
The Ambitious Schnee (RWBY)

This is an ongoing commission that I've been writing for four years now. I will be posting a chapter a day until it's caught up to where it's at on both QQ and HF. Synopsis: Whitley Schnee, having secretly mastered his devious semblance, prepares for his chance to take over the the family, the company and beyond. The first step? Bring his older sisters under his power, to gain their support, remove them as obstacles and make him feel like a King all at once.

CambrianBeckett · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Ruby Rose

With father dead, it wasn't difficult at all to convince Weiss' friends to come console her. Though, Whitley was honestly expecting more resistance from the faunus that she'd ended up on a team with. In the end, it seemed Weiss had done something to gain the faunus' loyalty all the same. Whitley couldn't help but be impressed by that. While he didn't view faunus in the same way as his father, he acknowledge the harm his family had done to them, and the threat the White Fang represented towards his future plans.

His father had created a schism between the Schnee Corp and the faunus populace that very well might not ever be healed, a problem that Whitley might end up dealing with for decades to come. But perhaps once he has Weiss' little friend under his control, he could find a way to use her to his advantage. After all, Whitley had done his research. He knew who Blake was. He knew her past with the White Fang. But more than that, he knew who her parents were.

An in with the Menagerie might just be the exact thing he needed to bring things back into alignment. He would be the savior of the faunus and be seen righting all of his father's 'wrongs'. It was the only way things could end, simply because it was the only way he would allow things to end.

These were the thoughts on Whitley's mind, as the rest of Team RWBY climbed out airship and set foot on Schnee Land for the very first time. Standing with his spine straight and his arms behind his back, Whitley watches the threesome, taking them in and enjoying the view. Weiss was teammates with some deliciously beautiful specimens, to be sure.

On his right-hand side, his mother stands. To his left, Weiss and Winter wait. Winter is ramrod still, awaiting his orders… but Weiss is fidgeting, antsy as all hell. Letting out a soft sigh, Whitley gestures shortly with his fingers.

"Go to them, Weiss."

The middle Schnee child doesn't waste a moment, now that she's gained permission from her younger brother, her Master. Darting forward, Weiss skids to a stop before the other members of Team RWBY, only for the youngest, Ruby Rose, to all but leap forward and pull Weiss into a big hug.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, Weiss!"

The blonde one, Yang Xiao-Long, scratches the back of her head and glances in Blake's direction.

"Yeah, tough break Weiss-cream. Never cool, losing a parent."

That last sentence seems to be directed with some weight to it towards Blake Belladonna. The cat faunus animal ears twitch atop her head, and she grimaces slightly as she fidgets in the background of the team reunion. It's clear that she's uncomfortable, it's clear that she has no desire to console Weiss for the death of a man she's probably inwardly rejoicing the departure of.

Put simply, there are a lot of people on Remnant who are not unhappy that Jacques Schnee is dead. Blake Belladonna has every right to be one of them, Whitley supposes. Weiss seems to feel the same way, because when she pulls away from Ruby and steps past the younger woman, she has a smile on her face as she regards a surprised Blake.

"It's okay… I understand. Thank you for coming, all the same. Thank you, all of you."

Blake flushes at being so easily forgiven her shameful thoughts, and the team of huntresses-in-training simply stand together for a moment in companionable silence, just sharing in each other's presence, Weiss most of all. Whitley valiantly resists the urge to roll his eyes at the cheesy sight, but he DOES clear his throat to remind Weiss of his presence… and her role in this little charade.

Jolting upright, Weiss coughs and spins back around.

"Come on guys, I'd like you to meet my family!"

Planting a bland smile on his face, Whitley stands between his mother and Winter, even as Team RWBY approaches them.

"This is my mother Neve, and my older sister Winter. And this is my younger brother and the new head of the family, Whitley Schnee. He's also President of the Schnee Dust Company now."

There's smiles for his mother and Winter. Not so much for him. In fact, most of Team RWBY just stares at him, slightly confused and a bit put out. Ruby is the one to bring up the obvious.

"W-Wait… Weiss, I thought you were the heiress or something?"

Weiss smiles and shakes her head.

"Ah… when I met with father before he died, I asked a boon of him. Luckily, my brother hasn't held it against me too much."

