
Too good to be true

~Daliah's POV~

As we rushed out into the dusk, everyone was on high alert. Even Fallon grew restless with how easy this all seemed. We all walked quickly and in a group, the old and young were safely tucked into the middle. All of those who could protect them looked out on all sides. It made me proud to see even in the state we all were, we were ready to do what it takes to survive.

We moved along the wall at first, using the fact it had little to no windows on it. Then as we rounded the corner of the building my heart dropped as I saw the one we definitely did not want to see, Trista and what looked like an army in front of her. I threw my hand up, stopping them before the could get too close. Slowly they all backed away, but with my eyes still locked on her so did I. With Fallon's help I listened closer to what she was saying.

"Today my friends, today we take out those pesky Alphas. For once they have all gathered under one roof. Ha," she croaked out a sinister laugh. "If only they had known that I was waiting for this day, so many countless years. Today I finally rid the world of those stupid dogs!" She laughed and the crowd cheered at her in murderous delight.

My stomach churned at the thought of the packs being attacked and left with out their leaders. I finally turned around to see we had stopped. Two rouges stood in our way. I felt Fallon surface, taking us hurdling around the group and jumping on the closest one ripping his neck open with our claws. The other took a couple steps back, causing us to miss him on our landing. He growled sounding almost like a rabid animal, not wanting to cause too much of a scene we used our stealth to come from behind and leave him like his friend.

Panting, I looked at the group and the mix of awe and shock on their faces was just enough for me to snap out of it and think logically. I looked around finding the tree line and motioning them all to go for it letting them know they should find a river soon. Even if we were any where there was only one river that flowed through this area no matter which way they took it would take them to the pack lands eventually. As if one they all ran for it, I could see Carine lifting her sister onto her back and bolting as fast as she could.

"What are you thinking?" Fallon said the worry thick on her voice.

"Their getting away, their going to be safe. We should stay and fight." I said barely feeling the courage to stay.

"No, we should get back to our mate and protect the pack." she said forcefully.

"Why can't we do both?" I asked scanning the area, the only thing I could see that could be of use was the huge black SUV. "What if?" I asked her knowing it wasn't a bad idea.

"Your, crazzy" she drug out the second word a little. "I like it! Lets do it." she said giggling.

Once the group had fully made it to the cover of the trees we snuck over to the SUV and jumped in the surprisingly unlocked door. I guess they knew their base was safe enough, we laughed at the thought. After finding the keys in the visor I slowly slipped them into the slot. I hopped out the still open door, and tore the bottom of my shirt off and slid the fabric into the gas tank. Turning back to the car I searched for a lighter but was only able to find matches. It'll have to do!

With Fallon's help we slowly turned the car into place and got ready. I ran to the back of the car and tried to light the matches. Finally on the second to last one I was finally able to get the fabric to light. Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t was all I thought as I ran back to the drivers seat turned the car on and shoving the gas petal down so hard it stuck into the metal. The car took off in the direction of Trista, and as it did I took off in the other direction. I had just slipped into the cover of the trees when I heard the commotion.

I turned to see Trista was holding the speeding car with he one hand extended as the rouges tried to come around the other side to stop it. Slowly they encircled the car. Stupid, was all I thought as the fire finally reached the gas in the tank, causing an expulsion, sending car parts flying in all directions. Her eyes met mine as I was turning away from the scene. I saw the group still waiting for me just up ahead. I jogged up to them, that expression still plastered on their faces.

"We should really get out of here!" I whispered to them gesturing to go deeper in the woods.

We ran until we couldn't any longer, I thought Trista would have come for us by now. I couldn't shake the feeling that this was most definitely not over, not by a long shot. Finally we came across a stream, we took a moment to wash up as best as we could, the water was freezing but it was just what we needed to keep going. Following the stream we came across the human town Mel's shop was at! Finally I knew we were close to home. If we jumped along the stream I would finally be home! Something told me not to, something wasn't right. We were close enough that I could link with them, but I was scared to.

"Lets go to Mel's? Or even Sara's?" Fallon asked feeling just as I was.

"Not a bad idea, but how do we get through the town square?" I said looking down at my torn and dirty clothes.

I looked back at the group, all of us wearing the same style of prisoner jump suits. one of the guys had a relatively clean shirt, that could possibly work.

"Um, do you mind if I borrow your shirt?" I asked awkwardly.

"No, of course not alpha, here." He said taking it off quickly. I nodded a thanks and slipped it over my clothes.

With a deep breath I ran across the square not too fast but fast enough for a human to run. Bolting into Mel's shop, accidentally breaking the lock on the door on the way in. I'll pay her back, I thought making a mental note to be dealt with later. It smelt as if no one had been back, my heart sank. What if they were taken too and I had left them? I throat chocked up, I shook my head trying to think rationally. Scanning the room I found an old house phone she must have used for the store.

