
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

Ppp_Pppp · Película
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144 Chs

Goodbye Friend {88}

Aaron sauntered towards Ace, his steps echoing with an unnerving calmness in the aftermath of the brutal fight. The air crackled with unspoken tension, a stark contrast to the silence left in Suel's wake.

He stopped a few paces away from Ace, his gaze never leaving the fallen figure. His amusement seemed to have waned, replaced by a cool, calculating expression. A ghost of a smile played on his lips, not a friendly one, but one laced with a hint of predatory curiosity.

"So," he drawled, his voice smooth yet chilling, "what you finna do with him?"

The question hung heavy in the air, loaded with implications. Was it a genuine inquiry, a twisted mockery, or something more sinister entirely? Aaron's posture remained relaxed, but his eyes, glinting with an unsettling intelligence, held Ace's attention captive.

The silence stretched on, thick with unspoken possibilities. Would Ace choose to finish Suel off, swayed by the logic of eliminating a threat? Or would he defy Aaron's expectations, offering Suel a chance at redemption? The answer lay in the depths of Ace's own resolve, a decision he would have to make under the watchful gaze of the enigmatic Anomaly.

"Do you want to end him or nah?" Aaron asked, his gaze shifting between Ace and Suel. Suel met a pair of red eyes, a glimpse into the depths of a formidable resolve. "It's not like he will be missed by anyone, and it's not like he is worth saving," Aaron remarked, his attention still fixed on Suel.Before Ace could catch any unusual details, Aaron's eyes reverted to their normal state, leaving no trace of the intense moment that had passed. The decision to determine Suel's fate lingered in the air, a weighty choice that would shape the conclusion of their encounter.

Before Ace could say anything, the sharp report of a gun echoed through the space, and Suel's body slumped to the floor. Aaron, approaching with purpose, commented, "You took too long. Plus, I don't want to come back because I didn't confirm the kill." He ensured Suel was indeed dead and then opened a bag, placing the lifeless body inside.

Aaron's gaze then shifted to Ace as a portal appeared behind him. "Yo, catch this," Aaron said, tossing a vial at Ace, who caught it with a confused expression. "What's this?" Ace inquired."This is the cure to your creation ability weakness," Aaron explained nonchalantly."You're not trying to poison me, are you?" Ace questioned warily.

"Maybe, maybe not. You'll just have to trust me on this one," Aaron responded, leaving an air of uncertainty in the room.

As Aaron approached the shimmering portal, his hand poised to step through, Ace's voice broke the silence. "Will our paths cross again?" the question hung heavy in the air, laced with both curiosity and a hint of apprehension.

Aaron paused, a faint smile gracing his lips. "Not unless fate decides to throw another curveball our way," he replied enigmatically. "Enjoy your life, Ace. You've earned some peace after all this time."

Ace met his gaze, his own smile genuine. "Thank you, Aaron," he said, his voice sincere. "For everything. And if..." he hesitated, then continued, "If you ever need a hand, just know I'm here."

Aaron's smile deepened slightly. "I'll keep that in mind, Momma's Boy," he replied with a playful smirk, the familiar teasing glint in his eyes. Then, with a final nod, he stepped through the portal, leaving Ace alone with the lingering echoes of their encounter.

Ace's curiosity burned like a wildfire. He couldn't shake the encounter with Aaron, the cryptic words, the enigmatic smile. As the portal swallowed the man, Ace felt a pull, a need to understand.

He delved deeper into Suel's base, a labyrinth of twisted technology and hidden secrets. The air thrummed with residual power, a chilling reminder of the battle that had just unfolded. Finally, his searching eyes landed on it - a key, gleaming faintly, its inscription whispering a name: "The Anomaly."

This was the information he craved, the key to unlocking the mystery that was Aaron. But time was a ticking bomb. Aaron's parting words echoed in his mind: "This place goes kaboom." Ace couldn't risk lingering.

