
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

Ppp_Pppp · Película
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144 Chs

goodluck Part (70)

As the two weeks drew to a close, the long-awaited moment arrived. The time for Aaron to face Suel in battle had come, and the fight was mere minutes away. The anticipation in the room was palpable as Aaron prepared to leave.

Rui approached her brother with a mix of concern and encouragement evident in her eyes. "Onii-chan, be careful out there. Good luck," she said, her voice carrying a blend of sibling love and a sincere wish for his safety.

"I will," Aaron reassured, patting Rui's head with a comforting gesture. He then turned to Mitsume, a reassuring smile on his face. "I will be back, so no need to worry," he said, his words carrying a confidence that sought to alleviate any concerns she might have.

Mitsume's mind churned in turmoil as she watched Aaron prepare to leave. A fierce internal debate waged within her, the conflict evident in the furrow of her brows and the contemplative gaze that held a storm of emotions.

*Should I tell him?* The question echoed in her mind, each syllable laden with the weight of uncertainty. Mitsume grappled with the fear of vulnerability, unsure if revealing her feelings was a risk worth taking.

*What if he doesn't feel the same way?* Doubt crept in, casting a shadow over her thoughts. Mitsume's heart raced, torn between the desire for honesty and the fear of potential rejection.Aaron's voice, reassuring Rui, reached her ears, intensifying the inner struggle. *He's about to face a dangerous opponent. Maybe now isn't the right time.* Mitsume reasoned, attempting to silence the tumult within.

Yet, a nagging persistence gnawed at her conscience. *But what if there is no 'right time'? What if I never get another chance?* Mitsume's gaze wavered, torn between the fear of regret and the fear of baring her soul.

Aaron playfully blew a kiss towards Mitsume, a teasing gesture to lighten the moment before his body vanished from the room.

Pov change

Aaron body materialize in the middle of an abandoned city,all the building seem to be inhabitated and the surrounding seem a bit dead, he however didn't care and just walked forward toward his destination.

"You came afterward,i expected you to run away "A voice said from the sky and as Aaron looked up he saw Suel in the sky looking down at him.

"Nah,why would i run away from a chance to beat your ass"Aaron said with a smile on his face.

"Such insolence and such arrongance coming from the likes of you will not be tolerated"Suel said looking down at Aaron to which he just shrug.

"The heck you going to do about it "Aaron said nonchantly while looking at Suel.

The man in red seem agitated but he did not give in to his anguer instead he looked at Aaron before

Suel said speaking with a measured tone, "You underestimate the power you're dealing with, Aaron. It's not too late to reconsider your choices."

Aaron chuckled, his confidence unwavering. "I've been in tougher spots than this. Bring it on, Suel."

Suel's eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity, and a gust of wind surrounded him as he descended from the sky. As he touched the ground, the atmosphere seemed to shift, signaling the beginning of a formidable confrontation.

Before a bunch of what seemed to be mind controlled kamen rider seem to pop out of nowhere and attack Aaron.

"Come on"Aaron said disappointed to which Suel smile.

"Let give our viewer their entry shall we,"Suel said with a smile as those mind controlled kamen rider rush toward Aaron with weopon in their hands.

Aaron should have expected this to be fair,this guy wouldnt play fair which was in the realm of possibility so he would show them what he can do.

As the mind-controlled Kamen Riders rushed toward Aaron, their weapons glinting menacingly, Suel watched with a smirk, confident in his tactical advantage.

Aaron took a deep breath, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the approaching threat. With a sudden burst of speed, he darted between the oncoming Riders, narrowly avoiding their strikes. His movements were fluid and precise.

He made sure to aim for the weak point of the suits.....

Aaron swiftly assessed the situation, his eyes darting between the approaching mind-controlled Kamen Riders. Each Rider bore the unmistakable signs of puppetry, their once-heroic expressions now vacant and devoid of free will. Gripping his own weapon, a gleaming silver staff, Aaron prepared for the impending clash.

Aaron's  momentum faltered as a chilling realization crept into his consciousness. His keen instincts told him that the presence he felt wasn't just a manifestation of machinery; it carried the unmistakable weight of humanity. A cold shiver ran down his spine as he considered the implications.

His eyes scanned the fallen mind-controlled Kamen Riders, and it dawned on him — these weren't mere automatons. Suel had manipulated real people, twisting their wills and forcing them into this mindless confrontation.

"Did this bastard actually..." he muttered under his breath, his fists clenching in a mixture of anger and disbelief. The fight took on a new dimension as the realization settled in.

Aaron's eyes narrowed at Suel's callous response, the disdain in his voice only fueling Aaron's growing anger. The revelation that these manipulated fighters were considered disposable entertainment hit a nerve.

He knew he was by no mean a hero. He also knew that the people in the future were monster he saw it firsthand but still he couldn't stop himself from saying.

"Why?" Aaron questioned again, his voice edged with both frustration and a desperate plea for reason.Suel's glee only deepened, his lack of empathy unsettling. "They are just disposable tools meant to be used for our entertainment. Whether they die or you die doesn't matter to me in the slightest."

The callousness of Suel's words hung in the air, resonating with a disconcerting truth.

"Why do you, out of all people, care?" Suel continued, locking eyes with Aaron. "Aren't you known for the fact that you kill a lot? Why would this time be different for you?"Aaron's jaw clenched, the internal struggle evident on his face.

He knew that he had the power to end this, to eliminate the threat posed by Suel and his sadistic games.

The digital audience, hidden behind the veil of anonymity, revealed a darker side as they reveled in the unfolding chaos. Comments and reactions flooded the virtual spaces, expressing delight in the violence, cheering for the mayhem, and urging further bloodshed.

"Those sadistic fuck.."Aaron said to himself.

His gaze shifted from the fallen fighters to Suel, a newfound fire burning in his eyes. "I will make sure to give you PTSD for the rest of your life," he declared, his words carrying a solemn promise of retribution.

Suel's smirk wavered for the first time, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his face. The audacity of Aaron's threat seemed to strike a nerve, a glimmer of unease breaking through the facade of arrogance.

How dare this lower human specimen threaten him?