiji before saying "So why dont you be a big boy,stop bitching about it and try to find something to keep your mind off of thing like spending time with your family and having good memories of this,that will keep Kagero away wouldn't it,"

A sliver of light, fragile yet tenacious, speared through the depths of Daiji's despair as he met Aaron's steady gaze. "Do you... really think so?" he rasped, the question barely audible.

Aaron's grin returned, rekindling its familiar spark of unwavering confidence. "Not think," he corrected, leaning in with a wink, "know. You just gotta trust yourself, Daiji. Remember, you're strong. And, hey, if the worst comes to worst and Kagero decides to stage a comeback, consider him my personal punching bag."

For the first time in what felt like an eternity, a ghost of a smile tugged at Daiji's lips. It was small, hesitant, like a seedling pushing through cracked pavement, but it was there. "Thanks, Aaron," he said, his voice gaining a tremor of newfound strength. "You know, that offer might just come in handy."

As Aaron stepped out of the bathhouse, he caught the warm glow of gratitude emanating from the Iguarashi family. Their eyes, sparkling with appreciation, followed him out the sliding doors. But Aaron, ever the modest one, simply offered a dismissive wave, his grin crinkling the corners of his eyes.

Perhaps it was the way he'd effortlessly defused the tense situation with a witty joke, or maybe it was the quiet act of kindness he'd offered that went unseen. Whatever the reason, their thankfulness hung in the air, a silent language they didn't need words to express.

Aaron chuckled, leaning against the doorframe as the Happy Spa erupted in a symphony of festive chaos. Christmas had taken hold of the Igarashi family with the force of a Deadman possessing a bathhouse patron, and the result was pure, heartwarming mayhem.

Yukimi, ever the nurturing heart of the family, flitted between the kitchen and living room, her laughter as warm and fragrant as the spices simmering in her pots. Genta, usually stoic and brooding, sported a Santa hat perched precariously on his head, a faint blush betraying his amusement as he wrestled with a tangled mess of fairy lights. The twins, Ikki and Daiji, were tornadoes of energy, their clashing personalities somehow finding harmony in their shared festive spirit. Ikki, ever the optimist, draped tinsel with the enthusiasm of a superhero transforming, while Daiji, ever the pragmatist, meticulously (and somewhat reluctantly) placed ornaments on the tree, occasionally pausing to swat at his brother with a stray bauble.

Even Vice, Ikki's mischievous demon partner, wasn't immune to the holiday cheer. He hovered around Ikki, his impish grin wider than usual, occasionally suggesting (more like demanding) outrageous decorations that Ikki, bless his heart, tried his best to implement. Their bickering, usually fueled by Vice's pranks, held a playful edge, highlighting the bond they shared.

The air hung heavy with exhaustion in the Happy Spa's living room. Sakura plopped onto the couch, her shoulders slumped like a defeated boxer. "Ugh, I'm so beat," she groaned, "all I want to do is kick some Deadman butt!"

Ikki chuckled, his smile a beacon of optimism even amidst their fatigue. "Hold your horses, sis," he said playfully. "We can't just go charging in blind. Remember, we still haven't found their base, and things have been quiet lately."

Sakura sighed, her frustration echoing in the silence. "But if only someone knew where their base was," she muttered, her eyes flickering with a flicker of desperation.

Suddenly, a voice, nonchalant and almost bored, cut through the room. "Oh, I have their base coordinates."

All heads snapped towards Aaron, who stood casually by the window, hands in his pockets. A collective gasp filled the room, disbelief etched on everyone's faces.

"Seriously?" Daiji's voice cracked with disbelief. "Why didn't you say anything before?"

Aaron shrugged, his expression unreadable. "You never asked."

The room plunged into an awkward silence, thick enough to cut with a knife. Then, faster than anyone could react, a fist connected with a satisfying thud against Aaron's stomach. Sakura stood tall, her eyes blazing with righteous fury. "Never asked, huh?!" she growled.

The air crackled after Sakura's well-placed punch, leaving Aaron wincing in mock pain. "I mean, am I wrong though?" he quipped, a hint of a grin peeking through.

Daiji, ever the voice of reason, narrowed his eyes. "How long did you have this info, Aaron?"

Aaron rubbed his stomach, a playful glint in his eyes. "About a week, give or take."

Silence descended again, heavier this time, punctuated only by Ikki's suppressed chuckle. The deadpan stares from Sakura and Daiji were enough to make even the most unrepentant prankster sweat.

"Hold on now," Aaron finally raised his hands in mock surrender. "In my defense, I was trying to see if they only had one base or if they were scattered like cockroaches. You know, intel gathering and all that."

His explanation was met with a skeptical eyebrow raise from Sakura and a snort from Daiji. "Yeah, sure," Sakura rolled her eyes, "and I bet you were also waiting for the perfect opportunity to dramatic entrance with the info, weren't you?"

