
The Alpha Prince's Forbidden Love

As my eyes remained locked into Jordan's, a sudden rush of memories flooded my mind, transporting me back to our innocent childhood days to the day Jordan told me that he would be the first and only man I would ever mate. Overcome with emotion, tears of both happiness and pain trickled down my ear as I held Jordan's head firmly. "Sweetheart, you know I love you, right?" Jordan whispered, his voice deep and sensual, breaking the cold silence that had enveloped the room. "I know and I love you more," I responded in a broken whisper. "I have fantasized about this moment for years. A moment you would look me in the eyes and tell me how much you love me as you deflower me," I said as tears continued streaming down my ear. I had always fantasized about a sweet moment with Jordan. A moment that was free of pain. I never knew it would be the sweetest and most painful experience I had ever experienced in my life. "My heart beats solely for you," Jordan's sensual voice lured me into a relaxed mood as he continued trying to penetrate me.  ________________ Jordan, the Alpha Prince, fell in love with Thalia, a common maid and a human who served in his wealthy family. What seemed like childhood affection blossomed into an unbreakable bond. The more the werewolf community tries to stop them, the more they uncover lots of buried secrets that make them realize that Thalia is not actually who they think she is. [Warning: Mature Content]

Kelsey_ · Ciudad
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114 Chs

Kayla's Threats

"Let's go home," I murmured after several minutes of silence. Jordan turned me around and pulled me tightly into his embrace, eliminating any space between us. A longing for his intense kiss surged through me, causing my lips to tingle uncontrollably.

Jordan firmly held my delicate face with his strong hand, while his other hand rested gently on my soft hip.

"Baby, I couldn't ask for anything more," Jordan breathed out, his narrowed eyes revealing a dangerous intensity. He pushed me against the door, pinning me in place, as his lips pressed urgently against mine. The fierce kiss ignited a wild passion within me, and I responded with equal fervor. The mixture of our breaths felt like the sweetest summer nights, full of forbidden desires.

Amidst the raw passion, Jordan's fingers traced the contours of my face, silently conveying his unwavering love for me. As his hand moved to cup the back of my head gently, I couldn't help but feel cherished and adored.