
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

Ppp_Pppp · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
144 Chs

Dude I did not fuck your girlfriend (48)

Exhaustion painted Sakura's face as she sprawled on the cold floor, her breaths coming out in ragged gasps. Every muscle in her body screamed in protest, her entire being a testament to the grueling training session. Across from her, Miyuki stood tall, her expression devoid of any exertion.

Aaron cast a glance at Sakura. "Did you have to go so hard on her, Miyuki?" he asked, a hint of reproach lacing his voice.

Miyuki met his gaze with a stoic expression. "You told me to train with her," she countered, her voice devoid of emotion. "There was nothing about being gentle in your instructions."

"Yeah, well, leaving her like a beached fish wasn't exactly part of the plan either," Aaron retorted, gesturing towards Sakura with a wry smile.

Miyuki tilted her head slightly, her brow furrowing in what might have been confusion. "Did you expect me to hold her hand?" she inquired, her tone bordering on bluntness.

Aaron sighed, running a hand through his hair. Dealing with Miyuki often felt like navigating a minefield. He turned his attention back to Sakura, a hint of concern softening his features.

"Can you even stand?" he knelt beside her, his voice calm.

Sakura responded with a groan, a sound that spoke volumes about her current state.

Aaron's sigh deepened. He'd planned for a light training session, a throwback to his own training regimen from his younger days. But clearly, those days were behind him – even his "easy" sessions were proving too much for Sakura. He recalled the scene earlier when she'd attempted to climb a tree, only to be comically swatted back down by a strategically placed log. He'd softened the landing with strategically placed mats, of course, but the image was still etched in his memory.

A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips despite himself. Perhaps Sakura's training required a little more... finesse. He needed a way to push her limits without completely breaking her. Maybe it was time to revise his strategies.

Sometime he forget that by human standart,he was an anomaly in term of being physically gifted,a freak one might say.He sigh to himself a bit as he looked at Sakura.

"Want me to call Ikki to pick you up or something?"He asked looking at her tired state.She managed to groan at a no, to which he just said "It's either that or i carry you back to your house"

A long silent enveloped the room for a bit.

Time skip

Aaron was seen carrying Sakura back toward her house, she layed on his back looking utterly tired.

"You are surprisingly light for your appearence"Aaron said nonchantly to which Sakura just reply "What that supposed to mean "Aaron smiled at that reply saying "Dont worry about it"Sakura looked to be annoyed by that remark but Aaron just smiled before his eyes strangely seem to be focus.

"Can you tell your boyfriend to stop stalking us"Aaron said all of the sudden,Sakura looked at him confused as he just opened his mouth and said "You know the one you been riding the past month or so"

"Ow"Aaron said as Sakura smacked him on the back of his head for his earlier statement."I havent been doing that"She said sounding annoyed to which Aaron just opened his mouth and said "Then why exactly are you going to his house so late at night and coming back so late"Sakura seem to be contemplating something for a bit as if pondering on Wheater to tell him the truth or no.

"You dont need to tell me,everyone allowed to keep their secrets,unless that secret being kept may result and thousand of people being blacked then spill it""Huh?"Sakura said stunned to which Aaron just chuckle a bit at that.

He then opened his mouth and said "I am guessing the reason he is following you is the same reason you have to keep a secret huh"Sakura just nod her head to which Aaron just shrug,as he walked somewhere nearby and notice that apart from he and Sakura,their pursuer were the only other person there.Aaron opened his mouth and said "I am not going to fuck your girlfriend jeez,this aint a NTR plot,so do you mind not following us"

From the bushes behind them,Hikaru appeared to which Aaron just looked at him,his yellow eyes having a strange yellow glow to them as he analyze the man standing before him."Why is she beaten"Hikaru asked looking at Aaron to which he replied."She couldnt handle it so now she cant walk"

Hikaru face seemed to have what seem to be a light red on it as Sakura hit Aaron at the back of the head saying "What did i do wrong""Explain it more clearly"Sakura said seemingly embarrassed to which Aaron chuckle before saying "I mean am I wrong."

"I was training with him and i told him to not hold back....that why i am like this"Sakura said clearly explaining the situation to which Hikaru seem to understand.

"Oh is that it"He said to which Aaron caught on to saying "What were you thinking there when I explained it,arent you a naughty one"

"I just wanted to make sure Sakura-chan was safe," Hikaru admitted, his voice laced with a mix of guilt and relief.

Aaron watched his reaction, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes. "Aren't you a caring one," he teased, his tone light. Although the teasing was there, his observation skills didn't miss the deeper emotions playing on Hikaru's face.

There was genuine concern for Sakura's safety, that much was clear. But Aaron also sensed something else – a layer of mistrust and fear lurking beneath the surface. It wasn't surprising. From Hikaru's perspective, Aaron was a complete enigma.

He wasn't affiliated with Fenix, yet he collaborated with them at times. He was a Kamen Rider, but one that didn't seem to rely on the power of an inner demon. He was a protector against the deadman, the greatest threat humanity faced, yet simultaneously, due to his own inner demons, he himself could be considered a threat.

Seeing the worry creasing Hikaru's brow, Aaron offered a casual reassurance. "No need to worry," he said, his tone nonchalant as he started walking away. "She's safe with me."