I quickly dialed the only number I ever really remembered and it rang so painfully slowly.

"Hello?" the hushed voice said on the other side.

"Mom?" I whispered back, "Mom where are you?" I asked trying to keep the panic down in my voice.

"Dali?!" she exclaimed and quickly regained her composure. "Dali, where are you? Are you hurt?" I could hear her voice trembling.

"I made it back to Mel's shop. Something feels off around the pack boarders." I said taking a look out the stores front windows.

"Your not wrong, even with out my wolf I feel it too. There must be some sort of barrier, that must be how she was watching us." I could hear the sorrow in her voice and it killed me.

"Where is Finn?" I asked, scared to hear any bad news.

"He is here, he is safe. They are planning something, both sides." her voice quaked one time and then a small laugh escaped her. "I guess you wouldn't need to link him for him to know you called." there was a slight muffle on the phone and then a new voice took over.

"Dali?! Where are you?" Finn's voice broke, "why didn't you call me?" I could hear the pain in his voice.

"Um, well.. I don't remember your number.. Ha..." I said awkwardly. "Listen I think if we work together we can locate the symbols and take down the barrier." I was determined to get home and he could tell.

"Okay, how are you going to do a whole half of the pack land?" he seemed unsure.

"I'm not alone, I have help." I said getting antsy," We'll take to East and South, you take North and West. Meet you at home soon." I said hearing his huff as an answer and hanging up the phone.

Running back over to the group, I let them know the plan. We would all spread out so far from one another and slowly all meet up at the south end. I gave the one wolf back his shirt and we all set off. It took about an hour but we were able to locate a few of the symbols and bags and knock them out of place, weakening the barrier. When the last of us finally met at the south point, it wasn't long until I felt it completely slip away. We entered the pack lands and my link exploded with chatter.

A couple of voices rang out louder than others and I ran right for them. The group followed in a tight formation still wary of their surroundings. A few minutes of running as fast as I could with our losing them we were coming up on the pack house. That's when I saw him, he came barreling down the stairs and stopping not to sure if those behind me were friend or foe. Most of them slowed as they saw him standing there radiating his alpha energy, I was happy to say it no longer bothered me but instead felt like home.

He opened his arms and I jumped on to him. Nuzzling my head over his mate mark I felt so relieved, and I could tell he felt the same. We stood there for a moment before I came back to my senses. I turned him to the group.

"These are my new friends, they helped me escape." I smiled at them all.

"I am sorry Alpha, but it was you who helped us all escape... You even blew up their meeting." Carine said in a small voice amongst the group. They all chimed in agreeance with her.

"You blew up their what?" Finn said looking down at me, all I could do was smile big. "So that's why we were able to get the pack out so easily." he laughed and smirked at me.

"These wolves need asylum Finn, can they.." I asked knowing he wouldn't turn them down, but he hesitated.

"How well do you know these wolves Dali?" he looked at them suspiciously.

"You can't be serious right now?" I backed away from him, putting myself in the middle.

He looked surprised and then sighed. He looked like he was about to say something when one of the older wolves came forward.

"If it is for the safety of our alpha and future pack, what is one more night in a cell." They offered their hands one by one.

"No, this is wrong!" I yelled as Finn took them away.

"You'll understand once you've seen what we have tonight." the shadow that took over his face gave me a chill.

"What happened tonight?" I asked not really sure I wanted the answer.

"Well it seems there was a reason the witch was taking wolves." he shook his head turning to go back inside. "She figured out how to change us." he looked back and offered me his hand. I took it and followed him inside.

"I remember hearing one of the guards at their compound say something." shuddering I remembered the men and their cruel laugh.

"She.. she truly is a monster." he said not wanting to continue the conversation. The images of people changing from normal to their eyes glowing red flashed in my head and I knew it had to of been one of his memories.

"We will figure this out. I promise." the anger came pouring out of me as I thought of her hurting my pack.

He led me into the pack house, it seemed so off with its usual murmur of wolves gone. We headed directly to the meeting room, only a faint whisper could be heard from the outside. With a little squeeze of my hand he opened the door and we entered.

The bright light was blinding but the smell was something I recognized. Trying to move my arms and legs but shortly realized they were bound to what felt like a chair.

"Your little stunt really put a wrench in my plans you stupid mutt." the voice was so painfully familiar. As my eyes adjusted to the surroundings I realized exactly where I was.

"Trista.." was all I could say as I finally landed on her face. Half of her body was riddled with cuts and bruises. How much of that was actually real?

"You stupid little mutt. Its time for the next piece." the smile on her face was both sinister and almost as if she was experiencing pure joy at the same time.

She grabbed a small scalpel and closed in with that terrible smile.