
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

Ppp_Pppp · Película
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144 Chs

Demon driver {28}

Somewhere in a hidden base.

Orteca was seen sitting on the top of a cellphone tower.

Slightly below him the figure of Yujiro was seen.

They seemed to be planning something before suddenly Olteca said.

"We need to get rid of Raion"

Yujiro eyebrows twitched a bit in annoyance, of course he knew they needed to take care of that rider but fighting him on dead-on was a quick way to get beat.

"And how are you planning on doing that, he is basically unbeatable with that energy he possess" Yujiro uttered looking at Olteca, wanting to hear whatever plan this genius had.

"Every man have their weakness and so does he," Olteca said as he strolled along the edge of the cellphone tower.

"Spit it out already" Yujiro said looking at Olteca who just smiled a bit.

"Calm down, I will say it" Olteca spoke out, his smile never leaving his face.

"His weakness is his little sister, as long as she is within our grasp he won't do anything to us," Olteca declared with a confident smile on his face.

"What make you so confident to believe that"Yujiro said looking at Olteca who just smile at him before opening his mouth and saying.

"At the end of the day he is human, he will fold the second he realizes his sister is in danger, he will do anything to save her, he will get desperate and a desperate animal makes desperate decisions and that is when we strike," Olteca  said with a smile on his face.


Raion was seen standing infront of a Giftex or whatever those little things were called although he could tell this thing soul no longer belonged to the human but to someone or something else.

Usually he would take this semi seriously...but with the knowledge that they sold their sold to coochie....

This was hilarious.

A single Giftex, its form a grotesque amalgamation of neon and chrome, loomed before him, its pulsating core casting an unsettling glow on the scene. But it wasn't alone. Fifty Gifu Juniors, smaller, feral versions of the Giftex, swarmed around him, their razor-sharp claws glinting in the unnatural light.

Aaron, his face grim and determined, surveyed the battlefield. The marketplace, once a bustling hub of commerce, was now a twisted playground for these soulless creatures. He knew brute force wouldn't be enough. He needed to use his environment to his advantage.

With a swift kick, he sent a crate of fruit flying towards the nearest cluster of Gifu Juniors. The impact sent them scattering, their shrieks echoing through the deserted market. He darted towards a fallen awning, its canvas billowing in the night breeze. Using his agility, he scaled the awning, its fabric groaning under his weight.

He channeled his power, his form radiating with an otherworldly glow. As the aura flared, the Giftex and Gifu Juniors recoiled with unified shrieks. Their metallic forms seemed to distort under its influence, their movements becoming sluggish and erratic. This was their Kryptonite. Raion's very presence disrupted their stolen essence, weakening their hold on the human souls trapped within.

He surged forward, a beacon in the darkness. The Gifu Juniors, their primal urges momentarily overridden by the agonizing aura, scattered in confusion. The Giftex, however, remained defiant. Its pulsating core intensified, unleashing a wave of corrupted energy towards Raion. He met the attack head-on, his aura absorbing the brunt of the impact.

The marketplace shuddered as the two energies collided, sending shockwaves rippling through the air. Undeterred, Raion pressed his advantage. He channeled his power, directing it towards the Giftex with pinpoint accuracy. The concentrated beam of his aura struck the creature's core, searing it with an otherworldly light.

His gaze darted towards the edge of the scene, where a brutal fight was unfolding. Hiromi, his human form battered and bruised, was locked in a desperate struggle against the hulking figure of Olteca.

Olteca, fueled by a twisted sense of purpose, unleashed a vicious blow aimed at Hiromi's vulnerable core. But before the fist could connect, a blinding flash of light erupted, momentarily eclipsing the scene. When the light receded, Raion stood interposed between the two combatants, his aura crackling with raw power.

"You didn't think I would let this happen, did you?" Raion's voice resonated with a steely resolve, his gaze fixed on Olteca.

Olteca, momentarily stunned by the sudden intervention, wiped the blood trickling from his split lip. A feral grin stretched across his face. "I didn't think so either," he replied, his voice dripping with malice.

Raion, his patience threadbare, ignored Olteca bravado. With a surge of energy, his aura intensified, manifesting as tendrils of pure power that danced around his fists. He launched himself towards Olteca, a blur of motion fueled by righteous fury.

Olteca, caught off guard by the sheer ferocity of the attack, attempted to raise his guard. But it was futile. Raion's blows, imbued with his Kryptonite energy, tore through Orteca's defenses with ease. Each strike sent shockwaves through Orteca's form, his pained grunts echoing through the deserted marketplace.

Charging some energy into his knee, Raion jump toward Olteca before hitting Olteca face with his knee causing Olteca face to go backwards.

Raion really wanted to continue but Hiromi was laying on the floor defenseless and so he just looked at Orte a before running in the opposite direction.

He was unwilling to let Hiromi die right here, and as he reach there he noticed a bunch Gifu junior trying to eat Hiromi alive and without hesitating.

He started to kick each and every single one of them away, in one fluid motion he delivered 3 kicks.

He then walked toward Hiromi before looking at his driver, something in there was wrong and he would find out why.

He touched Hiromi for a second before he realized something.

Hiromi did not feel his age at all.

It felt as if he was 50 years old, what the heck was happening and why did he feel so old?

Raion eyes then looked at the driver where Hiromi's life force was stored and with his eyes glowing yellow he only said.

"Hand it back if you treasure your life"

As those words left his mouth and his body glowed with his aura, what seemed to be a purple hue left the driver and went back into Hiromi.

"Good boy" was the only words that left Raion mouth as he saw this.

He could clearly see it now, it was an akuma in there...

And he was willing to kill it if need be if that meant saving Hiromi's life.

However for some reason this Akuma felt familiar.,.

Very familiar as if he had met it's host before.....