
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

Ppp_Pppp · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
144 Chs

Family problem (53)

Sweat dripped down Sakura's face, tracing paths through the grime that coated her body. Her breaths came in ragged gasps as she slumped against the wall, muscles screaming in protest. Never before had she felt so utterly drained, so outmatched. A sense of helplessness gnawed at her – a stark contrast to the fierce independence she'd always prided herself on.

"Don't like the feeling, do you?" Aaron's voice cut through the fog of exhaustion. He knelt beside her, offering a bottle of water. His earlier amusement had been replaced by his usual nonchalant self.

Sakura snatched the bottle, gulping down the cool liquid gratefully. After a few long sips, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, her voice husky. "Where's Miyuki?"

"The Ice Princess?" Aaron chuckled. "She's getting prepped, I guess. Whatever an alien princess gets prepped for, anyway."

"And may i know what she was preparing for"Sakura added looking at Aaron who just shrugged his shoulders saying "Nothing important,alien stuff maybe"

Sakura felt like he was hiding something but did not push further,after finishing the whole bottle of water which she was suprised about.

She seem stunned as she seem to have consumed about 2 liters worth of water but it didnt feel like it,the water felt refreshing somehow and she felt her nerve being relaced,she felt a very soothing effect happening on her body.

"What was on this water"She asked her eyes darting toward his location,he blinked once then twice before saying "It just regular water,nothing much"

He shrug his shoulders as he said those words.

He drink that water basically everyday so to him it was as regular as water could get,it then hit him....'oh,why the heck do i keep forgetting we dont come from the same time period' Aaron thought to himself.

The water wouldnt do any harm to her at all but it was quite litteraly made to feel very refreshing to try and imagine how refreshing that would be,imagine chewing on some menty chewing gum before drinking some water.

The water should relax her muscle and heal her body much faster by speeding up the speed at which her muscle fiber heal up.

It was a cheat on how to get stronger but she seemed determined so why not give her a small boost plus, its not like he would have to be the one to deal with her increased hunger.

"Must be your body finally catching up," he finally offered, a sheepish grin tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Maybe"Sakura added with a thoughtful expression on her face.

Time skip

Across town, a lone figure stood bathed in the flickering orange glow of a bonfire. Aguilera, her face etched with sadness, fed a crimson dress to the flames. The fabric crackled and writhed as it consumed, the embers painting fleeting memories in the swirling smoke. More than just a dress, it was a symbol of her past, a past that now lay in ashes.

For years, her life had been meticulously planned, a singular purpose driving her every action: to become the perfect bride for Gifu. She had trained, conditioned, and sacrificed, all in the name of a future that now seemed like a cruel joke. His return had not been the triumphant homecoming she'd envisioned. Instead, she was tossed aside like a discarded tool, her years of devotion dismissed with a dismissive glance.

As the last embers of the dress faded, Aguilera felt a weight lift from her shoulders. The fire had not just consumed the fabric; it had burned away the expectations, the obligations, the very essence of who she was supposed to be. 

Pov change

A frown etched itself onto George's face as he scrolled through endless lines of code and data on his computer screen. "Gifu should have fully revived by now," he muttered to himself, chewing on his lower lip in thought. He distinctly remembered witnessing the monstrous entity regain its form, pulsating with renewed power. Yet, an unsettling silence had blanketed the city in the following days. No earth-shattering roars, no reports of colossal destruction – nothing.

"Is he hiding?" George pondered, leaning back in his chair with a deep breath. The idea seemed absurd. Gifu, with its immense strength, was practically an apex predator on this planet. Who, or what, could it possibly fear?

Then, a jolt of memory sparked in his mind. The image of Kamen Rider Raion's blazing kick flashed across his internal screen, the one that had carved a deep gash across Gifu's metallic hide. He initially dismissed the attack as a minor annoyance, confident in Gifu's regenerative abilities. But now, a seed of doubt began to sprout. Could it be that the wound, though seemingly healed on the surface, still festered within? Was Gifu nursing its injuries in the shadows, biding its time for a full recovery before unleashing its fury?{A/N You half right}

The possibility sent a shiver down George's spine. If Gifu's power was truly diminished at the moment, it could be a critical window for Kamen Rider Raion and his allies. He needed to find out more, to pierce the veil of Gifu's silence and understand its current state. With renewed purpose, George dove back into the digital sea, his fingers flying across the keyboard as he desperately searched for any sign of the monstrous entity's activity. The clock was ticking, and the fate of the city might hinge on his ability to unearth the truth.


George remained glued to his computer screen, a furrow etched deep between his brows as he deciphered the cryptic data feeds. Daiji's entrance barely registered, though he acknowledged the young man with a curt nod as "Karizaki-san."

Daiji, oblivious to George's preoccupation, announced his intention. "I was thinking of tailing Akashi," he declared, his voice brimming with determination. He leaned in closer, hoping to catch George's eye.

Suddenly, a new figure materialized in the doorway. It was Akemi, her usual stoic expression softened by a hint of amusement. "I wouldn't recommend it," she interjected smoothly, her voice carrying an unexpected gentleness. "You should relax a little, Daiji."

Daiji glanced at her questioningly, his focus momentarily shifting from George. Akemi, with practiced ease, glided past him, a steaming cup of coffee held out in her hand. She offered it to Daiji, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

George, momentarily lifted from his digital world, raised a hand in a futile attempt to grab a cup for himself. His hopes were dashed as Akemi, seemingly oblivious, took a confident sip from her own cup and sauntered towards a nearby chair.

"No coffee for me," George mumbled, a hint of dejection in his voice as he watched her settle down.

Daiji's face contorted in a grimace as he took a tentative sip of the coffee. Unsurprisingly, it was pure black, devoid of any sugar. "Ugh," he sputtered, clearly not a fan.

"Don't try to be Hiromi either," Akemi remarked, her voice laced with a knowing smile. "Just follow your own instincts."

Daiji set the cup down, a newfound determination hardening his gaze. "I want to right Fenix's wrongs," he declared, his voice resolute. "I want to turn it into a force for good."

Akemi listened patiently, a thoughtful expression settling on her face. "Just remember," she countered, her voice softer now, "right is not always right."

A playful smirk danced on her lips as she added, "That being said, boys are cuter when they're honest." With a flick of her wrist, she tossed a small object at Daiji. He reflexively caught it, his eyes widening in surprise as he realized it was a chocolate bar.

"It's bitter, right?" Akemi teased, a hint of amusement flickering in her eyes.

Daiji stared at the chocolate, momentarily speechless. "Thank you," he finally managed, a small smile gracing his lips.

Pov change

A wave of chaos greeted Aaron as he pushed open the bathhouse doors. Ikki, a whirlwind of fists and fury, was embroiled in a brawl with everyone in sight. Aaron blinked, processing the scene for a moment, before muttering, "Yeah, not dealing with this." He made a swift about-face, opting for a strategic retreat.

Just as he pivoted, a stray fist shot out, aimed squarely at the back of his head. Instinct kicked in – Aaron whipped his arm around, the force of the redirected blow slamming the attacker into the floor. The momentum nearly carried him forward, his fist hurtling towards Ikki's throat.

Reality slammed back in a sickening rush. With a herculean effort, Aaron managed to halt his punch mere inches from Ikki's face. His breath caught in his throat, a wave of nausea washing over him. 'Damn it,' he thought, staring at his trembling hand. 'I almost killed him.'  
