
The Alpha Prince's Forbidden Love

As my eyes remained locked into Jordan's, a sudden rush of memories flooded my mind, transporting me back to our innocent childhood days to the day Jordan told me that he would be the first and only man I would ever mate. Overcome with emotion, tears of both happiness and pain trickled down my ear as I held Jordan's head firmly. "Sweetheart, you know I love you, right?" Jordan whispered, his voice deep and sensual, breaking the cold silence that had enveloped the room. "I know and I love you more," I responded in a broken whisper. "I have fantasized about this moment for years. A moment you would look me in the eyes and tell me how much you love me as you deflower me," I said as tears continued streaming down my ear. I had always fantasized about a sweet moment with Jordan. A moment that was free of pain. I never knew it would be the sweetest and most painful experience I had ever experienced in my life. "My heart beats solely for you," Jordan's sensual voice lured me into a relaxed mood as he continued trying to penetrate me.  ________________ Jordan, the Alpha Prince, fell in love with Thalia, a common maid and a human who served in his wealthy family. What seemed like childhood affection blossomed into an unbreakable bond. The more the werewolf community tries to stop them, the more they uncover lots of buried secrets that make them realize that Thalia is not actually who they think she is. [Warning: Mature Content]

Kelsey_ · Ciudad
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114 Chs

Divorce Her

Jordan's Narrative

As the pilot soared into the sky, my gaze remained fixed below. Tonight was supposed to be the best night for me, as I intended to finally be myself again, a self I had not embraced since Thalia left the Lunar Palace.

Behind every lavish suite and courageous facade, lies Jordan Greens, a man who yearns to simply be himself, without the judgment of others deeming him strange. A man who longs to be referred to by his own name. A man who yearned the tender touch of the woman he truly loves for years. And just as I was close to the life I truly desired, duty called.

Thalia Damien was more than just a childhood sweetheart; she was the very essence that anchored my existence and the melody that synchronized with every beat of my heart.

 As my eyes remained fixated on the world below, a flood of memories washed over my mind, blurring the boundaries between past and present. The echoes of our innocent laughter resonated throughout my thoughts, while each touch and stolen glance I shared with Thalia, along with every promise whispered into her ear, remained indelibly etched into my soul. It was impossible for me to ignore the fact that I was hopelessly and irrevocably in love with Thalia Damien.

A few minutes later, the helicopter began its descent. As I embarked, I found myself surrounded by Alphas and their mates. Amongst them stood Kayla, a bright smile adorning her pretty face.

"Welcome, Your Savage Grace," Kayla greeted, her words filled with reverence as the Alphas and their mates bowed their heads in respect, acknowledging my presence. I scanned the crowd and with fierce determination, I led the way into the forest, the rest of the group following closely behind me.

As I stood atop one of the hills that surrounded the adoration ground, gazing down at Howling Haven, a profound quiet enveloped the area immediately they saw me. A sense of anticipation filled the air when we began to descend. 

I positioned myself in the heart of Howling Haven, while Kayla retrieved the Lunar Relic needed to initiate the purifying fire. It was a sacred duty only entrusted to her, Stan's mate, Luna Nadia, and Luna Maha. All those who attempted to retrieve the Lunar Relic in the past died instantly.

With her head bowed and her left knee on the ground, Kayla reverently presented the Lunar Relic. As soon as I made contact with it, a radiant flame ignited. The grand bonfire flickered and danced, casting an ethereal glow that illuminated our eager faces and purged all impurities from our beings, making us worthy of beholding the Goddess when she emerged.

As the moon slowly began to emerge over the horizon, the fire dwindled, mirroring its ascent. By the time the moon reached its zenith, the flames were extinguished, leaving a charged atmosphere in its wake, as the presence of the Goddess herself enveloped us.

"Let the transformation commence!" my voice echoed through the forest. Kayla and I remained still as we watched all the werewolves begin their metamorphosis. As soon as every member had completed their transformation, we followed suit.

With a unified, haunting howl that resonated like a chorus from the depths of hell, we expressed our gratitude for the benevolence and guidance bestowed upon us by the Goddess throughout the month.

"J-O-R-D-A-N-!" I heard the voice of the Goddess echo in my head, but only I could hear it.

"Supreme Mother!" I responded, keeping my head lowered as the howling of the wolves continued around me.

"I have given you everything! Great wealth! A strong mate! I'm sorry, but I cannot grant you this request" the Goddess's voice echoed in my head. 

With a heavy heart, I dropped my head even lower, allowing the waves of sadness to wash over me. My secret request, made in the depths of my heart, had been rejected for the hundredth time.

"She is cursed! Divorce her! Don't ever mate her! Remember the eighth commandment." 

The Goddess's voice echoed once more. In my wolf form, I shed inner tears while maintaining a stoic exterior.