Here, Whitley steps in, a broad smile across his face as he gives each nonfamilial member of Team RWBY an amicable nod.

"It seems that I have you lot to blame for that, hm?"

Yang and Ruby blink, while Blake immediately bristles, as if instantly put on edge by the thought that she would have to take any sort of shit from a Schnee, especially a male one. But Whitley continues on as if he doesn't notice, his tone amused, and his voice filled with mirth.

"My dear sister got a taste of the life of a huntsman, and it seems she no longer has a care for running the family business. Winter was the same way, but father was stronger and healthier then. He took her decision as a betrayal. But in his final hours, I suppose he decided to be a better man. Weiss had the choice that our older sister never did. She chose you lot."

Now, even Blake is confused as the rest of Team RWBY's eyes turn towards Weiss, who blushes in embarrassment, squirming under their gaze.

"I… I'd rather be a huntress than an heiress. I'd rather be a member of Team RWBY then President of the family company."

There's a pause, and then Ruby launches herself forward again, squealing in joy as she hugs Weiss tightly once more. Yang smiles as well, but Blake has a frown on her face as she regards Whitley with suspicion and distrust in her eyes. He's not surprise. He highly doubts she suspects the truth… but she probably does see a lot of his father in him, as unfortunate as it is.

Still, time to get a move on with this little show, isn't it? Clapping his hands together, Whitley draws everyone's attention back to him, a wide smile on his face.

"Well then, with the pleasantries out of the way, I suppose you all must be tired from your travels. You'll be shown to your rooms, and we'll all have dinner later tonight. Then, we'll see what the morrow brings, yes?"

Blake is the only one to truly bristle at what she perceives as orders, but in the end, she doesn't raise any sort of protest. Ultimately, that's exactly what happens. Dinner is a quiet affair, mostly because Whitley doesn't like to pull the same tricks twice. The rest of Team RWBY does not end up knocked out by drugs like he did with Weiss and Winter. He does not sneak into any of their rooms to have his way with them late at night.

No, Whitley has decided that hurrying this along leaves too much room for error. Everything he's read about Team RWBY, everything he's been able to extract from his sister in 'intelligence gathering sessions' has told him that these young women are not to be underestimated. Weiss might have fallen easily, but then she had allowed her guard to fall, the fool.

The other members of Team RWBY might not be quite so easy. It was time to divide and conquer, dealing with them one by one. Doing so isn't going to be too difficult… but it does require him to get them alone, or at least alone with him and Weiss for some two on one time. And in the end, with all he knows about them, that's not truly a problem.

Yang is a fighter, a berserker even. Winter offers to spar with the blonde bruiser, and Yang immediately takes the older woman up on her offer. The two head off to the training grounds as soon as breakfast is concluded. At the same time, Whitley has his mother invite Blake to the family library, mentioning that they have a very robust selection. The offer that Blake might be able to take a book or two with her if she found anything she liked simply seals the deal. Especially when Whitley has his mother offhandedly mention that it doesn't matter much anymore, as the library was Jacques' baby more than anything else.

The thought of getting to steal from the deceased man seemed to almost get Blake off, from the way she had to hide her grin. No one else saw, but Whitley did. And he made damn sure that Blake didn't notice him noticing. All in all, he would be dealing with the cat faunus in due time… for now, the youngest Schnee had his eyes set upon the youngest member of Team RWBY.

That was how he found himself leading Weiss and Ruby to the Schnee Family Armory. The young team leader of Team RWBY was absolutely beside herself at the thought of getting to see an ancient family's weapons. Especially an ancient family who had so much access to dust that they'd made their fortune selling it to others.

Whitley didn't bother hiding his smile as Ruby bounced about this way and that, talking Weiss' ear off behind him while his sister responded in an exasperated tone. It wasn't like Ruby could see, or even cared to pay attention to the wicked gleam in his eyes. This? This was going to be fun.

"We're here."

Ruby cuts herself off as she pauses and realizes they're stopped in front of a big set of double doors. The silver-eyed girl gapes at the sight before her, jaw dropped, even as Whitley steps up and places his hand on left door. A moment later, and a shimmer runs across it, before a line splits the doors in two and they begin to open on their own accord.

