Sitting in his father's chair, behind his father's desk… it's never felt better than this. But then, his father passed away in the night, which means it's his chair and his desk and his everything now, isn't it? That would certainly explain just why it felt so damn good. Whitley Schnee smiled as he lulled his head back against the cushioned high back of the desk chair he was sat in. His eyes are mostly shut, and a low groan leaves his lips as his fingers curl through a head of white hair.
Mm, perhaps it was his mother, knelt beneath the desk and between his legs that truly made it all so sublime. The older woman, the woman who had carried him for nine months before bringing him into this world, had her lips suctioned down around his cock as she bobbed up and down his length. Madame Schnee, now Widow Schnee, all his… all his.
The former drunk looks up at him with clear eyes, love and adoration in her gaze. Whitley looks back with a wicked little smirk on his face, even as he grinds her down onto his cock, his member slipping into her throat. If there's one thing his mother is good at though, it's sucking dick. She's an expert, a master these days. She does not choke, nor does she gag on his member, even as it slides in and out of her esophagus. Instead, Whitley's mother does something he can't help but think to be truly ingenious… she swallows.
It's a continuous sort of motion for her. His cock goes down her throat, and she in turn swallows it, over and over and over again. When he pulls back, she stops and takes another breath through her nostrils, before they repeat the exercise once more. It's certainly pleasurable, having her throat massaging his cock as he sits there, in HIS chair, behind HIS desk. Honestly, Whitley isn't sure why he didn't try it before now. He certainly could have gotten away with it, his detestable father had been under his spell for weeks, months even…
Ah well, no use bemoaning missed opportunities. All one could do was make sure not to lose any going forward. Smiling all the wider, Whitley continues to enjoy his mother's technique for several minutes more, until finally there's a knock on the door. His eyes snap open, and his smile transforms into a rather evil grin as he calls out.
"Come in!"
The doors to his father's office (his office now!) open up, and Weiss and Winter both step through them. Each are still dressed in their funeral clothes, wearing black when the entire family knows they look best in white. But then, so is he, and so is there mother. Mother's dress is pulled down to expose her supple, succulent tits though, as she continues to work at his cock from beneath the table.
They'd all gotten back from father's funeral about an hour ago at this point. Whitley had dragged his mother off as soon as they'd arrived back home and told his sisters to meet him in the office within an hour. They'd obeyed, it seemed. He liked that, that they knew how to obey. It pleased him more than he cared to admit.
"Sisters. Come, come. Let me look at you."
Both Weiss and Winter are blushing as they move down the length of the large office, approaching his large, beautifully crafted desk. Whitley grins all the wider at that. Their age is irrelevant now. With his control over them all but solidified, he is the one in command, he is the one that they look up to for guidance, support… and love.
Spending a moment just looking at the two, Whitley finally shakes his head and tsks as he smirks at both.
"No, no. This just won't do. Black really isn't our family's color, is it? Go on, get out of those clothes. You're both better off naked than wearing such somber stuff."
Weiss and Winter exchange a quick glance, but they both move to obey nonetheless. Of course they do, how could they do anything less? The black funeral dresses they wore to the service are discarded, and so are their bras and panties. Soon enough, they stand before him in nothing but their high-heels and their birthday suits. Whitley stares at the two of them, licking his lips, even as he begins to fuck his mother's throat even harder, his hand gripping her white hair harshly.
"Good… that's better. Winter… kneel in that chair and let Weiss fingerbang you, alright? Weiss, I want you to tell our dear sister how you really feel about her leaving us alone with father."
They move to obey, though Winter has the good grace to look ashamed as she kneels on the cushioned chair sitting on the other side of the desk. Her shapely behind is presented to Whitley, and Weiss has the good sense to take up position to the side of their elder sister as she grabs hold of Winter's ass with both hands, kneading and groping her firm badonkadonk.
