
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

ThePpp_Pppp · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
185 Chs

Beating the elderly (45)

Aaron's eyes widen underneath his mask as he realizes that she is planning something bad.

Before he could react to it, a giant slash of what seemed to be pure energy was sent toward his direction giving him barely any time to escape.

He glanced around, searching for any possible means of escape.

Then, he spotted it – a network of old, rusty pipes running along the ceiling, those would be useful to him. In a instant, he had realized that these pipes could be his ticket out of this pickle he had gotten stuck in.

With perfect timing not wasting any second, Aaron leaped onto a stack of wooden crates. From there, he thrust himself upward and caught hold of the closest pipe. Using his amazing upper body strength, he swung himself onto the pipe network.

Beroba's energy attack sliced through the air beneath him, narrowly missing him and making a slight cut on the bottom of his costume foot, cutting the armor like a knife through hot butter.

Aaron knew he couldn't stay for long. He swiftly traversed the pipe network, using a combination of his agility and balance, like a skilled acrobat.

As he neared the warehouse's large, shattered windows, he calculated the perfect moment to leap. With a powerful push off the pipes, he shot up through the air, crashing through the shattered windowpane.

Outside, the bright sunlight momentarily blinded him. But he had successfully evaded Beroba's attack. He tumbled to the ground outside, rolled, and sprang back to his feet, dusting himself off.

Beroba's furious shout echoed from inside the warehouse as she realized Aaron had escaped.

"Sorry-Crazy lady San but I can't stay any longer to chat with you"Aaron said as he heard the roar of Beroba from the inside of the base.

She would be fine, she was way stronger than she was letting on and he would probably lose if he stayed there for a while longer.

As Aaron prepared himself to leave he was met by the figure of someone he had recognized...Daichi.

Why..out of all places he had to be here.

"Well, well, guess we meet again," Daichi said with a smile on his face.

Oh..shit...this was a trap wasn't it, he finna get jumped, and if he was a betting guy he would say his chances are pretty low.

Not that Daichi is a threat to him at all..more like he would be a pain to deal with along with Beroba on his side.

....oh...shit...this finna be real hard for him.

"You thought I wouldn't plan for this"Beroba said as she walked out of the building destroying the walls in front of her.

"Really..again...what is it with the villain and jumping me...the hell y'all think I am..a fucking rope," Aaron said sounding very annoyed

"You won't escape this easily this time, Aaron. We knew you'd try something, that's why I'm here. You see, we've been planning for this moment. We've anticipated your every move. You might think you're clever, but you're not as unpredictable as you believe."

He continued, his tone confident and calculating, "You've eluded us countless times before, but not this time. We've studied your patterns, your habits, your quirks. We know how you think, how you react. And now, you're cornered."

Aaron couldn't help but roll his eyes at the villain's monologue.

"Enough speech and come to catch these hands, E-rated for everybody," Aaron said getting into a fighting position.

Daichi and Beroba exchanged surprised glances at Aaron's nonchalant attitude. They had probably expected a more fearful or dramatic response. Aaron's casual demeanor seemed to catch them off guard, leaving them momentarily uncertain about how to proceed.

Aaron took advantage of the momentary stun from his comment. He rushed at Daichi, and with a swift and powerful punch, he embedded his fist into Daichi's gut. The force of the blow knocked the wind out of Daichi, leaving him gasping for air. (A/N he didn't let him transform)

, "Guess my punch was too electrifying for you. You should've stayed in your speech mode."Aaron quipped

As Aaron attacked Daichi with his electrifying punch, Beroba seized the opportunity.

With a swift and powerful motion, she unleashed a deadly energy slash aimed at Aaron.

While shooting the beam, she yelled out for him to die, sometimes he wondered why people scream out their attacks.

Instinctively, he dodged out of the way just in the nick of time.

However, Daichi, caught off guard by the sudden attack, wasn't as fortunate.

The energy slash struck him, cutting through his form with devastating force. Daichi let out a pained cry as he was wounded by Beroba's attack.

"Guess you didn't make the cut"Aaron quipped upon seeing Daichi situation.

"You truly were a cut above the rest" He said once again really trying to rub it in there.

Daichi probably won't live long after this....that one threat is taken care of, now for the crazy lady.

He look at Beroba and smile before opening his mouth and saying.

"You know, Beroba, I've seen better marksmanship at a carnival shooting gallery. Maybe you should consider a career change."

"You won't be laughing for long, Aaron. This is far from over, and I won't miss next time."Beroba said pissed.