The Schnee Armory hadn't seen much use under their father. The man had married into the family, and he hadn't ever been any sort of fighter, physically at least. But under Jacques' nose, and then more blatantly once he'd had the man under his control, Whitley had set about restoring the Armory to it's former glory. There wasn't a spec of dust in sight as a result, and everything was neatly organized, hanging from the walls or set into its specific display case for perusal.

Ruby takes one look at all of this and lets out a weird sound that's half between a gasp and a squee. Luckily, when she attempts to run past him, she doesn't use her semblance. Whitley's hand snaps out and he grabs Ruby by the nape of her neck, bringing her to a stop in the same moment that he activates one of his glyphs. Unlike his sisters, the young woman is not at all attuned to the Schnee Family's hereditary semblance.

She doesn't notice as the glyph shines on the back of her neck, she doesn't notice as it gets to work rearranging her thoughts and turning her priorities in the proper direction. All she notices is that she's been stopped cold by Whitley, leaving her to try and pull out of his grasp as she makes grabby hands towards the Armory and all its treasures, whining like a petulant child the entire way.

It gives Whitley an idea for how he's going to 'manage' the young leader of Team RWBY. A smile on his face, the male Schnee clears his throat pointedly.

"Some ground rules, before you enter, Ruby."

Ruby pouts, even as the glyph continues to work at her mind. It's a bit more advanced than the one that he used on his sisters. He's getting better with practice, of course. All the same, the leader of Team RWBY stops trying to pull from his grasp, and Whitley releases his grip on her as she turns to him.

"Okay, what is it?"

Smiling, Whitley lifts a hand and begins to tick off rules, one after the other.

"First, you do not touch anything without permission from Weiss or myself."

Ruby lets out a wounded noise from the back of her throat as she looks between him and the Armory full of 'shinies'. She bounces back and forth on her feet for a moment, clearly antsy, before she finally droops.


"Second, you will follow any orders I give you while in the Armory. It is imperative that I have your complete and utter obedience."

This one is a bit more… out there. But not completely out of the question, either. Ruby seems to give it some consideration, but ultimately, there's only going to be one answer, Whitley is sure of that. Finally, she nods her head.

"That make sense."

Smirking, Whitley goes in for the kill. If for whatever reason his glyph hasn't worked properly, this one will probably get him in trouble. But he has Weiss with him, if it comes to having to take Ruby down.

"Finally, from this moment on you will refer to me as daddy and see me as the most authoritative figure in your life."

Ruby just stands there for a moment, a blank look on her face before his command fully takes hold in her changing psyche. Then, she smiles and bounces forward on her feet, her hands up and clasped together in front of her.

"Can we go in now, daddy?"

Whitley's grin is truly a wicked sight to behold now, but Ruby is no longer in a frame of mind to properly comprehend it. A glance to Weiss shows his sister wide eyed and blushing crimson at the sight of him using his power on her friend. She's not angry, not upset… Weiss Schnee is turned on, watching her little brother brainwash her team leader.

Just as it should be. Chuckling darkly, Whitley offers Ruby his hand, which the naïve girl happily takes.

"Yes, let's do so, shall we?"

As he guides Ruby into the Armory, Weiss follows after them and the large double doors close behind her with an ominous sort of clang.


"Do you want to touch it?"

"C-Can I, daddy?"

Without context, that exchange might have sounded very sexual indeed. As it is, this is just the prelude to such things. Whitley grins wickedly as Ruby stares at him with big silver eyes, while they stand in front of the Schnee Armory's most prized possession. The rapier is encased in a shimmering field that holds it aloft, slowly whirling about. It's positively ancient, but it was the weapon used by their first ancestor, and the value placed on it by an appraiser is near-astronomical. Weiss' rapier was even modeled after it.

Whitley can only be happy that his father never realized what he had down in the Armory all these years, lest the old man sell it all to make more money. Regardless, now it belonged to Whitley. Just like everything and everyone on Schnee Lands did. Including this cute young woman standing before him now, calling him 'daddy'.

"Well, I suppose if you earned the right to…"

Ruby blinks at that, even as Whitley affects an air of casual nonchalance. Weiss still watches on from the side, but he's barely paying his older sister any mind at this point. He's been having too much fun playing with Ruby as he gives her a grand tour of the Armory. That was done now though, they'd come to the end of the tour and it was time to take things to the next level with the leader of Weiss' team.

"How… how do I do that, daddy?"

