
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

Ppp_Pppp · Película
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144 Chs


Aaron absolutely loved teasing Mitsume,he might not get the chance to do it later on but he definitely has the chance to do it now and he wont let it fly by without using it.

Aaron grinned mischievously and said, "Hey Mitsume, have you ever noticed how your cheeks turn the most adorable shade of pink when someone compliments you?"Mitsume, caught off guard, felt her face heat up instantly. She stammered, "W-what are you talking about, Aaron? I-I don't blush that easily!"

But Aaron wasn't one to back down from a good tease. He continued, "Oh, come on! I've seen it happen every time i tease you. Its quite adorable."

Mitsume, now fully flustered, tried to hide her embarrassment by burying her face in her hands. Trying to regain her composure, Mitsume shot back, "Well, Mr. Smooth Talker, at least I'm not a tease"

"You like it when i tease ya don't ya goddess Chan"He said in a teasing tone to which she blushed, she seem a bit more at ease now which he liked as she was quite litteraly a statue a few day ago so its good now that she is back..she is laughing alot more which is alway good

Mitsume found solace in the fact that, despite occasional references to her as a goddess, he never treated her as an object or a means to an end. It was a stark contrast to others who had sought to exploit her vulnerability. She appreciated his genuine companionship, a sentiment that ran deeper than mere surface-level interactions.

In her current state, Mitsume was acutely aware of her vulnerability and fragility. The residual effects of her recent experiences left her feeling delicate, both emotionally and physically. Yet, in the company of this teasing companion, she sensed a genuine understanding and respect.

He could have easily taken advantage of her vulnerability, but instead, he chose a different path. His actions spoke louder than words, affirming that he valued her not just for any divine attributes but for the person she was beneath the surface.

Mitsume's guarded demeanor began to soften, a subtle transformation fueled by the assurance that she could be herself without fear of exploitation. The tenderness in their interactions allowed her to gradually rebuild trust, finding strength in the knowledge that not everyone saw her as a mere deity to be manipulated.

Mitsume grappled with conflicting emotions, torn between the sense of right and the undeniable pull of her heart. The realization weighed on her, a truth she could no longer deny: she was in love with Aaron.

Despite the internal turmoil and the awareness that this might be considered wrong or even sinful by some standards, she found herself unable to resist the magnetic force drawing her closer to him.

Every stolen glance and shared laugh intensified the emotions within her, creating a warmth that eclipsed any reservations. The more she tried to rationalize or suppress her feelings, the stronger they became. Mitsume, once guarded and reserved, now found herself navigating uncharted territory, guided by the compass of her heart.

The dichotomy of right and wrong echoed within her, but the authenticity of her emotions refused to be silenced. The realization brought both vulnerability and a sense of liberation. Mitsume was caught in a delicate dance between societal expectations and the undeniable truth of her emotions.

Gathering her courage, Mitsume decided it was time to confront the feelings that had taken root within her. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the vulnerability that lay ahead, and then gracefully approached Aaron.

As she neared him, Mitsume's heartbeat quickened, a rhythmic reminder of the courage she was summoning. She gently touched Aaron's arm, causing him to look up from his coffee with a curious expression. Mitsume's eyes met his, and for a moment, the world seemed to quiet around them.

"Hey, Aaron," she began, her voice a delicate blend of sincerity and uncertainty. "There's something I need to share with you, something I've been feeling for a while now.""What is it Mitsume~chan"He asked looking at her with a smile that melted her heart.

In that moment of unspoken connection and shared vulnerability, Mitsume threw caution to the wind and followed the impulsive beat of her heart. She leaned in, closing the distance between them, and pressed her lips against Aaron's in a tender, yet passionate kiss.

The room seem to arrive to a near perfect silent as Mitsume's emotions, once confined within, now found expression in the warmth of the kiss.

As their lips parted, Mitsume searched Aaron's eyes for a response, her heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. The air between them crackled with newfound energy, and the unspoken acknowledgment of shared emotions lingered in the space around them.

Aaron, surprised yet touched by the bold gesture, couldn't help but smile. "Well, that's one way to make your feelings clear," he said, his voice carrying a mixture of amusement and affection.

Mitsume, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue, couldn't suppress a nervous giggle.

"Are you sure about your choice"Aaron asked seriously to which she nodded.At this point she didnt care anymore she just wanted to snuggle closer to him.

As Mitsume and Aaron shared a tender moment, wrapped in each other's arms, a voice interrupted the tranquility of the scene. Rui, Aaron younger sister, walked into the room with a book on her hand but upon noticing them she decided to leave and give them the room to themselves.

Time skip

In the final week leading up to the impending fight, Aaron was determined to make each moment count. Recognizing the tension and uncertainty that loomed, he sought to create a series of memorable experiences for Mitsume, a mix of joy and comfort before the storm.

Their time together was filled with thoughtful gestures and pampering. Aaron took Mitsume to her favorite spots, treated her to special meals, and made sure every day held a touch of magic. Whether it was a quiet stroll in the park, a shared sunset, or a cozy night in with their favorite movies, each moment was crafted with care.

Despite the apparent joy, a shadow of apprehension lingered in Mitsume's eyes. The impending fight between Aaron and Suel cast a weight over their otherwise blissful week. In quieter moments, as they shared soft glances and tender touches, Mitsume couldn't shake the underlying fear of what lay ahead.

As the final day approached, Aaron, sensing Mitsume's unease, gently took her hands and looked into her eyes. "I know there's a lot on your mind," he said, his voice filled with reassurance. "I will be fine don't worry about it"Mitsume, finding comfort in his words, nodded. The fear remained, but so did the certainty that they were in this together.