
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

ThePpp_Pppp · Película
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185 Chs

Being a pain in their butt{19}

"This is relaxing," Aaron commented, sinking comfortably into the bathhouse's soothing ambiance.

"It is," Ikki agreed, sharing the sentiment. Aaron's gaze shifted to Hiromi, prompting a curious inquiry.

"You're not here often, so what's the occasion?" Aaron asked.

"Fenix is landing to refuel, and I took the chance to relax," Hiromi explained, earning a nod of understanding from Aaron.

"It must be pretty tiring being a Kamen Rider and all," Aaron remarked casually, causing Hiromi's eyes to widen in surprise. "Wait, how do you know that?"

Aaron leaned back, maintaining his nonchalant demeanor. "Let's just say I have a way of picking up on things. You're not the only one with secrets," he replied cryptically, a faint smile playing on his lips as he continued to enjoy the tranquil atmosphere of the bathhouse.

"Plus, you seem to forget I can see the demons of people, and you're quite literally carrying one with you everywhere you go," Aaron said nonchalantly.

Hiromi, looking stunned, questioned, "I carry what around?"

"A demon. That thing you use probably has a demon in it. I don't really know anything else, though," Aaron added, maintaining his casual tone despite the revelation.

"Anyway it was nice talking to you I need to go home"Aaron said as he walked away.

"See ya later" Ikki added to which Aaron reply

"See ya"

Time skip

"Hello there miss me," Raion said as he sat down infront of the Fenix airship looking at the three people coming toward him.

"You"Aguilera said pissed to which he replies.

"The one and only"

"How did you even figure out we coming here"Julio said to which Raiom replied.

"I am not stupid, Fenix base landed and a bunch of Gifu junior started to attack away from the base, yeah I am not stupid I am pretty smart if I say so myself "Raion said as he stood up.

"And what if you figured it out....you still surrounded and we know you can't fight for long, your injured"Orteca said with a smile to which Raion just say.

"Oh I know but I can long enough for backup to arrive, y'all want to try your odds against that"Raion said getting into a fighting stance.

"Annoying"Aguilera said before Raion said

"That is my middle name so who ready to get their ass handed to them first."

Julio was the first one to attack him followed by Aguilera and Orteca.

Raion blocked a kick from Aguilera that was aimed to crush his skull.

He then ducked to the floor to dodged another hit that Julio send at him this time but instead of letting them pile on him with damage he decided to use his own momentum as while he was on the floor he threw a kick toward Julio and smacked his foot so deep withing Julio face.

Raion then stood up before blocking hits from Orteca and Aguilera but as they were fighting a bunch of Gifu junior managed to slip past his defence but he managed to let none of them get by him.

As Orteca stood still for a little to long he realize that his vision seemed to be slipping.

He then realizes why...Raion had swept his leg

"3vs1 and yet y'all still losing"Raion said grinning a bit under his mask.

Raion smiled a bit before ducking under one of Aguilera hits.

"Oh, you missed me that much isn't that cute"Raion said as he kept dodging her attacks.

"Shut up.."she yelled out clearly pissed at him.

"No can't do malady, you have to deal with me"

Aguilera, seething with frustration, intensified her assault. Her attacks became more relentless, each strike aimed at subduing Raion's agile evasion. However, Raion, ever the elusive target, continued to dance around her blows with an almost mocking grace.

"You're persistent," Raion noted, a smirk evident in his voice as he effortlessly sidestepped another of Aguilera's attacks.

She shot him a glare, fueled by a mix of irritation and determination. "Persistent? You're just delaying the inevitable," Aguilera retorted, her frustration palpable.

Raion chuckled, the sound muffled by his mask. "We'll see about that," he replied cryptically, the confrontation escalating as the dance between them unfolded with each perfectly timed dodge and countermove.

For one second, Raion's body froze in place, a fleeting moment of vulnerability. In that brief instant, he sensed impending danger. What he saw coming toward his face was a forceful punch, a powerful rush hurtling at him at full speed.

'Fuck,'was all Aaron could mutter before the punch landed squarely on his face, the impact resonating through the air as the unexpected blow connected. The frozen moment shattered into a flurry of motion, the confrontation taking an unforeseen turn.

The punch landed with a resounding impact, snapping Raion's head to the side. Aaron staggered backward, momentarily caught off guard by the unexpected blow. A mix of surprise and realization flickered in his eyes as he regained his composure.

Aguilera, having delivered the punch, stood with an expression that reflected a blend of triumph and lingering frustration. "Had enough, Raion?" she sneered, ready for the next move.

Raion, wiping a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth, grinned beneath his mask. "Not bad. But I'm just getting started," he replied, the confrontation escalating as both combatants prepared for the next phase of their intense exchange.

Despite the punch, Raion stood defiant, Raion felt a drop of blood falling down his face and just decided to ignore it as it was all in the mask.

His eyes gleamed with a taunting glint as he addressed Aguilera and her allies.