Grinning wickedly, Whitley licks his lips. He'd already told her to follow his every order, so there was no way he could lose now.

"Easy. You get down on your knees first of all."

Ruby is quick to sink to her knees right in front of him, staring up into his face with hopeful, absolutely trusting eyes. Whitley reaches down and runs his fingers through her hair before he then reaches for his zipper. Ruby's silver eyes go wide as he extracts his cock from his pants, letting it slap down on her face in a way that causes her to let out a quiet 'eep!'. For the first time since he's met her, the young woman is actually quiet as she fidgets and squirms on her knees before him.

"Now… if you want to handle my ancestor's sword, you have to show you can handle MY sword first. Go on, Ruby. Explore my cock. Play with your daddy's big fat dick."

His own words arouse him immensely, and he grows hard fast in Ruby's inexperienced, hesitant hands as she takes hold of his length and begins to stroke at it, staring all the while, almost transfixed by his member.

"It's… it's b-big."

Whitley lifts an eyebrow at that.

"Oh? And how would a good girl like you know something like that? Are you just saying that, or…"

If Ruby Rose somehow turned out to be a complete and utter slut, Whitley was going to be absolutely shocked… and also more than a little miffed, considering how much money and time he spent into learning everything about her that even Weiss did not know. But Ruby just blushes deeply and shakes her head.

"I… I m-maybe, accidently w-went into the boys' shower once. It was… they were all n-naked a-and they h-had dicks too, but none of them were as b-big as yours is, daddy…"

She sounds like she's telling the truth. Judging by the expression on Weiss' face, his sister certainly believes Ruby would be ditzy enough to make such a humiliating, embarrassing mistake. Grinning wider still, Whitley laces his fingers through Ruby's hair.

"Heh, nice to know how I measure up to the gentlemen hunters at Beacon then, I suppose. Now, take me in your mouth, sweetheart. No teeth, but I want you to go as far as you can with my cock."

Ruby obeys immediately, perhaps because she wants a change in subject, or perhaps simply because his power over her has grown the longer that the glyph has remained active on the nape of her neck. Regardless, the young leader of Team RWBY happily gives him a messy, sloppy, inexperienced blowjob as she slides back and forth, trying to take more and more of his length into her small mouth.

But there's only so far a girl can get on their own with their first blowjob. There's only so far Ruby can possibly take him before she thinks she can't go any further. Whenever she begins to gag on his cock, the short-haired girl pulls back. To her credit, she does try again and again, but over half of Whitley's dick is left out in the cold.

Eventually, the young man gets fed up with Ruby's failure. He takes hold of her hair with both hands and stops her dead, forcing her to look up into his face as he gives her a kind smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes.

"You need some help, Ruby. Don't worry, I'm here for you."

Then, he begins to fuck her face without reservation or hesitation. Ruby's silver eyes go wide as he slams home into her throat, and she immediately begins to choke and gag as he rails her esophagus with his big, fat cock, sinking inch after inch of the last half of his member past her stretched lips.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

"Oh yeah, that's better baby girl! Take it! Take all of my cock down that tight little throat of yours!"

Groaning out the words, Whitley lets out a hissing breath as Ruby does just that. She still chokes, she still gags on his member, but his order is to be obeyed, even now. The young huntress-in-training's hands fall to her lap and she makes no move to fight back as he eventually pulls her all the way to the base of his dick. His balls slap against her saliva-covered chin, and it's in that moment as Whitley holds her in place and enjoys the feel of her throat spasming around his shaft, that he tips over the edge.

His seed spills into Ruby's gullet. Or at least, it tries to. The inexperienced girl isn't ready for such a thing, and his cum comes right back up, exploding out of her nose and the sides of her mouth. He ends up making a ruin of her face, and more than a little of his seed spills out onto the floor of the Armory as he pulls back from her, the last of his cum splashing across her forehead and dripping down into one of her eyes.

Cursing, Whitley growls at the panting, gasping young woman.

"Look what you've done! Look at the mess you've made, Ruby!"

"S-S… S-Sorry, daddy…"

"Sorry isn't good enough. You'll never learn to clean up after yourself if I'm not strict with you."

Alright, so he might be enjoying this a bit too much. Regardless, Whitley reaches out and grabs a fistful of Ruby's hair, forcing her face down towards the mess on the floor.

