
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

Ppp_Pppp · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
144 Chs

He is back (81)

Fair warning, if you haven't read the revice part of this story up to chapter 22 then this chapter might be very confusing for you, I will recommend reading it first before reading this.

Also, this will be decently short like 5 chapters in length give or take as Aaron only back to fix his mistake which you will figure out soon enough.

Anyway enough with warning let the story start.


For three months following the incident, the realm of the Geats enjoyed a newfound tranquility. Ace and Mitsume, harnessing their creation powers, diligently worked to restore the world to its pre-DGP interference state. Employing their abilities, they successfully resurrected numerous individuals who had perished in the game crafted by the DGP, bringing about a renewed sense of life and vibrancy.

As the revived individuals reacquainted themselves with the restored world, gratitude and relief filled the air. The once-shattered landscapes now flourished with vibrant colors, and the scars of the DGP's game began to fade away.

The unintended consequence of reviving everyone became apparent when Daiki, among the resurrected individuals, seized the opportunity to harbor dark intentions. Instantly upon revival, Daiki's demeanor shifted, and a sinister plot began to unfold in the shadows.

As the days passed, a sinister turn unfolded in the city as Jyamato, seemingly transformed into parasitic entities, initiated a wave of attacks. These insidious creatures discreetly attached themselves to unsuspecting individuals, orchestrating a puppetry of control from within.

The unnerving aspect lay in their ability to blend seamlessly with their host, appearing completely normal until they struck with unexpected malevolence. Attempts to control the infestation proved challenging, as these almost invisible parasites spawned mysteriously across the city, infiltrating the populace without detection.

The once-thriving city now faced an epidemic of covert threats, with the inhabitants living in constant uncertainty, unable to discern friend from foe. The battle against these microscopic yet potent adversaries intensified, casting a shadow of fear over the city as it grappled with an unseen enemy that could turn anyone into a vessel for Jyamato's sinister agenda.

Mitsume stood solemnly before the grave of Aaron Marshall, her eyes fixed on the tombstone that bore his name. The quiet cemetery seemed to echo with the weight of her grief as a tear escaped her eye, tracing a path down her cheek. Memories flooded her mind, and regret tugged at her heart.

In the hushed stillness, Mitsume wished she could turn back time. She wished she could have done more to prevent Aaron's untimely death. He had been a pillar of support, someone who had done so much for her. The gratitude she felt was now trapped behind the barrier of time, preventing her from expressing the thanks she never had the chance to give.

The wind whispered through the trees, carrying with it the heaviness of Mitsume's emotions. She lingered by the grave, her thoughts a mix of sorrow and the unspoken words she longed to convey. The pain of losing someone who had made such an impact on her life gnawed at her soul.

Mitsume's shoulders trembled as she stood by Aaron Marshall's grave, her gaze fixed on the tombstone. The pain etched across her face was palpable, and her eyes welled up with tears that mirrored the storm of emotions within. A profound sadness engulfed her, reaching depths she never knew existed.

The weight of grief bore down on Mitsume, and she found herself tearing up uncontrollably. Each drop that fell mirrored the ache in her heart, a poignant testament to the depth of her sorrow. The reality of Aaron's absence hit her with an intensity she hadn't anticipated.

In that moment, Mitsume grappled with the overwhelming sadness that threatened to consume her. It was a kind of pain she hadn't experienced before, and the realization of the void left by Aaron's departure weighed heavily on her soul. The longing for his presence, the desire to turn back time and undo the tragedy, intensified the anguish she felt.

As Mitsume stood there, tears streaming down her face, a deep regret settled within her. She wished, more than anything, that she had seized the opportunity to express her feelings to Aaron before it was too late. The weight of an unspoken "I love you" lingered heavily on her heart.In the quiet solitude of the cemetery, Mitsume's longing for a chance to utter those three words intensified. The echoes of what could have been resonated in her mind. She wished she had conveyed her love before the fateful fight, before circumstances stole away the chance to share those precious sentiments.The ache of missing him mingled with the regret of unspoken words. Mitsume's heart carried the burden of what remained unsaid, a yearning for a moment that slipped through her fingers. In that somber moment by the grave, she found herself grappling with the pain of not having expressed the depth of her emotions to Aaron.As the wind whispered through the tombstones, Mitsume wished for one more moment, one more chance to convey the love that now echoed as a poignant melody of regret in the silent corners of her heart. The void left by his absence was not just a physical one; it was also a space where words of love had never found their way.

"I knew i would find you here mom"A voice suddenly said from behind her.

Mitsume was startled by the unexpected voice that cut through the silence of the cemetery. She turned around to find her son, Ace, standing there, his eyes reflecting concern and understanding. The corners of her lips attempted to form a smile, as she hastily wiped away the lingering tears from her face.

"Hey, Ace," Mitsume said, her voice carrying a mixture of emotions. She took a deep breath, trying to compose herself, and met her son's gaze with a semblance of joy. "I didn't expect you to be here."

Ace stepped closer, his eyes filled with empathy as he observed his mother. "I had a feeling you'd come here. You've been missing him a lot, haven't you?"

Mitsume nodded, her attempt at a joyful expression faltering as she embraced Ace. The weight of their shared loss hung in the air, but in that moment, the presence of her son provided a glimmer of solace. She held onto him, grateful for the support he offered.

Mitsume released her embrace with Ace and took a step back, attempting to mask the lingering sorrow in her eyes. "I've been here for a while, just needed some time alone," she said, forcing a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

Ace, sensing his mother's need for privacy, nodded understandingly. "I get it, Mom. It's okay."

With a quick glance back at Aaron's grave, Mitsume redirected her attention. "Well, let's head home. I forgot to turn off the stove before I left. Dinner won't make itself."

Ace raised an eyebrow, his gaze lingering on Mitsume for a moment longer than usual. He could sense that something was amiss, a hidden layer beneath her attempt at normalcy. Nonetheless, he decided not to press the matter, respecting his mother's need for space.

As Ace turned away from Mitsume and walked towards Aaron's grave, an inexplicable feeling tugged at him. It was a sensation that defied the logical certainty of death. His instincts whispered to him, suggesting that Aaron might not be truly gone. Despite the appearance of death, Ace felt an unusual strength lingering, a presence that refused to fade.

With a sense of uncertainty, Ace approached the tombstone, his hand reaching out to touch the cool surface. The gravestone stood as a silent witness to the void left behind. However, Ace couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this than met the eye.

In a quiet moment of reflection, he changed the flowers adorning the grave, a symbolic gesture of respect and remembrance. As he knelt down, a silent prayer escaped his lips. Ace couldn't explain the gut feeling that Aaron might still be out there, but he chose to honor the memory regardless.

Leaving the graveyard, Ace glanced back one last time, a lingering doubt in his eyes.

In the dimly lit alleyway, a portal crackled with energy before unfolding to reveal a black man with piercing yellow eyes. Stepping out with an air of familiarity, he surveyed his surroundings with a mixture of curiosity and confidence.

"Guess I am back," he declared, his voice carrying an enigmatic tone that hinted at experiences beyond the ordinary. The yellow eyes scanned the alley, absorbing the details with a keen awareness. The atmosphere seemed to ripple with an otherworldly energy as the anomaly returned.