"Not bad, not bad at all. But let's not pretend this changes anything," Raion taunted with a cocky grin. "I've taken worse hits from a kitten."(fun fact:he is not joking....)

His words hung in the air, a challenge issued. With a swift, fluid motion, Raion shifted into a fighting stance, every muscle tensed with anticipation.

The battlefield crackled with tension as Raion faced the three adversaries—Aguilera, Julio, and Orteca. Despite the odds, Raion couldn't resist a sly grin beneath his mask.

"Three against one? I'm flattered, really," Raion taunted, his eyes locking onto Aguilera. "But darling, you might need a bit more than that punch to leave a mark."

Aguilera, visibly irked, lunged at Raion with renewed determination. He deftly dodged her strikes, each miss accompanied by a teasing remark. "Nice try, but you're swinging like a bull in a china shop."

Meanwhile, Julio found himself caught in the middle, attempting to coordinate with Aguilera and Orteca. Raion's taunts continued, "Ah, the middleman. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, aren't you?"

Orteca, unfazed, approached Raion with a sinister grin. "Your words won't save you, Raion."

"Oh, I'm not trying to save myself. Just enjoying the show," Raion quipped, effortlessly avoiding Orteca's attacks.

Soon enough, Sakura and Daiji came to help...." oh thank Abi here come reinforcement," Raion said before noticing Ikki was not there.

"Yow, Where is Ikki...Where Hiromi" Raion said looking at his two allies that had joined.

"Ikki-nee won't be able to join us for a bit," Sakura said getting into a fighting stance.

"And Hiromi-san is off duty" Daiji added to which Raion said.

"That's good to know, "Raion said before falling to one knee.

"I hope you can handle a 3vs2. Because I am quite tired"Raion said as he sat down a beat.

"We will take it from here Raion-san," Daiji said to which Raion nodded before walking away.

They could do this on their own....he himself just needed rest, his wounds from that fight with the game creator were starting to become annoying.

He wanted to heal them as soon as possible....

On the other hand...not everyone here is on his level so he better stay close by just in case...

Nah they should be fine.....

Time skip

"Ouch," Aaron winced as Rui applied the healing medicine, a burning sensation accompanying its touch.

"Sorry, but it'll help speed up the healing process," Rui reassured, her touch gentle as she continued the application. The discomfort lingered, but Aaron endured it, appreciating Rui's care and attention.

Rui continued to apply the healing medicine with a delicate touch, her concern evident in the furrow of her brows. "You took quite a beating out there," she remarked softly.

Aaron chuckled despite the pain. "Occupational hazard, you know how it goes."

Rui smiled, a mix of worry and warmth in her eyes. "You should be more careful. I don't want to patch you up like this too often."

"Promise, I'll try," Aaron replied, his gaze softening as he appreciated his sister's care.

As Rui continued her gentle ministrations, the atmosphere in the room became a haven of sibling comfort. The stinging sensation began to subside as the healing medicine worked its magic under Rui's careful touch.

"You know, you've got the touch of a guardian angel," Aaron teased, a playful glint in his eyes.

Rui chuckled, "Well, someone has to keep you in one piece."

Their banter filled the room with a sense of familiarity and shared history. As Rui finished applying the medicine, she leaned back, assessing her handiwork. "There, all patched up. Now, promise me you'll take it easy for a bit."

Aaron smirked, "I promise, but only if you promise to keep playing nurse."

Rui rolled her eyes playfully. "Deal, big brother. Now, rest up. You've earned it."

"Rui, I want to heal most of my old wounds. I don't like how they're stopping me from fighting for such a small amount of time. It's really slowing me down," Aaron expressed, his determination evident in his gaze.

"We can drop you in the healing pod and let you stay in there for a day or two. That should get you back to 60%," Rui suggested, her concern mirroring Aaron's resolve.

Aaron nodded, appreciating the solution. "Alright, let's do it. I can't afford to be slowed down any longer." The decision made, they prepared for the healing process that would mend the battle-worn body of the dedicated fighter.

Rui guided Aaron towards the healing pod, a cutting-edge piece of technology designed to accelerate the recovery process. The sleek, futuristic chamber welcomed him, and as the lid closed, the healing process began.

"Relax in there, big brother. We'll have you back on your feet in no time," Rui reassured, her voice carrying a mix of sibling care and confidence in the advanced medical technology.

As Aaron settled into the healing pod, the soothing hum of the machinery enveloped him. The chamber's advanced systems went to work, targeting and repairing old wounds that had accumulated over countless battles.

Aaron eyes flutter opened and then closing, Rui gave him a comforting smile before Aaron passed out.

A/N it should be obvious by now in term of hand-to-hand combat Aaron is in a league of his own and before yall ask why he didn't use it in Geat simple, first, he was still playing the idiot act and second, there was no need for it.

Also, I am still open to any guesses on Aaron's backstory, I leave the door opened for the guesser, all y'all know is he is called an anomaly,yall know where he is from now put it together and guess the backstory before I drop another big hint to it later on....