
The Alpha Prince's Forbidden Love

As my eyes remained locked into Jordan's, a sudden rush of memories flooded my mind, transporting me back to our innocent childhood days to the day Jordan told me that he would be the first and only man I would ever mate. Overcome with emotion, tears of both happiness and pain trickled down my ear as I held Jordan's head firmly. "Sweetheart, you know I love you, right?" Jordan whispered, his voice deep and sensual, breaking the cold silence that had enveloped the room. "I know and I love you more," I responded in a broken whisper. "I have fantasized about this moment for years. A moment you would look me in the eyes and tell me how much you love me as you deflower me," I said as tears continued streaming down my ear. I had always fantasized about a sweet moment with Jordan. A moment that was free of pain. I never knew it would be the sweetest and most painful experience I had ever experienced in my life. "My heart beats solely for you," Jordan's sensual voice lured me into a relaxed mood as he continued trying to penetrate me.  ________________ Jordan, the Alpha Prince, fell in love with Thalia, a common maid and a human who served in his wealthy family. What seemed like childhood affection blossomed into an unbreakable bond. The more the werewolf community tries to stop them, the more they uncover lots of buried secrets that make them realize that Thalia is not actually who they think she is. [Warning: Mature Content]

Kelsey_ · Ciudad
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114 Chs

My Innocent Love

"Good evening," I greeted with a tremor in my voice as I answered the phone. Fear was evident in my tone.

"The Supreme Commander just called me. He wants your marriage dissolved immediately. So you dialled his number, didn't you?"


"Shut your stinking mouth up! What was the purpose behind the call you made to Alpha Alex? To ruin my friendship with him? To stop Kayla's wedding?! You are too small for that! You have just forty minutes to bring your useless self and your luggage here! You cursed human! Aren't you happy you are free?! Forty minutes!" Alpha Benjamin howled, his voice echoed loudly in my ear. He hung up without even giving me chance to talk.

I slowly lowered my hand, shaking uncontrollably as I began to embrace the shocking reality that my new husband was actually Jordan Greens. The revelation made my legs vibrate involuntarily.

"Thalia, what happened?" Mrs. Haverford questioned, concern etched on her face. I turned my frozen face towards her.

"He is Jordan!" I exclaimed with a strange tone, letting out a mischievous, tearful chuckle.

"Of course, he is. What's wrong?" Mrs. Haverford asked, moving closer and gently removing my gown, leaving me standing there only clad in my delicate lace bra and matching panties. I could hear the sound of my heavy breathing.

"His father called my guardian," I explained, my voice filled with anxiety.

"Why?" Mrs. Haverford inquired, standing in front of me with my gown draped over her wrist and a towel in her other hand.

With my eyes staring into space, I let out a heavy sigh and spoke, "The Alpha of Alphas wants the marriage dissolved." As I considered how terribly I would be treated for reporting Alpha Benjamin to the main Alpha, even though I hadn't actually reported him, I knew no one would believe me.

"Don't worry, Orion would never allow that to happen," Mrs Haverford reassured me while attempting to remove my lace bra. Aware that Orion could walk into the closet at any moment, I stopped her and prevented her from continuing.

"I have been given an instruction, and I must obey. No one disobeys Alpha Benjamin. I'm going back White Fangs," I murmured with a tearful tone as I reached for my gown, but Mrs. Haverford quickly intercepted and removed my hand.

"Thalia, you need to bathe and get ready for dinner. You haven't eaten anything since you arrived," Mrs. Haverford remarked, once again trying to remove my lace bra. This time, I firmly held her hand, and our heads turned as Orion gracefully entered the room. Droplets of water glistened on his perfectly chiseled features. His unruly hair damped and tousled from his recent shower, framed his face in an irresistible manner. The fresh scent of his distinctive body wash lingered in the air, wrapping around my senses like a captivating melody.

Dressed in nothing but a towel around his waist, his well-defined physique was prominently displayed under the dim lighting in the closet. The fabric clung to his moist skin, accentuating his confidence and masculine energy.

As our eyes locked, I couldn't believe that I was standing before Jordan Greens, the Alpha Prince, my childhood sweetheart. No wonder his eyes made me feel weak.

Tears welled up in my eyes, causing my vision to blur. I noticed that Jordan's eyes also appeared teary, though he tried to hide it and maintain brave demeanor in front of me.

"He actually kept his promise," I thought to myself, my gaze fixed on him as he stood there.

Unknown to me, Mrs. Haverford had taken both my gown and the towel she had entered the closet with and left. Frantically, I looked around, desperately searching for something to cover myself, but found nothing. 

I spotted a white linen fabric on the sofa bed, swiftly grabbed it, and held it against my chest as I attempted to make my way out of the closet. The weight of my emotions was suffocating, making it difficult for me to breathe.

However, Jordan placed his hand on the wall, swiftly blocking my path as his gaze remained fixed on me. I tried to remove his hand with my free hand, but he pulled me violently into his arms instead. Tears streamed down my face uncontrollably.

"Jordan, please let me go," I whimpered, my voice barely audible as I struggled to break away from his grip. But he remained silent, his gaze fixed straight ahead. The warmth of his body enveloped me, and despite my initial struggle, I found myself yearning to stay in his arms forever.

After some time, I ceased my struggles and found a sense of calmness as his cold arms encircled my bare waist. Slowly, the fabric I had been holding against my chest fell to the ground, exposing my bare chest against his. The touch of our skins caused an overwhelming desire to surge through me, and I could sense that he felt the same based on the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest.

As a teenager, I would often daydream about the moment Jordan would come to the White Fangs Pack. In my fantasies, he would sweep me off my feet, marry me, and hold me tightly in his arms while we shared passionate nights and kisses together. I longed for the day to become a reality.

Finally, that day had arrived, but the thought of passionate lovemaking was now overshadowed by his identity as the Alpha Prince and a threat of harm due to Jordan's superior strength and specie. Despite this, I continued to relax in his presence, with a wave of emotions calming down, leaving only my longing to connect with him on a more intimate level. 

I pondered if even a simple kiss was allowed in this situation but I was so ashamed to ask him. With my head resting gently on Jordan's strong shoulder, I gripped his body tightly, feeling a mix of vulnerability and anxiety.

"The mere mention of the name 'Jordan' feels like an intoxicating elixir when it falls from your sweet lips," he whispered seductively into my ear, his hold on me growing stronger and more secure.

"Orion is a nice name, but Jordan is who you are," I murmured back, my body still at ease within his embrace.

"Rest assured, baby. I will instruct Jose Martins and all those who address me by my name to cease using that name now that you are here and safe with me," he reassured me tenderly.

 "What caused you to believe that I am Jordan now?" 

"Your father reached out to Alpha Benjamin, demanding the immediate dissolution of our marriage," I whispered, but Jordan did not say anything. After a while, he spoke.

"Tonight, we shall discuss everything at length. For now, why don't you freshen up and join me in the dining room?" he suggested, his lips grazing my ear. His soothing voice offered a sense of comfort, making me feel as though I was no longer alone in this vast world.