Then, she slides her fingers down between Winter's thighs, and Whitley watches with distinct pleasure as the middle Schnee child forces three fingers up into her elder sister's moist cunt, gritting her teeth as she begins to finger Winter as instructed. The condemnation that Whitley has requested follows a moment later.
"You betrayed us Winter. You forsook us. That man… you left us with him, you left us all alone! I loved you, and you ran away from it all! We needed you, but now look where we are! Look what Whitley had to do in order to make up for YOUR cowardice!"
Winter moans and whimpers and whines as she clutches at the back of the chair, hanging her head over it as she pants heavily. The sounds of Weiss' fingers thrusting in and out of her cunt get louder and louder, more and more sloppy as she gets sopping wet from the pistoning digits.
"I'm s-sorry! I'm so sorry Weiss! Whitley! I'm sorry! I just… I was weak! I was so weak! I couldn't take it anymore and I f-failed you both!"
Tears are streaming down Winter's face, even as Weiss sneers in response, speeding up her digits and raising her voice in response.
"You're sorry?! Too little too late Winter! You really are a failure! A fuck up! You're the worst of the worst you slutty little whore!"
"Yes! Yes, I'm a slutty little whore! I'm a fuck up, a failure! Fuck me Weiss, fuck meeeee!!!"
Winter cums then and there, much to Weiss' surprise. Her fingers end up coated in her little sister's juices, even as Whitley watches on, his eyes wide and a toothy grin across his slightly manic face. This… this is what he's rebuilt his sisters into. He's used his semblance, his glyphs to reshape their minds. And now they are his, his playthings, his toys… just like their mother.
As Weiss snarls and grabs her elder sister by the hair, pulling her head back and stuffing those messy fingers right down Winter's throat, the sight of such abuse sends Whitley over the end. He groans as he fills his mother's mouth with his seed, holding her lips to the base of his cock and burying his length down her esophagus, even as she desperately tries and fails to swallow every last drop.
In the end though, more than enough explodes out of her nostrils and the sides of her mouth, and Whitley sneers down at her as he pushes her back off of his cock. Then he stands up, stepping out from behind their father's desk. (his desk, HIS desk… he has to remember that.) Slowly, Whitley strips off his own black clothes, his perfectly tailor suit falling to the ground, hopefully never to be worn again. He hates the color, if he's being honest. It doesn't represent a true Schnee.
Regardless, as he strips down, Weiss notices his approach and immediately withdraws her fingers from Winter's throat, standing there fidgeting before him, naked, aroused… and hoping he'll take her right then and there. She's in luck, as it turns out. Grinning ferally, Whitley reaches out and grabs his sister by her ponytail, pulling her close.
"Did you forget Weiss? Did you forget that you followed in our sister's footsteps?"
Weiss shivers, and then lowers her gaze to the ground in shame.
"N-No Whitley… I didn't."
Smiling a bit more pleasantly, Whitley looks Weiss in the eye.
"Call me sir, from now on. That goes for you too, Winter. Father changed his will, before he finally passed away. I am the heir to the Schnee Corporation now. I am the one in charge. And I am the man of this household, the patriarch of this family. It's good, that we finally have someone with actual Schnee blood back in control. Our mother was weak, and our grandfather stupid to allow Jacques to steal our own company from us. Someone without a drop of Schnee blood in them, at the head of it all… he deserved to die."
Whitley realizes he's beginning to rant and brings himself back under control. Nostrils flaring as he breathes out a portion of his anger, the young man looks between his two older sisters.
"Do either of you have a problem with that?"
"No sir!"
"N-No sir…"
Smirking evilly, Whitley's tone becomes silken and dark.
"Good. Very good. Winter, stay where you are. Weiss, eat out our sister to apologize for being so hypocritically cruel to her. Don't kneel, bend over for me and give me that tasty little ass."