With a final glance at the key, he tucked it away, the weight of knowledge and responsibility settling upon him. He retraced his steps, the base growing dimmer with each step he took. As he passed Suel's fallen form, a pang of sorrow flickered, overshadowed by the urgent need to escape.

Emerging from the base, Ace felt the sun warm his face, a stark contrast to the cold darkness he'd left behind. But the warmth didn't soothe his unease. He held the key, a silent promise, a burden to unravel the truth about Aaron, the Anomaly. The path ahead was uncertain, but one thing was clear: the game had changed, and Ace was no longer just a player. He was now a seeker, a hunter, on the trail of a mystery that could reshape the world.

Ace, accompanied by Win Hareruya and Tsumuri, plugged in the USB, revealing detailed information about Aaron Marshall on the screen:

Character Information:

- Name: Aaron Marshall

- Age: 19

- Occupation: Fixer, Killer, Protector

- Personality Traits: Obnoxious, Snarky, Teasing, Calculating, Dumb

- Appearance: Light-skinned man with yellow eyes and a decently toned physique


1. Stealth and Infiltration

2. Marksmanship

3. Hand-to-hand combat

4. Poison expertise

5. Disguise and impersonation

6. Lockpicking

7. Tactical planning

8. Surveillance

9. Escape and evasion

10. Silent communication

11. Knife throwing

12. Untraceable communication methods

13. Interrogation techniques

14. Parkour and agility

15. Quick decision-making

16. Knowledge of anatomy for precise strikes

17. Improvised weapons usage

18. Psychological manipulation

19. Strategic retreat

20. Adaptability in various environments

21. Firearms proficiency

22. Defensive tactics

23. Emergency response

24. Investigation and evidence gathering

25. Crisis negotiation

26. Crowd control

27. Crime scene analysis

28. Patience and resilience

29. Physical fitness

30. Decision-making under pressure

31. Crisis management

32. Risk assessment

...Click for More...

Weaknesses: Severe mental problems...

Years of service: 10 years

Missions done in total: 700

Missions succeeded: 630

Missions failed: 70

Amount of near-death experiences: 400

Amount attempted suicides: 70

Amount of times he experienced death: 350

Amount of people killed: 100,000.

Amount of people indirectly killed: 1 trillion

Title: Monster, Freak, Perfect Assassin, The Devil in Human Skin, Inferior Creature, The Anomaly

Past accident: Aaron Marshall, known as the Anomaly, is a dangerous individual. In his hands, the deaths of thousands have occurred. A few years back, The Administration discovered that the Anomaly was in possession of a Xalara girl he called his sister. She was a pure breed, and the Association, unwilling to listen, took her away forcefully. A few days later, more than a quarter of their population was destroyed as the Anomaly stopped at nothing to get his sister back.

 Fair warning to anyone reading this: Do not try anything bad on anything the Anomaly holds dear, especially his sister. It won't end well for you.

"Tsumuri...how many people are alive in the future "Ace asked looking at Tsumuri who after a while of thinking opened her mouth and said "They were about 80 billion"


"He is younger than me....."Win suddenly mutter upon looking at the list,he dare not look further to think that someone who younger than him had gone through all of this already.

"Considering in japan you immediately become one year old as soon as you are born....he should be 18...."Ace said to himself.....

He hopes that his friend journey wouldnt have anyone else trying to get on his nerves as from the data,he was seing....that person would die a painful death

A/N...With this we put an end to the Geat Era...this world probably give the most lore about him because he is from that future,the other worlds wont give as much,but hey knowing all you know about him let me ask you a  few questions.....

Do you still see Aaron the same way you saw him at the beginning of the story?

How much did you Opinion of him change?

And lastly would you consider him a monster in human flesh considering the sheer amount of damage he is showned he can cause or do you just see him as just a lost child?

Please do comment what you think as i use those comments to improve....so please lets not let this comment section be dryer than the Sahara dessert?