
The Ancient Shield Warrior

Attention: It is preferable to read from your phone in portrait mode. Remember to change your favorite background for better visualization. ~Author. ----------------------------------------                         System *Forced ----------------------------------------           Level: 10=24           +HP: ====       anaM: *Broken   *Broken: *Broken         *Broken: ===== ====             Null---                                 >>Permation Inforsonal ---------------------------------------- *Examining the flawed system. The system horribly crashed. System: "*Bzzzzzzzzzzzt." *Lost signal. *I lifting Myra's body. positioned in front of a vast sea while perched on the cliff's edge. observing the enormous strange beast with its five heads and lengthy neck. "We tried everything..." *All of the warriors have died. afloat on the ocean. on the water. near the cliff. Anywhere. a collapsed building. Street. ... "Myra..." ... *Eerhrhrhh... *HÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ!!!!!! *Beast roaring in the fog. ... ... *Place Myra's body on the ground gradually. ... *Eerhrhrhh... *HÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ!!!!!! ... ... ... *Picking up a sword. raising it. grabbing a big shield that was on the ground and crushed. raising it. "I'm sorry..." *Eerhrhrhh... "I broke my promise." *HÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ!!!!!!

Nine_Whale · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
53 Chs

Day 2 of the academy - 2

In a little while, she was going to pick up her automobile from the apartment's garage area. She then opens the side windows on the side of the vehicle where she is sitting and waves at us rather than honking as she passes in front of us. Her vehicle was a gray liftback model from the Utopia brand. Although the car accelerates very quickly, she keeps going at the same speed.

Aria: "Bye-Byee..." *as she returned her wave.

Ayla: "Ple-Please be careful!" *She tries to guide the voice toward the direction of the automobile as it drives away while raising both of her hands to her mouth.

Hooo... She seems really good at driving. Or is it just the car...

Wait. I forgot to check her status. Well, I probably can see her again later.

System: "Am I missing something?"

Ah... Is there a problem with the signal again?

System: "Ummm... Nooo... I just woke up."

Heh? So God also needs a rest huh...

System: "Of-Of course we still need it..."

Myra: "Alright... We also need to get going." *She passes us as she walks and descends the stairs.

Ayla: "U-Ummm..." *She nodded. and then follow her.

Aria: "Can I drive your car right now?" *She extends her right hand in the air. palm pointing forward. while lagging in her wake.

Myra: "No... And you should bring your car and go back to your house later."

Aria: "Eeeeh... Whyyy?" *She put her hand down.

Ayla: "Ano... Is it will be a better idea if we go to the center point again?"

Aria: "Ah! That's right!"

Myra: "Hmmm... What about it, Yugo?"

as the girl is speaking. I lock my door and follow Myra, Ayla, and Aria while walking next to them. We were making our way to the garage that was located behind the apartment. Then, out of nowhere, Myra spoke to me while looking in my direction.

Yugo: "Eh? Ummm... I Ummm... I'm just following, maybe?"


It made me flinch. This sound comes to mind. A mature voice could be heard coming from behind. Before Myra opened the garage door with the key alarm, we were stopped in our tracks directly in front of it. Hirowa, the girl who owns this apartment, appeared.

Hirowa: "How is the progression? Did you manage to at least find a job?"

Yugo: "A- Eeemmm... That's umm..."

Myra: "He currently killing a monster in the dungeon, Hirowa-san."

Hirowa: "Hm?~ Myra... How do you know that?"

Myra: "Of course, I know that. We were married after all..."

I don't know about that reason but, thank you, Myra...

Hirowa: "I see... Then good to hear it. Ah, just a quick question. When I was checking upstairs, the new resident seemed to break the door. Do you know what happened?"

Aria: "Ah... We were meet that girl before. She said that the door was broken."

Hirowa: "Broken? But I was sure it was working properly yesterday. That's weird... Or surely she just doesn't know how to use the door fingerprint properly."

Aria: "Ehehe... I don't know about that one."

Hirowa: "Well... That's all... Thank you though... Have a good day at the academy... Especially you, handsome."

Aria: "Tha-Thank you..."

Myra: "Thank you..."

Ayla: "..."

*Beep! *Myra starts to open the garage door. The garage then gradually opens.

Yugo: "U-Umm... Thanks, Hirowa..."

After I stated that, everyone flinched back. As soon as Hirowa heard it, she too stopped moving. I could hear the garage door opening and the silence before the garage finally opened completely and the noise stopped as it happened.

Yugo: "Eh? Is there something wrong?" *When I turned to look around, I noticed that everyone was frozen.

Aria: "U-Ummm..."

Hirowa: "It's nothing... Ah, to think of it. Maybe I should check the upstairs again about the door." *She grinned in response as she turned to face me. She finishes speaking and then turns to go.

Yugo: "Ye-Yes..."


Aria and Ayla: "Huufft..."

Yugo: "What?"

Myra: "You are still crazy as usual... She doesn't like someone calling her name like that you know." *Along with the other female, she went inside the garage room.

Yugo: "Eh?" *I'm still perplexed and am merely following the female behind me.

Myra: "You should call her Hirowa-san." *She opened the car door and got inside, taking the driver's position in the right front seat.

Aria: "Yugo, I already told you that before you know... Your apartment payment will be raising up all of a sudden if you call her like that..." *She enters the vehicle from the left side and opens the back door.

Raising up?? *I was taken aback by that.

Ayla: "Let's just hope she won't do that..."

As usual, I got inside the car from the back right side and sat in the middle. Ayla entered from the right side, sat down next to me, and then shut the door. As she shut the door, Aria joined me in the chair.

Myra: "Aria... Are you really going to leave your car in here?"

Aria: "Eh? Didn't we want to go to the center point again?"

Myra: "Hmmm..." *She looked in my direction.

Yugo: "Ah... I'm just following."

Myra: "We will be going there. Probably every day for this week." *She turned the car on and then turned her head back to the front. driving the vehicle from the garage.

Aria: "Yay..." *She was pleased with it.

Yugo: "Eh? Every day?"

Myra: "Yes... There's no way she did not raise your apartment price after that."

For real?

Yugo: "How-How much she will be raising up my room?"

Myra: "Probably three times."

Three times??? multiplied by 3 will be 300???

Aria: "Not yay..." *She looked changed.

Ayla: "But Ayla thinks she would not be doing it..."

Myra: "No, Ayla. She will do that. I know her."

She comes to a stop in front of the garage, opens the windows on the right front door, and uses the key alarm to close the garage. After then, she shut the window and turned to the left and right to see whether there was any oncoming traffic. She then turns the car to the right and travels a considerable distance from the apartment.

Hirowa was inside my room on the opposite side, and the door was already locked. She entered my room while standing at the entrance.