"I accepted your adoration" the voice of the Goddess resonated once again. This time, all the wolves heard it, causing silence to fall over the area. After some seconds, howls of excitement filled the entire ground, but I was the only one who remained profoundly sad. Looking at the moon wishing she could see my heart and grant me just one request I had been asking her since I turned eighteen. 

We still had seven more tasks to complete before the moon disappeared, but I couldn't continue. Fortunately, I caught sight of Stan Morgan and his mate, slowly descending the hills in their wolf forms.

"Stan, I need to go home," I conveyed through our telepathic connection.

"Go," he replied using the same means. Swiftly, I advanced and ascended the hills, my sorrow evident in my every movement.

Alpha Alex and Russell Morgan had small bungalows hidden within the dense forest. The Betas would open and clean them during the full moon festival, allowing the Alphas to change privately without the wolves witnessing their transformation back into human form. As I rushed into the house, I made a beeline for my room and began the process of reverting back to my human form.

I stood still, gazed around the room, and was captivated by the beautiful arrangement of red roses on the bed. The soft, flickering candlelight filled the space with a magical atmosphere, enhanced by the soothing scent of sandalwood that permeated the air.

In a hurry to leave, I hastily picked up my denim jeans from the bed and began putting them on. Just as I was about to fasten my belt, Kayla entered the room, completely naked. Her pheromones filled the room. However, my attention was solely focused on the belt in my hands.

She tried to capture my attention by running her hands along my bare chest, but I gently removed her hand, not fully engaging with her advances.

"Your Grace, I am your mate," she chuckled, running her palm across my chest once more. This time, I did not push her away.

"I decorated this room so we could partake in the mating ball tonight," Kayla whimpered seductively.

"Kayla, I need to go home," I calmly stated while buttoning my shirt.

"I heard you hired a new maid."

"Heard from who?" I inquired nonchalantly.

"My friends who attended your birthday party yesterday," Kayla responded, took my hand, and guided it to her breast. I pulled my hand from her grip and started walking towards the door.

"Your Grace," Kayla called out, causing me to halt.

"I know you are a doctor and have seen naked women plenty of times. But am I not different? Do you see me the same way you see other women?" Kayla asked, her voice filled with longing.

"When you discovered that I was your mate, what did I tell you?" I asked, gazing into her eyes.

"That the cursed human stole your heart?"

"Good, and you do understand the mate bond works with our hearts, right?"


"I don't have a heart. It was stolen sixteen years ago and our bond could develop on a heartless body."

" Your Grace, Thalia is nothing but a shameless whore. Have you forgotten how she was caught kissing a boy in the basement of Lunar Palace? A girl who lost her virginity at the age of thirteen, is that the kind of girl you want to be with? She is a cursed human! The two of you cannot be together!"

"I have heard you," I replied and turned to leave, my frustration evident in my determined strides.

"Your Grace," Kayla called out once more, her voice filled with excitement. "Thalia is married. Didn't Rachel tell you?" Kayla asked, a smile spreading across her face.

"She is now happily married to Jose Martins," she added. "I'm sure she's in their bedroom, fulfilling her wifely duties to her new husband."

I turned towards Kayla, my eyes filled with anger as I took slow, deliberate steps towards her. "Why did you post her pictures online and solicit men to marry her?" I demanded. "Did Lia ever tell you that she needs a husband?"

"At the age of twenty-three?! Isn't she too old?!" Kayla sneered.

"How old are you?!" I asked, my eyes narrowed. 

"We are getting married next month. Besides, as long as Thalia remained unmarried, you would never even glance in my direction the way I want. You'll keep lusting after her even when you know you can't have her! Now that she's out of the way, can we join the mating ball?" Kayla moved closer to me, attempting to kiss my lips. I gently stopped her, holding her back.

"You called a sixty-nine-year-old Jose Martins, and convinced him to marry a twenty-three-year-old Thalia, why?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"All the people I sent her pictures to said she is too dirty and ugly for their liking!"

"Kayla, what is wrong with you?" I asked, my gaze narrowed.

 "You once told me that you would marry Thalia as soon as you came back to settle permanently in Stockholm!" Kayla replied.

"The last time I checked, our culture and religion did not prohibit me from marrying more than one wife," I stated, crossing my arms.

"I know," Kayla replied.

"Then why did you do it?" I questioned, leaning forward with a stern expression on my face.

"I wanted to outsmart you. I'm glad I did. Thalia is happily married to Jose," she added with a wild chuckle. "Your Grace, I want to be the only woman in your life."

"You are clever, aren't you?" I asked with my arms still folded across my chest. 

"You disrespect me each time you even mention her name. Thalia is a dirty slave! A weak and cursed human! Your father wants the marriage dissolved but I stood my ground! Thalia is not coming back to White Fangs!" 

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