Once again, his instructions are followed to the letter. Winter moans wantonly as Weiss' tongue goes right up her already dripping cunt, and Weiss in turn presents herself to him, her butt jutting out in his direction. Reaching for it, Whitley takes hold of Weiss' pale hips, sliding up behind her and placing his hard cock against her pussy lips. He'd already had her of course… he'd already had both of them. But now, its even more important that he fuck the two of them, and that's exactly what he's planning to do, for however long it takes.
The Schnee Family must never experience something like it did with Jacques, ever again. As the only male Schnee alive, it's up to Whitley to spread his seed and his genes to as many women as possible… starting with those that will produce the purest Schnee children, his own family members. His mother is already one months pregnant. She was pregnant before he even called his sisters. Now it's their turn.
Thrusting into Weiss from behind causes a muffled shriek to erupt from the beautiful young woman's throat, even as he pushes her forward into Winter's cunt and ass. Grinning ferally, Whitley pounds away at Weiss as hard as he can, railing her from behind as her legs buckle and her knees knock together from the forceful nature of the brutal fucking he's giving her.
He doesn't show mercy, not to his bitch of a sister. Weiss had always thought herself better than him, especially after Winter left and father had made her the heir. It would take quite a while for Whitley to forgive her for that… but this was a nice start, having her under his thumb, having control of the family and everything else.
Fucking Weiss is more than fun, it's practically therapeutic. He slams into her cunt again and again and again until finally he cums, and when he does he makes sure to unload every last drop into her womb directly, painting her inner walls white with his seed. Weiss responds by orgasming around his cock like the good little slut he's turned into, and her cries in turn send vibrations up Winter's own pussy that cause the eldest Schnee sibling to climax as well.
It's delicious, of course. Once Whitley is done stuffing Weiss with his cum, he pulls out of the girl and pushes her aside, letting her fall to the floor in an undignified lump, all but forgotten as he moves onto his other sister. Winter cries out just as nicely when he thrusts into the woman from behind a moment later, and before long, he's savagely plowing her just as hard as he'd fucked Weiss, giving her every last inch of his cock and battering at the entrance of her womb in the same exact way.
This is important for so many reasons. Whitley isn't thinking about any of them really, as he puts Winter in her place. All he can focus on is the way her cunt feels around his member, the noises she's making as he gives her everything she has coming to her. He fucks her so hard, that when his next release eventually arrives and he fills her womb with another load of his cum, his last thrust sends the chair toppling over backwards, and Winter along with it as she falls to the floor in a daze.
He's far from done with her… far from done with any of them, but before he continues on, he needs to extract a concession from his other sister… and then he's going to fuck her senseless. Moving to Weiss, he grabs her by the ponytail and pulls her from her bottom to her knees. She'd sat there, after getting up off her face, and just watched as he fucked their elder sister.
Grinning, Whitley slaps his messy cock across Weiss' face, and then slides it into her open, submissive mouth a few times, slipping it back and forth and pushing it into either side of her cheeks for fun. When he pulls it out and rubs it all over her blushing face, he finally speaks, licking his lips as he catches her eyes with his own and holds her gaze.
"Weiss. When we're done here… when you're recovered, you're going to contact those friends of yours. The Team you were assigned at Beacon. I want you to bring them all here, one way or another. A team of huntresses, even huntresses-in-training… that would be a great boon to our family, don't you think? I'll convince them all that their place is to serve the Schnee Corporation… to serve ME. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
Weiss' eyes are wide as she stares up at him while he makes his intentions clear. It's obvious what he intends to do with them, what he wants Ruby, Yang, and Blake for… and yet, as he continues to slap his meaty cock across her face, the young woman can do nothing but nod reverently up at her beloved brother.
"Y-Yes sir…"
A simple two-word answer, giving up the last vestiges of her pride, of her self-respect. If there was any fight left in Weiss Schnee, it drains from her in that moment, and when Whitley thrusts his cock down her throat a second later, thoroughly 'cleaning' his shaft with her mouth, Weiss just lets it happen, even as she gags and chokes every step of the way.
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