Aaron's smile widened, the glint in his eyes turning mischievous. "Maybe just a tad," he admitted, earning another playful punch from Sakura, this time lighter.

Daiji's sudden announcement, "You will have to report that information to Fenix," caught Aaron off guard for a moment, a flicker of annoyance crossing his features. He hadn't planned on this, his intention being a playful reveal rather than a strategic one. But as the weight of his actions settled in, a sly grin crept back onto his face.

Time Skip

Aaron sauntered into the Fenix ship, his usual swagger amplified by the knowledge he held. George, ever the stoic leader, scrutinized the data with a sharp gaze. Aaron met his stare head-on, a playful challenge glinting in his eyes.

"How'd you manage to snag this intel, Aaron?" George inquired, his voice laced with a hint of curiosity that didn't escape Aaron's notice.

Aaron leaned back casually, a smug smile playing on his lips. "Not telling you," he replied, relishing the flicker of irritation that crossed George's face for a fleeting moment. He thrived on pushing boundaries, and this was no different.

"Alright, George-san," he announced, straightening up with a theatrical flourish. "Now that you've got the intel courtesy of yours truly, I believe I'll be on my way."

Hiromi, ever the voice of caution, interjected, "Wait, are you seriously considering going after the Deadman alone?"

Aaron chuckled, a hint of condescension in his tone. "Please, Hiromi," he said, his voice dripping with mock seriousness. "If I could handle them while I was practically half-dead, imagine what I can do now that I'm fully recovered? Time for these Deadman to get a taste of my boot."

As they entered the arena, a tense silence hung in the air. Aaron, clad in his usual attire, stood casually, his gaze flitting between the Igarashi siblings and Vice. A playful smirk tugged at his lips as he met Sakura's eyes.

"Ready to get schooled, Miss Invincible?" he teased, his voice laced with a hint of amusement.

Sakura, never one to back down from a challenge, mirrored his smirk. "Don't get ahead of yourself, Aaron," she retorted, her tone laced with playful defiance.

Aaron chuckled, a glint of excitement dancing in his eyes. "Oh, I wouldn't dream of it," he replied, his gaze sweeping across the group. "A four-on-one fight wouldn't be much of a challenge, now would it?"

Aaron watched as they transformed, he watched Vice appear making this a 4vs1...

Wasn't this cute?

Before anyone could respond, Aaron reached into his pocket and retrieved a small, intricate buckle – the Kamen Rider Great Transformation Buckle. Its sleek, metallic surface gleamed under the arena lights, a stark contrast to his casual clothes.

With practiced ease, he slotted the Lion Great Buckle into the center of the device. The buckle pulsed with a vibrant red light, and a holographic image of a roaring lion materialized above it.

"Henshin!" Aaron declared, his voice ringing through the arena. He slammed his fist down on the buckle, and a surge of energy erupted from the device, enveloping him in a blinding light.

As the light faded, Aaron stood transformed. Gone was his casual attire, replaced by a suit of black and red armor. The chestplate bore the emblem of a roaring lion, its fiery mane emblazoned across the surface. A crimson helmet adorned his head, its visor reflecting the anticipation in his eyes.

Kamen Rider Great – Raion. He stood tall, his posture radiating confidence and power. The odds may have been stacked against him, but his spirit remained undaunted.

The Igarashi siblings, alongside Vice, stood poised for battle, their expressions a mix of determination and amusement. They knew Aaron's playful nature, and this "spar" promised more entertainment than a serious test.

Vice, ever the mischievous imp, cackled, his eyes gleaming with chaotic glee. "You stand no chance against the almighty vice!" he taunted, his voice echoing through the arena.

Ikki, ever the optimist, charged forward with a grin. "Alright, Aaron, let's see what you can do!" His attacks were precise and efficient, but delivered with a playful spirit.

Sakura, the ever-competitive one, launched a series of lightning-fast kicks and punches, her movements honed to razor-sharp precision. Yet, a hint of a smile played on her lips, betraying the underlying enjoyment of the mock battle.

Hiromi, ever the strategist, took a more measured approach. Her attacks were calculated and powerful, but she held back just enough, her movements hinting at a playful respect for Aaron's skills.

Aaron, reveling in the playful chaos, danced through their attacks with effortless grace. He parried Ikki's strikes with a flourish, dodged Sakura's kicks with a playful sidestep, and countered Hiromi's blows with calculated precision. His movements were a whirlwind of feints, dodges, and acrobatic maneuvers, each one punctuated by a witty quip or a mischievous grin.

"Is that all you've got?" he taunted, his voice laced with playful arrogance. "Come on, give me a challenge!"

The siblings and Vice exchanged amused glances. They knew Aaron was holding back, enjoying the opportunity to showcase his skills while simultaneously testing their own. They upped their game, their attacks becoming more coordinated and their movements more fluid.