"Lick it up, slut. Go on, that's a good girl."

Ruby does as she's told. She licks and laps up his cum from the otherwise pristine floor of the Armory. Then, she begins to clean up her face, swallowing his seed there as well. By the time she's done, she's not exactly clean given she just used her fingers and tongue and nothing else, but she can at least see again as she looks at him imploringly.

Whitley knows what she wants immediately. He lifts her to her feet by her hair and pulls her over to the display where his ancestor's rapier floats in the air. Ruby gasps as she ends up grabbing onto the edge of the stone block that it floats above, staring at it only half a foot from her face.

"Do you think you earned the right to touch this sword? Do you think you deserve to handle my ancestor's blade, Ruby?"

There's a moment of silence, and then Ruby hangs her head.

"N-No daddy. I've… I've been a bad girl."

Grinning wickedly, Whitley easily flips up the back of Ruby's cute skirt, exposing the red panties beneath. They aren't anything fancy, just the same red as the rest of her ensemble… and that's just plain adorable. Sticking his hand right down the back of the girl's panties, the young man slides his palm over her mound, pleased to find her already growing moist from everything.

Ruby yelps, wiggling in his grasp as he cups her cunt right then and there.


"What happens to bad girls when they've been naughty, darling?"

Mulling it over for a moment, Ruby eventually gives a quiet answer.

"They get p-punished…"

"That's right sweetheart, very good. And I think for this punishment, it only makes sense for me to take away one of your privileges. So I want you to offer me your virginity, right here, right now."

Ruby stiffens at that, even as he slides a finger into her cunt. She shakes as he begins to push his digit back and forth. Whitley continues on in a conversational tone, continuing to play his role as Ruby's 'father figure', all the way to the hilt.

"After all, virginity is a privilege, isn't it? Not a right. If you want to show me you're truly contrite, you need to show you're willing to sacrifice that privilege."

It was complete bullshit, but Ruby wasn't in a state of mind to resist him. On top of the fact that he now controlled her through the glyph on the back of her neck, she was also getting surprisingly wet from his fingering as he talked. Whimpering but also moaning a little, Ruby squirms before him for a moment before speaking.

"G-Go ahead and t-take my v-virginity, daddy…"

Well there it was. The offer. Whitley considers for a moment if he wants to do anything else, but in all honesty, when she's basically presenting for him right then and there, how is he supposed to do anything BUT fuck the girl senseless? Still grinning wickedly, the male Schnee slides his finger out of Ruby's cunt and hooks his thumbs into the hem of her panties.

Pulling down her undergarments to around her knees, Whitley stares at her glistening pussy lips, nestled betwixt her thighs. His cockhead goes up against Ruby's entrance a second later, and she tenses in anticipation and trepidation of what is to come. The next moment, Whitley is inside of her. He doesn't bother with taking it slow or asking her if she's ready or anything silly like that.

This huntress, just like Weiss, just like Winter, just like his mother… she now belongs to him. Her sister and that cat faunus will soon follow suit, each of them bowing to his whims however he likes. Whitley is going to enjoy breaking them, turning them, making them his toys. But for now, he focuses on the tight young cunt before him, even as he penetrates as deep as he can into Ruby with his first thrust.

Even then, Whitley only gets halfway before he finds himself stymied by just how tightly closed off Ruby's virgin cunt is. Virgin no longer, it quickly becomes looser as he thrusts in and out of her. Ruby moans and groans in response, panting heavily as he fucks her harder and harder the more time that goes on.

"That's it, that's right… tell me how good it feels, Ruby. Beg me for more…"

"I-It feels good, daddy. Please, g-give me more."

Growling, Whitley reaches forward and grabs a fistful of Ruby's hair, forcing her to arch her back as he pulls.

"Make me believe it!"

Whimpering, Ruby practically screams it out as he fucks her harder and harder.

"G-Give me MORE, daddy! Put your thingie inside of me! D-Do it faster!"

Chuckling darkly, Whitley does exactly that. He sticks his 'thingie' inside of Ruby Rose very fast indeed, grunting as he penetrates deeper and deeper into the virgin huntress' cunt, until eventually he's ramming against her cervix itself. This proves to be too much for Ruby, and she lets out an incomprehensible shriek as she finally orgasms across his cock.