Hikaru hesitated, concern etched on his face. "Wait, but what if you get attacked?"

Aaron stopped mid-stride, a confident smirk playing on his lips. He turned and looked Hikaru dead in the eyes, a glint of golden power flashing within them for a fleeting moment. "Then I'll just beat them simple," he declared with a nonchalance that bordered on arrogance. "They ain't that strong."

As Aaron's words echoed in the air, he strolled away, leaving Hikaru standing there, lost in thought. There was no denying it, Mr. Karizaki was right about Aaron. He truly was...

Hikaru trailed off, unable to find the right word to describe the enigma that was Aaron. Powerful, yes. Unpredictable, definitely. But most importantly, was he a friend or foe? That was the question that lingered heavily in Hikaru's mind.

Aaron hoisted Sakura all the way back to her house, which doubled as the Igarashi family bathhouse. He pushed open the front door, the familiar scent of wood and steam greeting them. Surprisingly, the place seemed deserted.

"So, where's your room, sleepyhead?" Aaron asked, his voice laced with amusement as he glanced down at Sakura, who was practically clinging to his back.

Sakura, momentarily roused from her exhaustion, shot him a glare. "As if I'd let you into my room!" she protested, her voice weak but laced with defiance.

Aaron raised an eyebrow playfully. "What's the big deal? It's not like I'm planning on anything."

"Everything!" Sakura retorted, it seemed as if she was getting annoyed "It's embarrassing enough as it is being carried back like a sack of potatoes. I don't need to add 'letting a strange man into my room' to that list."

She paused, contemplating her next words. "Besides, can you imagine the look on Mom's face? She'd be convinced I did something... improper... and ugh, it'd be a nightmare!" The usually stoic Sakura sounded remarkably like a normal teenager for once, her worries grounded in everyday concerns rather than fighting Gifu.

Aaron couldn't help but smile at her flustered state. It was a refreshing change from her usual tough-as-nails demeanor. With a gentle nudge, he lowered her onto the worn but comfortable couch in the living room.

"Alright, alright," he chuckled, raising his hands in mock surrender. "No need to get your panties in a twist. I get it. Top-secret teenage slumber party territory and all that."

He straightened up, his playful facade fading slightly. "See you around, Miss Unbeatable," he said with a wink before turning to leave. As he reached the doorway, he glanced back at her one last time, a hint of concern flickering in his eyes. "Just, try to get some rest, okay?"

With that, he waved goodbye and disappeared out the front door. Sakura let out a long sigh of relief, the tension draining from her body. At least she'd managed to avoid an awkward conversation with her mom.

But just as she sank back into the couch, a familiar mop of red hair peeked around the corner. Ikki stood there, his face a mixture of amusement and disbelief.

"Oh..." Sakura groaned, burying her face in a cushion. Of course, Ikki had seen the whole thing. This was just perfect.

"I will beat you into a pulp if you even think about saying anything about what you saw!" Sakura hissed at Ikki, her voice laced with a fiery intensity. Ikki, caught off guard by her sudden outburst, couldn't help but let a bead of sweat roll down his temple. He knew better than to mess with his sister when she was like this.

With a sheepish grin, Ikki slowly backed away, opting for the path of least resistance. Just then, a mischievous voice piped up from within him.

"Wow, fiery today, aren't we?" Vice chuckled, momentarily taking control of Ikki's body. Two small horns sprouted from Ikki's head, and a tail swished behind him as his inner demon reveled in the tension.

"We should leave her alone," Ikki quickly interjected, regaining control as his demonic features vanished. Vice, however, seemed to be itching for more information. But Ikki, wise enough to avoid a potential brawl, decided to retreat.

Meanwhile, within the confines of Fenix's lab, George Karizaki meticulously examined the comatose form of Orteca. The once-vibrant Deadmans agent resembled a lifeless husk, his body limp and unresponsive to external stimuli. A series of scans revealed a disturbing truth – Orteca's brain activity was at a minimal level, barely sustaining his bodily functions. There was an absence of conscious thought, a complete void where his personality should have resided.

This state of mind, or rather the lack thereof, left George utterly perplexed. Orteca seemed more like a lifeless shell than a person. He continued the scans, each revelation unveiling another layer of mystery. Unlike other comatose patients, Orteca's brain scans lacked any residual traces of consciousness. It was as if his very essence had been erased.

A memory flickered in George's mind – a memory of his recent encounter with Orteca. The kidnapping was a mere blip compared to the unsettling reality that unfolded before him. Orteca had seemed... possessed, his eyes filled with a malevolent light that wasn't entirely his own.

Then, there was Aaron's intervention. The cryptic words echoed in George's mind – "One of those guys again," followed by a comment about Orteca being ten times easier to defeat due to the possessing entity.

A theory began to form in George's mind. He needed more information, but a hunch gnawed at him. Perhaps, when Aaron landed that powerful punch infused with his mysterious energy, it didn't just incapacitate the possessing entity – it might have eradicated it completely. But instead of freeing Orteca, it seemed the creature's disappearance had dragged his consciousness along with it, leaving behind an empty shell.

A/N....so many side plots, this is going to take a while to set up and execute.