
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

ThePpp_Pppp · Película
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185 Chs

Explaining (5)

Aaron was seen patting Rui while doing her hair as she sat in front of him, radiating happiness as if this was the best thing to ever happen.

"How was your first mission, nee-san?" Rui asked aloud, breaking from their usual mental communication.

"It was fine. I learned some stuff about this world," Aaron responded with a warm smile.

"Like?" Rui inquired curiously.

"Like the fact that people's inner demons can actually manifest into actual demons," Aaron revealed as he continued to carefully style her hair.

"Like their trauma becomes a demon, and the demon is stronger depending on how much trauma they have," Aaron explained as he finished another part of Rui's hair.

Rui's pupils seemed to shrink a bit upon learning this news. "Nee-chan, get in the machine...now," Rui's voice underwent a drastic change, and with her telekinesis, she forcefully pushed him into a machine.

"Come on, Rui, it's not worth it, plus I'm not even from this world, so it shouldn't really matter," Aaron reasoned, witnessing the lengths his sister would go to ensure his safety.

"Usually, that would be a solid argument, but not for you," Rui asserted as she turned on the machine and initiated a scan of his body.

After a few tense minutes, Aaron eventually walked out of the machine, and Rui carefully examined the results before hugging him and saying, "Thank Abi... you don't have one." The relief in her voice was palpable as she reassured herself that Aaron was not burdened by the same inner demons that could manifest in this haunting world.

Aaron smiled before saying, "Would it really be that bad considering the devils of this world are relatively weak?"

Rui looked into Aaron's eyes, but instead of delving into that unsettling topic, she pulled him into a tight hug. She didn't want to discuss the potential demons that might lurk within him right now.

The thought of what kind of demonic entity might emerge from her big brother's experiences was something she couldn't fathom. She chose to push aside those unsettling thoughts and spend the rest of the afternoon enjoying time with him.

They watched movies, played games, and Aaron even taught her some martial arts. Every moment was cherished as they immersed themselves in the simple joys of spending time together. The weight of the world's mysteries faded temporarily, replaced by the warmth of sibling camaraderie.

"Let's get your ice cream," Aaron said, and Rui's face lit up with excitement. "Ice cream!" she exclaimed. Aaron smiled, heading into the kitchen to prepare her favorite treat.

It was a simple, enjoyable moment, and Rui cherished these times when her brother doted on her. To her, he was the best brother anyone could wish for.

"Here you go," Aaron said, handing her a strawberry ice cream cone. She took it with gratitude, saying, "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Hope you enjoy it," Aaron replied with a smile. She beamed back at him as she began to savor her ice cream.

"You got something on your cheek," Aaron pointed out, gesturing to her right cheek.

She looked at him in confusion before he took out a piece of napkin and wiped away some ice cream that was stuck on her cheek.

"Thank you," she said with a grateful smile, to which he replied, "Anything for my little sister," with a warm and affectionate smile. The simple, sweet moments between them added to the bond that made them not just siblings but cherished companions in the journey through their extraordinary world.

"Onii-chan, what was the mission?" Rui asked, curious about their purpose in this unusual place.

"Oh, it's simple, really. Just have to kill this really strong demon," Aaron explained, his gaze fixed on her.

"Can't the celestial do it themselves?" Rui questioned.

"If a celestial were to come to this planet, the planet would implode on itself because—" Aaron began.

"The celestial power is too great," Rui finished his sentence.

"Exactly," Aaron added. Rui looked at him, contemplating, before questioning, "But why you?"

"Don't know," Aaron shrugged slightly before noticing from his watch that dead men were attacking once again.

"Got to go, Princess. I promise to spend more time with you when I get back," Aaron said as he quickly made his way out of the house.

"You better keep your promise," Rui replied, watching him leave with a mix of understanding and concern.

[POV Change]

Somewhere on a golf course, chaos unfolded as a horde of dead men assaulted innocent people. Amidst the gruesome scene, a man reveled in the suffering, seemingly enjoying every second of the carnage. Blood sprayed on the ground as the dead men relentlessly pursued their thirst for blood.

A group of individuals clad in white arrived, swiftly engaging the undead and rescuing the terrified victims. Amidst the chaos, a voice cut through the air, accusing the man reveling in the chaos.

"Damn you are one bastard," the voice declared. As they turned around, the unknown Kamen Rider stood there in all his glory. With agile movements, he leaped into action, fighting against the onslaught of enemies.

He showed no mercy, dispatching them swiftly to end their torment. The unknown rider faced a barrage of attacks, yet with a skillful display of mixed martial arts, he managed to eliminate most, if not all, of the assailants. The battleground became a scene of intense combat, the unknown rider standing tall against the supernatural threat.