Whitley doesn't let that slow him down, no matter how good the added pressure along his member feels. Her inner walls clench and cling to him, but if anything Whitley fucks Ruby faster, even as he quickly draws another climax from her. More follow, and soon he's bringing his palms down on Ruby's pale little tushie, spanking her back and forth as he cackles.

No one can hear them, at least outside of the Armory. The walls are soundproofed. And the only other person in the Armory isn't going to stop him… no, rather, Weiss is currently leaning against a display case, her own skirt pulled up and her panties pushed to the side as she fingers herself desperately to the sight before her, extremely turned on by the view.

Having his sister pistoning three digits in and out of her cunt as she watches him fuck her team leader into submission is a joy all on its own. But combining that with Ruby's unbelievably tight pussy and the way the girl is just constantly climaxing around his cock at this point, and there's absolutely no way for Whitley to last any longer.

With a howl, the young man reaches his second release, and finally begins to cum again. His seed pumps right into Ruby's cunt, filling up the young huntress to the absolute brim as he pants heavily, slumping over her. For her part, Ruby's back arches one last time, and then she slumps forward as well. His cock ends up slipping out of her slick cunt when Ruby falls to her knees, her face resting against the side of the stone block upon which his ancestor's rapier floated.

As she tries to recover, Whitley pushes away from her and turns towards his slutty, masturbating sister.

"Clean me up, Weiss."

The white-haired girl is happy to comply, dropping to her knees right then and there as she continues to finger herself like there won't be a tomorrow. Her tongue slides along his cock in long, bold strokes as she slurps up the mixture of his cum and her team leader's pussy juices, sucking him clean with an adoring expression in her eyes as she looks up at him.

Whitley grins all the while and ends the little cleanup session with a cock slap across Weiss' face to remind her of her place. Only then does he turn back to Ruby's slumped form, moving over to her and grabbing her by the hair.

"Up with you, Ruby. I know you're stronger than that, aren't you?"

"Y-Yes daddy…"

Ruby's slender legs shake with the effort, but in the end, she does manage to get herself to her feet. Staring at her for a moment, Whitley takes in his newest acquisition, a smile on his face.

"Right then. If you promise to be a good little girl from here on out, I'll let you examine my ancestor's rapier."

Ruby's silver eyes light up at that, and she nods her head energetically.

"I promise, daddy!"

Whitley chuckles and brushes a hand through Ruby's short locks.

"I'm glad to hear it. Some more ground rules, then. First of all, you'll obey me outside of the Armory from now on as well. This little thing we have going doesn't end when we leave this room. You're mine now. My pet huntress, my fuck toy, my slutty little cock slave. Understood?"

Ruby blushes at the words he uses, fragments of her innocent, naïve personality still shining through. She nods nonetheless.

"Yes, d-daddy."

"Second, until I say so, you will hide your true loyalties from Yang and Blake. You will only refer to me as daddy when they aren't around. Otherwise, call me Whitley. Soon, your other teammates will be mine as well… then, you won't have to hide who you really are from them anymore. But for now, it's important that they not know what's going on."

Ruby nods again, unable to fight back any longer. Just like Weiss, just like Winter. The young huntress simply can't resist his control.

"And third… I want you to go ahead and commission some sexy lingerie. I'd have Weiss offer you some of hers, but honestly, her colors would just clash with your hair. Instead, Weiss will show you how to use the Schnee Accounts to purchase such things from our private tailor. And once those have arrived, you're going to put them on, and come to me in my bed, late at night. We'll have some more fun then, alright?"

"Yes, daddy…"

Chuckling once more, Whitley grabs hold of Ruby's hair and pulls her close, kissing her deeply before leaning back with a grin on his face.

"Good girl."

The beaming smile Ruby gives him in response is almost enough for him to bend her over and fuck her again right then and there. After a moment, Whitley realizes there's no reason for him not to do exactly that. With a grunt, he spins Ruby back around and flips her skirt back up. The leader of Team RWBY doesn't offer any resistance as she yelps, and beyond a squeal as he sticks his cock inside of her once more, it's all moaning and mewling and begging for more while he fucks her messy, creampied pussy from behind all over again.

This? This he could get used to. He could scarcely wait to finish with Yang and Blake as well.


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