
Little Devil

"Let's have a human slave battle today!!"

Charla smile innocently at the Beli. It was quite obvious this wasn't something unusual to her. But, for the people standing behind Beli who were once human, they certainly felt a chill running down their spine looking at the guy who had an iron collar on his neck with a chain tied to it.

"You guys better be careful..if you don't want to end up like that.." Bayu's voice rang in Wilson's and other ears as he looked at them with a smirk on his face.

This really was going to be an eye opening experience to them for sure. 

"We are going to be fine, right?" Mr. Cool asked as he looked at Mark.

Mark gave him a look and then turned his head away without any reply.

"Don't scare me like that..say something.." Mr. Cool asked as a little drop of sweat slid down his cheek. "Come one, how can a guy like me be treated like this..I am the epitome of beauty.."