"Considering your aim...I ain't afraid" Aaron said a smilling brightly to which seem pissed at before she rushed at him with speed never seen before.

"Well, well, Beroba, what's with the fancy suit? You trying to make up for something?"Aaron said smiling as he duck under one of her hits.

"Save the jokes for later, Aaron. You won't escape me this time."Beroba said gritting her teeth.

" Escape? Oh, you know me better than that, Beroba. I'm here for a dance." Aaron smirking,he would tease the living fuck out of her if need be,he just need a mean to escape.

Just one.

"Then let me decapitate you or even better,let me shove my sword through your chest"Beroba said looking at Aaron to which he replied.


*The two opponents circled each other and prepared to fight*

"Nice suit, by the way, it still doesn't fix your shitting aim," Aaron said smiling at her underneath his mask.

"You talk too much," She said as she aimed to strike him but he dodged once again.,it seemed like this boy had at least some decent hand-to-hand combat under his belt.

*They closed in, and the battle began. Beroba unleashed a flurry of energy slashes, but Aaron, with his incredible agility, managed to dodge them effortlessly.*

" You know, Beroba, aiming is like love. You either have it, or you don't."Aaron said mockingly as he dodged one of her hits.

"Shut up"She said getting frustrated with this whole situation.

As Their fight intensified, with Beroba trying to land a solid hit on Aaron. However, he continued to evade her attacks, his mind games taking a toll on her concentration.

" Beroba, if I didn't know better, I'd think you're trying to impress me with those flashy moves," Aaron said teasingly.

" I'll impress you when your face meets the ground!"Beroba said angrily.

Aaron continued to dodge her attacks as trying to block them was basically not a win situation, he would get damaged badly if he even had the balls to try that.....(he does, it's just that he promised Rui to not get hurt that much)

Aaron was relentless. He targeted the vulnerable joints in her suit, making it difficult for her to maintain her offensive stance.

"You really should get this thing checked. I think it's defective."Aaron said teasingly.

"Damn you!"She said frustrated, it was quite easy for him to see that she was furious but a better suit doesn't mean she is stronger if he can still fight.

He can perceived her, he can react to her and his attack do a decent amount of damage, although pretty small still decent.

That basically meant he could beat her...'huh..now that he thought that, he sound like a woman beater...the only thing he is missing is the white shirt..'

As the battle continued, with Aaron's hand-to-hand skills proving superior to Beroba's suit. With a well-placed punch to a weak point on her chest plate, he sent her staggering backward.

As Aaron try to walk away, his instinct kick in and he jumped away just in time to dodge her laser sword.

"Oh..for fuck sake..why do you still have weapons," Aaron said sounding defeated to which she didn't reply and rushed at him.

He dodged her attack before striking her arm, where the control panel of the sword was causing it to react.

He then kicks her to send her away.He then looked at her and felt danger.

He closed the distance between them in a flash, moving with grace and precision. His movements were fluid, a dance of martial arts expertise.

"You're quick to rely on gadgets, but can you handle this?"Aaron said a smilling a bit.

With a swift combination of strikes, Aaron targeted the joints and weak points in Beroba's suit. His punches were like thunderclaps, hitting her with precision and force. She staggered backward, her suit's systems struggling to compensate.

"This can't be happening..."She said in disbelief.

Beroba tried to counter, but Aaron's movements were a blur. He twisted her arm, forcing her to release the remnants of her energy blade. With another deft maneuver, he disarmed her completely.

'Oh..god, I got lucky she doesn't know how to use this shit to 100%'Aaron thought to himself as he realize that due to her being so pissed at him, she didn't think logically the whole fight giving him an edge.

He could kill her right now.....

He could...he would be justify in doing it but...

He heard the sound of hundreds of Jamatoes coming toward their location and he didn't want to be Jamato soup.

"You know, Beroba, I could finish you right here, but that wouldn't be much fun, would it?"Aaron said smirking as he detransformed automatically due to the damage the suit had received.

He leaned in closer, their faces inches apart, enjoying the flustered look on her face.

"Maybe next time you'll think twice before challenging me," Aaron said teasingly.

But before Beroba could react, Aaron suddenly released her and dashed away with lightning speed.

"Catch you later, Beroba~!"He said smiling as he proceeded to run away.

He disappeared into the shadows, leaving Beroba to deal with the approaching Jamatoes, her anger and frustration no doubt boiling over.

They wouldn't do shit to her as she was basically their boss but they would tear him to shreds so why should he stay.

Aaron had won the battle, and his cheeky escape left Beroba fuming.
